NOKIA branding to be removed, does it matter to us???

There are more people that don't buy the phones because the Nokia brand is so weak, boring, anchored in the past, a symbol of failure in smartphones like BlackBerry,, than people that buy the phones because they are fans of Nokia.

The brand has a negative effect in sales. Microsoft has to create a new brand.

I disagree with this.

Nokia doesn't have a negative stigma attached to it. Most of the world loves Nokia. The US is mainly indifferent. There isn't a negative stigma. It's just a "they still make phones?" thing.

Unlike Blackberry, Nokia didn't go through some long drawn out failure in the US. Instead, they went from being one of the top and most popular OEMs to just disappearing. They were nowhere to be found. People assumed that they got out of the business... or at least in the US they got out of the business.

​Coming back, people loved their build quality and their phones. But WP just didn't have enough mindshare. A lot of people still barely knew Nokia was back.
The Nokia brand can and will be used only on phones already on the market (Lumia 925, 1020, 1520 etc) and on phones that where presented by Nokia prior to the completion of the deal (Lumia 630 and L930). After that, according to the terms of the deal, Microsoft should not be allowed to use the Nokia brand anymore.
Which also falls in line with what Eflop said on the AMA.

So you'll still be seeing the 930 coming with the Nokia brand in June. But the likes of Goldfinger and Superman will most likely not come with the Nokia brand anymore unless Microsoft manages a special licensing agreement with Nokia to extend the rights to using the Nokia name on smartphones until around the end of 2015 (because, come 2016, Nokia can return to phones).

Does it matter? Yes. It matters in all the markets where Windows Phone has any considerable relevance now - European markets.
Like it or not, the World doesn't revolve around the US, and when it comes to Windows Phone, there's a lot more loving coming out of Europe than the US. And in the European markets the Nokia brand is what sold the phones. The moment it's removed it will have an effect on the sales next to the European consumers. Positive or negative, we'll see.
I've said more than once that it will have a negative impact in Europe. People who bought because of the Nokia brand will look for other trusted brands and Microsoft isn't one of them. Which is why Microsoft should work really hard to bring other OEMs to the WP scene and to convince current OEMs like Samsung and HTC to take the platform more seriously. That way, the bleeding they'll suffer from the disappearance of Nokia phones can be minimized by directing people to other OEMs while keeping them within the WP ecosystem.
Because, lets face it, Microsoft will not make any profits out of Microsoft Mobile, just like they can't make them out of Surface or Xbox. They may minimize the losses, but it won't make them profits.
The main reason I bought a Lumia 800 was because it was Nokia. If it had been the exact same phone I wouldn't have gone near it, and would have stuck with Android.

I then went to the 920 as it was Windows Phone, but more importantly, Nokia.

I'm kind of disappointed that Nokia is now, basically, Microsoft. It puts me off the brand a little. For me, I'd like them to keep Nokia.

I like having a phone from a European company as opposed to Asian, or American.

-From Ireland
The main reason I bought a Lumia 800 was because it was Nokia. If it had been the exact same phone I wouldn't have gone near it, and would have stuck with Android.

I then went to the 920 as it was Windows Phone, but more importantly, Nokia.

I'm kind of disappointed that Nokia is now, basically, Microsoft. It puts me off the brand a little. For me, I'd like them to keep Nokia.

I like having a phone from a European company as opposed to Asian, or American.

-From Ireland

Actually, it's because Nokia is not part of Microsoft that Microsoft can't use the brand. Otherwise your feelings are pretty much shared by everyone I know who owns a WP.

As for having an European brand...I would prefer it too. But now the only option is the Nokia-funded and by-ex-Nokia-engineers-created Jolla.
I love Nokia, I was sad at first, BUT I will keep it cool and will support WP 8.1 no matter what, at the end what if other OEMs bring better quality? a Sony WP 8.1 would be amazing! I'd love to have it as I loved their XPeria Line of products
I love Nokia, I was sad at first, BUT I will keep it cool and will support WP 8.1 no matter what, at the end what if other OEMs bring better quality? a Sony WP 8.1 would be amazing! I'd love to have it as I loved their XPeria Line of products

I'm really crossing my fingers for a Sony WP soon. I didn't want to leave WP after the pleasant surprise that 8.1 was along with the fact that Google butchered microSD functionality on Android 4.4 rendering microSD cards useless on Android.
A Z2 /Z2 Compact running WP would be awesome. And Sony is really the only OEM with phones up to Nokia standards IMO.
Other users have expressed my exact thoughts... aesthetics and build quality are both very important to me when it comes to mobile devices, and for me nobody did it better than Nokia. I've been a fan for a long time. Yes, it matters to me that Nokia branding will be gone, but I'll reserve judgement til I see what's next.

