I have updated my PC, TABLET, Phone to: 14393.51 (pc & tablet); 14393.67 (phone)
But! last night I tried to update one of my notebooks:
> Ran the Windows pre-diagnostics: came back saying I needed another 5GB on my SSD (C:\ Drive); check with Windows.com/support page and it recommended (among other things; which I did also), to delete the downloads. I just moved them to D:\ Drive.
> Hit: Try Again; the download went fine..no hangs.
> After download was complete; went through the "Let's get started" ritual.
> Computer made its way to my Sign in Screen (Great!); I signed in (Great!); I noticed that my Bluetooth mouse was working, all one its own - this hasn't happen since I installed Widows 10 in July 2015, without having to removing the device, rediscovering it and, re-Pair - every time the computer sat for a period of inactivity (MAJOR Great!).
> ALL, seem fantastic; started Netflix, and watched about 15mins of a show; THEN it began: Netflix buffering red circle appeared (no big deal); stayed there for too long (concern, for my other devices: PC & Tablet, had the same lockup issue earlier that day - and the only way to break the lock was to: Hard re-Start (power down) the PC; and, Soft restart the Tablet - so, I did a Power Down on the notebook (mouse moved, but could not activate a function).
> Had to do this repeatedly, for I kept getting the same result; now after a couple of mins the computer goes into a state of "NO response".
> Any suggestion for a Fix would be "greatly" appreciated.
But! last night I tried to update one of my notebooks:
> Ran the Windows pre-diagnostics: came back saying I needed another 5GB on my SSD (C:\ Drive); check with Windows.com/support page and it recommended (among other things; which I did also), to delete the downloads. I just moved them to D:\ Drive.
> Hit: Try Again; the download went fine..no hangs.
> After download was complete; went through the "Let's get started" ritual.
> Computer made its way to my Sign in Screen (Great!); I signed in (Great!); I noticed that my Bluetooth mouse was working, all one its own - this hasn't happen since I installed Widows 10 in July 2015, without having to removing the device, rediscovering it and, re-Pair - every time the computer sat for a period of inactivity (MAJOR Great!).
> ALL, seem fantastic; started Netflix, and watched about 15mins of a show; THEN it began: Netflix buffering red circle appeared (no big deal); stayed there for too long (concern, for my other devices: PC & Tablet, had the same lockup issue earlier that day - and the only way to break the lock was to: Hard re-Start (power down) the PC; and, Soft restart the Tablet - so, I did a Power Down on the notebook (mouse moved, but could not activate a function).
> Had to do this repeatedly, for I kept getting the same result; now after a couple of mins the computer goes into a state of "NO response".
> Any suggestion for a Fix would be "greatly" appreciated.