The reason why smart people like me wont take windows updates is because 95% of the time it mess up everything. After Win 3.11 there is no occasion whatsoever that windows update wouldn't mess up something.
When it comes to smartphones, situation has been total mess for more than a decade.
The only one which worked was iMate with CE mobile windows (same as O2). Everything worked well, it was syncing with MS office seamlessly, never failed. After that, phone network was updated and this came obsolite. DAMN! There went the only one which worked! Since then I played with Lemon iPhones and virtually have tried every phone there is. iPhone blow my fuse when I couldn't transfer pictures from camera to PC anymore (they deliberately made this impossible in order to sell their cloud services) and then I went back to Nokia. Unfortunately with MS OS, which is not compatible with other MS products. This has been MS problem before, their own products are not working together as well as 3rd party ones or free ones.
I hope someone (Jolla?) would make just ONE MOBILE PHONE WHICH WOULD WORK! I don't give a damn how many megapixels it has or any other toys you don't need, just strip all crap off it, focus on work use and make sure those functions work! I will buy it straight away or few of them just in case it will be ruin or pulled out from markets.