MyFitnessPal no longer supporting Windows Phone?

I wondered about that when I reset my phone last week and MFP wouldn't show up in the store search. I was able to install it from my store library and it was working as recently as Thursday but I had vacation Friday through Monday and didn't track so I haven't used it for a few days.

I also got an email this weekend saying Amazon was no longer supporting a Windows app.
I've stopped using MFP. I'm only using FatSecret. Even though their app isn't as updated as iOS and Android, it still functions. Give Fat Secret a shot.

Like you I switched to FatSecret when MFP stopped working. However the app is not as functional as MFP was. Aside from the barcode scanning and water consumption settings it also doesn't sync with Microsoft Health and my Band 2 (which MFP did), FatSecret does not add calories back to your daily total from exercise, nor does it keep track of how many calories you have left it simply shows you how many you've used. Yes I can do the math myself, and yes its the best option left to us, but its still not what MFP was.
Like you I switched to FatSecret when MFP stopped working. However the app is not as functional as MFP was. Aside from the barcode scanning and water consumption settings it also doesn't sync with Microsoft Health and my Band 2 (which MFP did), FatSecret does not add calories back to your daily total from exercise, nor does it keep track of how many calories you have left it simply shows you how many you've used. Yes I can do the math myself, and yes its the best option left to us, but its still not what MFP was.

Yeah I'm aware of the shortcomings. I have an ipod touch that I use for the bar code scanning. I have noticed the exercise tracking doesn't add the calories back in.

Since they've admitted our app isn't up to date like ios and android, this is our time to really bombard FS to bring our app up to par with the other platforms.
I noticed that today too!
That was the final straw. I just pre-ordered the Samsung Note7. I just can't deal with the App gap getting larger and larger. Amazon and Amtrak pulled the plug on their apps this week, both of which I use a lot. And don't tell me to use the website. Most are garbage, such as Amtrak's mess. I love the GUI of Windows but without 1st party app support we have to use third party options, which for the most part work but that's no way to live in today's world. Sorry. It's been real Windows. (btw, I started with an HTC Titan 7 and been with Windows until today.):cry:
I'm close to the same, since my CU decided to require the AU build for their new UWP app. I talked to them, and they cited some security fixes, for requiring a phone with the AU.
This is going to mean either buying a new phone for my daughter, or hacking the 1020, to see if it runs AU okay.

I'm looking at the 6P, which means I could choose to go with FI, eventually, and solve my WiFi calling issue, a big deal for me in the winter.

I also noticed my little Bluetooth tracker/camera gadget quit working after the AU too, and the app is no longer in the store either, the Mynt app.

No one would accuse me of being a "heavy" app user, in fact most would consider me ridiculously light, I think, but a few are needed, or why have a "smartphone", if you have to start going to the bank again to deposit checks, and more...
I was a late comer to the Windows Phone. I actually had the Windows Blackjack and liked it until I played with a iPhone 3G, I was quickly drawn to the iPhone touch screen icon world. I then moved to the iPhone 4S and then I thought I try the Galaxy S5. Then I finally got a Lumia 520 because it literally was $30 on the AT&T network. Then 7 months later I got the 640 for $40.

I hate seeing the few good apps leaving the Windows platform. I dread going back to my Galaxy S5, I have used it from time to time, but love the features that Windows Phone has especially like some of the new features of Windows 10 like being able to access the flashlight from the lock screen and outlook calendar and there are a number of other enhancements. But now Amazon and MyfitnessPal really are making me worried that I may have to give up.

MFP is still working on my phone. I can log my weight and add my meals and scan foods still. I really wish they would make it possible to side load Android apps.
A Win10 app of what?

Anyways, yeah, I'm a long time Win Phone guy, from the very first phones.
I can live with minimal apps, no problem, but I'm not sure I can live with no apps.

There's also the stability of-late, ever since the AU, the releases seem to get worse and worse, it almost seems like they've stopped even core-testing, such as Bluetooth, but it's hard to say.

I'm hanging on for now anyway, curious about what the Nexus 6P predecessor will be, and thinking about options. I really want a non-carrier-branded phone, but want to have WiFi calling, for a winter scenario I have a lot (no cell, but strong WiFi), so I may change OS and carriers, who knows (I've been with AT&T for a long time, but I think they're falling behind the times now, despite having good coverage).
I really dislike Verizon, like TMobile a lot, but their coverage is terrible in WA state, and surrounding, so who knows. I'm looking seriously at Fi, it's an excellent way to have pretty much all the carriers, and WiFi call/text, but obviously limited in other ways.
I really wish MS had done something similar to Fi, I thought they were going to, before things sort of imploded in terms of their mobile world...
.....or why have a "smartphone", if you have to start going to the bank again to deposit checks, and more...

In all seriousness, what's with all the "depositing checks" talk. Small business you run out of your home? Work for a small company that doesn't offer direct deposit?

MFP is still working on my phone. I can log my weight and add my meals and scan foods still.

What do you mean scan your food?
In all seriousness, what's with all the "depositing checks" talk. Small business you run out of your home? Work for a small company that doesn't offer direct deposit?

No, stupid stuff, like my Mom (older, doesn't want to have a Paypal account and such), wants stuff of eBay, odd little things, and keeps stepping it up, so I'm her "clearing house".
I try to tell her not to send me anything, or if she must, save them up, but she literally sends me checks for every little thing, and pesters me, endlessly (she still manually balances their checkbooks) until I deposit them. The banking app has made my life soooo much easier in the past couple of years.

Then I got a refund check from my insurance the other day, stuff, like that, here and there. My CU closed it's nearby branch, so it's a pain to actually deposit them, but their app works great, takes maybe 10 seconds to deposit, how awesome is that.

They also have a couple of other features that are much simpler with the app, so I use it more than I'll admit, being a self-proclaimed-low-use-app-guy, for the most part ;-]

I use the AT&T location app too, when I have signal problems, it's remarkably handy, but mostly broken in the current build, and they say they're not going to fix it, anytime soon (completely different issue, I suppose, but irritating, nonetheless).

Oh yeah, my Bluetooth phone/keychain finder app, that's a HUGE bummer, not that I really lose either very often, but it's really nice to find the other, if/when I misplace them. That one appears to be gone period, so it's pretty much a paper-weight now.

I think I have about 15-20 apps, between my IoT stuff and all, but most of them don't have good browser replacements, so when they're gone, well...

I feel pretty petty though, when I see people using an app to keep track of diabetic calorie margins and the like though, that's obviously a real "life/death" deal, and has got to be rough to start over, and hope your new solution is stable....
I noticed that today too!
That was the final straw. I just pre-ordered the Samsung Note7.
Yeah I've been with Windows since the Nokia Lumia 710. My company made me move to Verizon so I'm now on the Moto Z Force. Still prefer the Windows OS, but at least now I have all the apps back I've been loosing over the last few years.

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