Good. 92x devices don't need it.
I still find it amazing that people say things like "920s don't need this". We don't need smartphones, period, but we still get them for some reason. We don't need cameras on our phones, but for some reason they're there. We definitely don't need facebook, twitter, texting, email, and games on our phones, but it's there. The whole point of these phones are to be tools to make our lives easier, and if smaller tiles make some people's lives easier, why dog it?
I was super excited about this possibility as some of my small tiles take up too much real estate as is (settings, for example). I totally understand the arguments that it would look cluttered, and those are very valid. But settings never shows any 'live' data, so I don't need it to take up as much room as my email tile that will show me number of new messages. It could be equally argued that the WP8 small tiles make things too cluttered, so why not go back to WP7 when we just had two tiles per row, and maybe the occasional double-wide? Heck, why not just one tile per row like the Kirk's Nokia in Star Trek 09 had??
But don't just say "it's not needed" just because you don't want it. If you don't want it, that's fine, but your desire is just as valid as the person who does want it.