- Oct 13, 2013
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No, they really actually don't care. 1.5 billion androids and iPhones vs 50 million Windows phones. Why on earth would they care? There are only 50 million Windows phone users against a billion iOS and Android users. It may seem like saying sabotage but BlackBerry is not getting love from Google either. Neither is Jolla or anyone else they are too small.I don't believe that's true at all. I believe it os completely intentional. They know what they're doing and the money lost. It is being done to kill WP growth. When wp8 was first released most people where invested I Google's services such as Gmail, drive and calender. So not being able to use these was enough to make many who wanted to try WP reconsider. It almost did with me and was definently a strong factor towards making my decision one way or the other. In the end I took a chance and went with the os I liked, WP. And have been very happy, but for many it was too much of a risk. If you remember Google's services at first synched perfect because they were using the standard protocols. They switched to their own unique ones in am attempt to kill WP when the 920 was released. Eventually they backed off and gave ms time to male their phones work to Google's proprietary version. Their was no reason for google to choose a proprietary way of synching at the time, it actually would make their services less functional other than to try and stifle a competitor. They are doing the same thing now. They don't do it to apple because apple fans are unlikely to transition to android so they would lose money with no benefit as apple people are entrenched I apple services. And if they do tramsition it is because of cheaper android devices. WP is a more direct competer in that it could replace Google's services with its own and the devices are in all the same price points. But for WP phone to get many new customers they would have to make it an easy transition and Google's denial of services makes that a bigger stumbling block which helps them retain business and profits more then they would lose from advertising revenue in WP.