My hypothesis why WP doesnt have that many apps

I don't believe that's true at all. I believe it os completely intentional. They know what they're doing and the money lost. It is being done to kill WP growth. When wp8 was first released most people where invested I Google's services such as Gmail, drive and calender. So not being able to use these was enough to make many who wanted to try WP reconsider. It almost did with me and was definently a strong factor towards making my decision one way or the other. In the end I took a chance and went with the os I liked, WP. And have been very happy, but for many it was too much of a risk. If you remember Google's services at first synched perfect because they were using the standard protocols. They switched to their own unique ones in am attempt to kill WP when the 920 was released. Eventually they backed off and gave ms time to male their phones work to Google's proprietary version. Their was no reason for google to choose a proprietary way of synching at the time, it actually would make their services less functional other than to try and stifle a competitor. They are doing the same thing now. They don't do it to apple because apple fans are unlikely to transition to android so they would lose money with no benefit as apple people are entrenched I apple services. And if they do tramsition it is because of cheaper android devices. WP is a more direct competer in that it could replace Google's services with its own and the devices are in all the same price points. But for WP phone to get many new customers they would have to make it an easy transition and Google's denial of services makes that a bigger stumbling block which helps them retain business and profits more then they would lose from advertising revenue in WP.
No, they really actually don't care. 1.5 billion androids and iPhones vs 50 million Windows phones. Why on earth would they care? There are only 50 million Windows phone users against a billion iOS and Android users. It may seem like saying sabotage but BlackBerry is not getting love from Google either. Neither is Jolla or anyone else they are too small.
Why on earth would they care?.

Read and understand the discussion on last page and you'll know, not to mention that it would be absolutely reckless not to care about what a competitor the size of MS is doing with WP. The best time to care is while WP is small. Afterwards it could be too late. Capitalism 101...
Read and understand the discussion on last page and you'll know, not to mention that it would be absolutely reckless not to care about what a competitor the size of MS is doing with WP. The best time to care is while WP is small. Afterwards it could be too late. Capitalism 101...
in a way Microsoft are directly competing against Google. Bing vs Google search. Bing maps vs Google maps. Xbox music vs play music. Xbox live vs play games. Play movies vs Xbox video . Google docs vs office. OneDrive vs Google drive. But what really is the main problem is that Microsoft is using Bing search and ads against Google. They are competing directly to Google's bread and butter. What they get the most money from. Have you noticed that in some Windows phones, the search engine in IE is limited to only bing. When you go on Google it persuades you to use Bing. And the search button can only be linked to Bing (unless you are in Russia where it just goes to Google) why doesn't the search button have an option to link to Google. In iOS you have an option to pick what spotlight searches with and the browser too. But on Windows phone, it's very very limited. Haven't. You guys noticed that?
Of course we've noticed. I just don't know what your point is. Google released Google docs and Google web apps, which are frontal attacks on one of MS' biggest bread winners, Office. If Chrome OS ever catches on, that too would be a huge threat to Windows and an existential threat to MS in the consumer space. As a result, MS is now kicking Chrome OS just as much as Google is kicking WP. Both companies are going after each others revenue streams. Both have no choice but to care about each others products and services...
Of course we've noticed. I just don't know what your point is. Google released Google docs and Google web apps, which are frontal attacks on one of MS' biggest bread winners, Office. If Chrome OS ever catches on, that too would be a huge threat to Windows and an existential threat to MS in the consumer space. As a result, MS is now kicking Chrome OS just as much as Google is kicking WP. Both companies are going after each others revenue streams. Both have no choice but to care about each others products and services...
But Microsoft isn't picking chrome OS. Microsoft released office online already. What is the point of Google docs now? What I am saying is that there is a reason why Apple always gets support from big companies in the end. Despite their market share. You've sent forced to use a search engine. You aren't forced into using Google search in Google's platforms. But you are forced or heavily influenced to use Bing a lot when it comes to Microsoft. Why are search functions being limited to only bing on Microsoft platforms.
It may sound stupid but it makes sense., ONLY Microsoft are doing they are not Google apps on their platforms
Why are search functions being limited to only bing on Microsoft platforms.

