No Premium WP8 phones?


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Oct 2, 2012
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I actually like the 920s weight a lot. I can't stand fe. Samsung Galaxy S3/4 that are so big yet so light. They feel as toys as a phone can barely feel. I do agree though that 920 has big dimensions for the screen size and that the space could've perhaps used better for a tad better screen, but that's a minor thing for me.


Mar 29, 2013
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Re: Not sure if

Not sure if trolling or one of the most ignorant people I have ever seen. Hardware wise the only phone that is more up to date is the nexus 4. Although that lacks 4G. I guess the iphone 5 is maybe slightly ahead in processor although lacks nfc. The htc 8x will have the best audio experience of any phone period. This is thanks to a built in amp (which causes the extra width). The 920 is extremely advanced in its camera and screen. In my opinion it is the most advanced in both these categories and the only phone that i know of with wireless charging. The price for this is due to heavy subsidies as it is an exclusive phone. The ativ s is actually an exact equivalent of the s3 spec wise (American version anyway). Not to mention thin + light does not say premium to me. I prefer a better looking phone that literally doubles as a hammer (have you seen that video). Each phone has compromises. The Lumia 920's is only it's size which I prefer. If you want a thin phone get the ativ s. I just hope with your thin and light 'premium' phones you have enough cash to replace them each time you drop it, or don't mind a thick and heavy not to mention ugly case.

ahh 920 also has Dolby so HTC x8 has competition the new 928 will have even better audio experience noobie :p


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Mar 17, 2013
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The supposed 'premium' Android devices (S4, HTC One) may have top spec hardware (they need to so Android doesn't lag. Still does though!!) are light and feel cheap. Drop one and it will disintegrate.

I would rather have the 920's weight and thickness, so I have a heavy weapon to use on snobby Android users.. LOL.
I have used the HTC One and S4 extensively and they are still the same dull Android experience as before. Nothing new, and STILL the annoying glitches even with all that horsepower.

Mobile phone users look down on WP users because most 'reviewers' are very, very biased toward what a phone looks like, and what hardware it contains. Particularly Android based devices. I like being in the WP minority. It imbues a smugness in me because I have a device that actually works quickly, looks and feels gorgeous, and I don't need 200 finger presses to get the job done.

Converted??? Definitely!!!!!

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