I really hope that post is NOT to the point.
If all we're discussing is aesthetics (monochromatic vs. being "rainbowy"), then this thread is a complete waste of time.
I think most agree that W10M does fix many of WP's perceived aesthetical problems (text not fitting on screen, too bland, etc). Some will maintain MS screwed up as much as it fixed (circles for people, round toggle buttons that seem completely out of place, etc), but that is ultimately all subjective and superficial.
I really hope this thread is not about such superficial issues, but about the areas W10M's UI falls on its face functionally, i.e. in terms of one handed usability, consistency, discoverability, legibility, etc
In most of those areas W10M does worse than WP. IMHO the main redeeming UI factor W10M can present in that area is familiarity to iOS and Android users.
Seeing where "we stand now" (we as Win Mobile), i think its to the point. Functionality & Aesthetics. Otherwise why they came back with start button on W10 desktop? Its about the common experience.
I have repeated my self numerous of times - dock icons for mobile is like start button on desktop. This is the standard for the mainstream. And can you give me one rational benefit of that long list of apps in a drawer instead of grid? Empty, non-used space on a right side...
I said...if they want only niche segment from the market they can continue this way. And just in case, instead of asking us (WP fans) whats wrong and how to improve it, they can go to Android and iOS forums and ask there. Cuz they need them....