Is it not obvious by now? For the same reasons Google is not providing their services on WP. It goes both ways.

Google does what they can to discourage WP, Windows, Office and usage while MS does what they can to discourage Google search, Chrome and Android usage. That's each company's "stick" tactic, while each also builds more carrots.

There are plenty of documents on the web describing how MS is fighting against Chrome OS, should you not be willing to believe that is actually happening.
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Is it not obvious by now? For the same reasons Google is not providing their services on WP. It goes both ways.

Google does what they can to discourage WP, Windows, Office and usage while MS does what they can to discourage Google search, Chrome and Android usage. That's each company's "stick" tactic, while each also builds more carrots.

There are plenty of documents on the web describing how MS is fighting against Chrome OS, should you not be willing to believe that is actually happening.
Microsoft are destined to lose then. The majority of People just don't like bing. Simple as that. They like Google. Might as well cancel windows phone and tiles. Nowadays it's no Google, no buy. Seriously.
Microsoft are destined to lose then. The majority of People just don't like bing. Simple as that. They like Google. Might as well cancel windows phone and tiles. Nowadays it's no Google, no buy. Seriously.

I think you're right that many of us on sites like this prefer Google search (as do I). However, I think the fact that iOS8 uses Bing by default, and that only a very small minority switch back to Google, shows the majority couldn't care less. Many iPhone users aren't even aware that Bing is their search provider. I think that is pretty clear evidence that the situation with Bing is not as dire as you make it out to be. Make it easy to use Bing on a mobil device, and the overwhelming majority will be happy to use it.
I use google search out of habit - years of habit. I never liked the name "Bing" so always avoided it.
However, I think the fact that iOS8 uses Bing by default, and that only a very small minority switch back to Google, shows the majority couldn't care less.

That's probably correct; most iPhone users probably don't know, and wouldn't care if they did know. Isn't the main reason Apple switched to Bing search because of their (Apple's) competition with Google? Not that Apple likes Microsoft either, but the rivalry with Microsoft probably isn't as intense at the moment.

Not too many people, including Microsoft's fans, thinks that Bing search is better than Google, and I doubt whether Apple thinks so either. But Bing gets the job done for the most part.

On another subject, I am curious about iOS using Bing outside of the US. Does the quality suffer like it does using Bing straight up?
On another subject, I am curious about iOS using Bing outside of the US. Does the quality suffer like it does using Bing straight up?

You'd have to ask an iPhone user. Despite living in a country with one of the highest rates of iPhone ownership, I haven't used one in over two years.

However, I'd be flabbergasted if Bing on the iPhone didn't suffer in international markets in the same way. I'd have to see proof before believing it's better than using Bing straight up. My fianc?e does most of her web searching in German and for that reason alone she very much prefers Google. There's also no denying that in international markets, the rate of people consciously switching back to Google is higher than in North America. I just don't know how much higher. I'm also not sure if the same can be said for Britain or Australia.
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You'd have to ask an iPhone user. Despite living in a country with one of the highest rates of iPhone ownership, I haven't used one in over two years.

However, I'd be flabbergasted if Bing on the iPhone didn't suffer in international markets in the same way. I'd have to see proof before believing it's better than using Bing straight up. My fianc?e does most of her web searching in German and for that reason alone she very much prefers Google. There's also no denying that in international markets, the rate of people consciously switching back to Google is higher than in North America. I just don't know how much higher. I'm also not sure if the same can be said for England or Australia.

You mean Britain / the UK.
I think you're right that many of us on sites like this prefer Google search (as do I). However, I think the fact that iOS8 uses Bing by default, and that only a very small minority switch back to Google, shows the majority couldn't care less. Many iPhone users aren't even aware that Bing is their search provider. I think that is pretty clear evidence that the situation with Bing is not as dire as you make it out to be. Make it easy to use Bing on a mobil device, and the overwhelming majority will be happy to use it.
It uses a Bing engine for spotlight search however any time you search the web it defaults to Google. It doesn't even tell you that it uses bing

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