Sony is my second favorite OEM, so I'll definitely be keeping them in mind as well. I'd prefer they made a WP version of their Xperia line though. If I didn't just buy this Lumia 1520, I would strongly be considering the Xperia Z2 right now. But hey, one more Nokia branded device for old time's sake.
Other users have expressed my exact thoughts... aesthetics and build quality are both very important to me when it comes to mobile devices, and for me nobody did it better than Nokia. I've been a fan for a long time. Yes, it matters to me that Nokia branding will be gone, but I'll reserve judgement til I see what's next.

Sony is my second favorite OEM, so I'll definitely be keeping them in mind as well. I'd prefer they made a WP version of their Xperia line though. If I didn't just buy this Lumia 1520, I would strongly be considering the Xperia Z2 right now. But hey, one more Nokia branded device for old time's sake.

Beautifully said and I agree!
NOKIA branding to be removed, does it matter to me???

Logos and branding change constantly
Names like:
WorldNet>AT&T>Cingular>AT&T mobile
Atlantic Bell>Verizon
Southern Pacific Comm>Sprint\Nextel>Sprint
NEC>Renesas name one or two.

Time will absorb the Nokia name connected to the Windows Phone.
Anybody remember Sony Ericsson?
Logos and branding change constantly
Names like:
WorldNet>AT&T>Cingular>AT&T mobile
Atlantic Bell>Verizon
Southern Pacific Comm>Sprint\Nextel>Sprint
NEC>Renesas name one or two.

Time will absorb the Nokia name connected to the Windows Phone.
Anybody remember Sony Ericsson?

Yes..I remember all of those,and some of them were great until taken over,like Nextel..

I too made the switch to WP from Android,and being able to buy a Nokia Lumia was a major factor in doing so,and it bothers me to see a era coming to a close.

A lot of folks I know are also tired of both Android and Apple,for various reasons,both seem stale by comparison to the new 8.1 and everyone who has seen and got the chance to play with it loves the way it looks,and love the feel of the 1520. It's a awesome looking and performing phone.

Until someone else makes one that the build quality is as good,I doubt I switch anytime soon.

I think if Microsoft is smart,they will continue using Nokia's name and continue the Lumia line for as long as possible,because more and more people who are tired of cheaply built phones and tired of the same old thing with Android and Apple are causing a resurgence here at Nokia's end. Too little too late but enough so that there is more press than I ever recall seeing.

Microsoft has 32,000 new employees and most all will probably be doing that same job they have done in the past. What's in a name?
So it seems like for US people it does not matter a lot, You seems to believe in OS and other specs more than the manufacturer(tell me if i am wrong?)
But in Asian and European countries it matters to lots of people and whenever this will happen sales are obviously going to affect there.
Microsoft has 32,000 new employees and most all will probably be doing that same job they have done in the past. What's in a name?

According to Disney, everything.

Although I have no clue how it will effect WP...i think as long as MS pushes mass marketing, they will be Ok. On the other hand, they could pull an HP / webOS strategy and pull the plug without trying (doubt it though).
Interesting discussion here about the Nokia name and those who profess loyalty.

Seems to me Nokia may have been less loyal to their very own effort in the WP share.
If the company were a true and firm supporter the Lumia division wouldn't have been for sale.

Any name change won't matter in the global sense.
Products and support along with a great public campaign for those products will be the deciding points.
The type of blind loyalty you are describing with Nokia doesn't apply to Nokia in the states (I couldn't care less) but it does apply to Apple.
So it seems like for US people it does not matter a lot, You seems to believe in OS and other specs more than the manufacturer(tell me if i am wrong?)
But in Asian and European countries it matters to lots of people and whenever this will happen sales are obviously going to affect there.

Well, I'm American. But I have noticed I tend to gravitate more to European tastes when it comes to style in general, be it clothes, cars, or consumer electronics. That probably has a lot to do with the sentiments I expressed towards Nokia.
I think at this point in the game MS would be shooting themselves in the foot to just ditch Nokia on future phones. Why go through the trouble of acquiring Nokia to not take advantage of the name? Because some lame US survey told them so? Probably the same lame people that told them that red and cyan weren't desirable colors or that people want a phone with a metal band around the edge.
The main reason I bought a Lumia 800 was because it was Nokia. If it had been the exact same phone I wouldn't have gone near it, and would have stuck with Android.

I am from India and even I could think of buying a Windows Phone only because of the Nokia brand. Although later I liked it and it prompted many around me to try it, but if not for Nokia I don't think I would have bought a Windows Phone. I believe this would apply to most of India because people need an instantly recognizable brand to get hooked on to a device here(Name sells)

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