Nokia Exclusives are for Nokia only, 'cause they damn well paid for it.

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New member
Oct 30, 2012
Anyone who has ever had an HTC device sooner or later knows what to expect from the company. HTC's focus has always been drop it into the consumer's hands and forget about it. I don't know about Samsung as I have never had one.

Simply put: to those that work hard go the spoils. It is enough that Nokia has given HTC users use of their maps. It isn't a charity event and even IF Nokia didn't pay for the exclusive rights there is NO guarantee that the app would even be in the marketplace to begin with. Nokia has thrown a bunch of money into the WP8 field and have lured the app developers into it. Hopefully the app developers won't leave after the exclusivity ends. It is Nokia's money. Not HTCs. If you wanted to use Nokia software, should have bought a Nokia product. If not, hopefully once the exclusivity ends, the app developer won't bail on the platform and will continue updating the app.

David Best

New member
Feb 17, 2013
but it would be sad if instagram was a nokia only app.....not for me because i have a lumia but for the other..

inside man 55

New member
Nov 20, 2012
No probs bro enjoy your exclusives:

  • Cant call to any toll free numbers from Lumia 920
  • Speech recognition doesn't work, anyone else?
  • Even "handyscan" app takes sharper pictures then default camera app on Lumia 920
  • Lumia 920 has dust collecting in front camera but AT&T store won't accept it past 14 days
  • Fix for rotation no longer working?
  • Battery drains really fast when idle
  • Lumia 920 LED Flash Fail
  • Bricked my 920... careful of a hard reset
  • I've recently won a Lumia 920 but the phone I have has a slight light leakage on bottom left corner
  • Overnight freezing workaround and possible bug source
I could've put the links in for you but you won't have to go far. They're all on the same page your post is.
That's just page one. There's a stark contrast here to another device's forum I was just on.
Sounds like a bad phone. Quite a few went out when the phone launched. I have trouble hearing on calls, but my daughter dropped it, so self inflicted, speakerphone works great though.
Dec 2, 2012
I agree.. MSFT is awesome don't get me wrong, but they are not only focused on the mobile area

Neither is Apple but they've managed to juggle software, a mobile OS, a desktop OS, and make their own hardware for both all effectively.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
lost 100% respect in HTC the moment a HTC rep called me back to tell me HTC's escalation decision on the issue of my 3 day old device turning dingy black and nasty looking... then apologized and admitted he was embarrassed giving the answer the escalation team gave him "cell phones should have a case over them and should never be carried in your pocket"

BUT this video is annoying AND like many others... Nokia limited a lot of people by signing exclusive deals with providers.


New member
Jul 27, 2012
I would have waited but my KIN One's screen was so scratched up that I could no longer read texts


New member
Jan 1, 2013
Neither is Apple but they've managed to juggle software, a mobile OS, a desktop OS, and make their own hardware for both all effectively.

You really shouldnt compare apple to microsoft, although apple is very profitable they are also very monopolized on what they sell, most of their devices (with the recent exception of the iPhone the past few years) and considered niche 'luxury' items. They have a very limited line of things they sell, and they always try to keep it within apple (with the exception of hardware)
Whereas Microsoft is just plain out a bigger and more branched out company, they are there to appease the mass market, lets be honest, unless your a hipster you know a lot more people running windows than apple. Microsoft works with every PC manufacturer, and is one of the top 20 companies for most R&D spending, and are now focused with mobile and the tablet sector. And even with all that I think they've been managing and rectifying all of their branches pretty effectively too.

The way Apple, Microsoft and even Google do business are extremely different from each other and shouldn't be compared


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I don't mind the complaining the only thing I mind is HTC people saying MS is giving Nokia "the Love" and leaving them , its your OEMs that are leaving you for dead , MS showed HTC better love than Nokia when It announced the 8X the flagship WP8 phone UNDESRVENTLY that is.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Consumers will learn that Nokia = Windows Phone. Really at this point HTC & Samsung are irrelevant with this platform. Samsung is THE Android platform and HTC is going out of business.

Dave Blake

Mod and Ambassador Team Emeritus
Jan 11, 2008
There is nothing civil or helpful in this thread.

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