Nokia hat trick on the way Q1 2012


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Jan 9, 2011
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Might be additional exclusive Nokia apps or maps, something like that ? Time will tell palandri. :)

Exciting times ahead finding out all about the new Nokia goodies for sure. :)


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Aug 23, 2011
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As a Palm/HP WebOS user I'm not familiar with what other OEMs have to offer. I'm used to Palm's crappy hardware. I have been checking out this site to learn more about WP. I'm wondering why so many are willing to wait for Nokia's phones when the Focus S and Titan are about to be released. What is it about Nokia that is worth the wait? Thanks


Aug 24, 2010
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As a Palm/HP WebOS user I'm not familiar with what other OEMs have to offer. I'm used to Palm's crappy hardware. I have been checking out this site to learn more about WP. I'm wondering why so many are willing to wait for Nokia's phones when the Focus S and Titan are about to be released. What is it about Nokia that is worth the wait? Thanks

As others have said, Nokia quality is second to none. I have lived in Russia and several other countries, and have always had my Nokia phone with local SIM alongside my US phone. I have never been happier than with Nokia hardware running Symbian. For me, it will come down to the wait. Now that we know the Focus S is coming the first week of November, that gives us all the opportunity to see what happens at Nokia World before buying anything else. If the wait for a Nokia device on AT&T is going to be, say, 6 months past Nokia World, then I will get the Focus S. But if we are only talking a month or two, then it would be worth the wait.


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Feb 10, 2011
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I'm wondering why so many are willing to wait for Nokia's phones when the Focus S and Titan are about to be released. What is it about Nokia that is worth the wait? Thanks

For me:

1- Nokia phones have a kung-fu grip on reception. My Focus, while great, will drop calls.
2- Nokia will have a very nice camera/imaging solution. Trust me on this one.

If the wait for a Nokia device on AT&T is going to be, say, 6 months past Nokia World, then I will get the Focus S. But if we are only talking a month or two, then it would be worth the wait.

Q1 or Q2 of 2012. Trust me on this one.



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Nov 14, 2008
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As a Palm/HP WebOS user I'm not familiar with what other OEMs have to offer. I'm used to Palm's crappy hardware. I have been checking out this site to learn more about WP. I'm wondering why so many are willing to wait for Nokia's phones when the Focus S and Titan are about to be released. What is it about Nokia that is worth the wait? Thanks

A history of top class hardware design, build and camera quality. Plus they are 100% committed to WP7, unlike HTC, Samsung and the rest. They are going to be doing their best work with their WP7 handsets so once they get up to speed in 2012 we should see some amazing handsets for WP7.


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Aug 23, 2011
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I was leaning toward either the Focus S or Titan since they are coming out sooner and I want a 7.5 WP. But now I'm wondering if I should just pick up a phone off ebay, get the update to Mango and then wait for Nokia. Appreciate all the responses


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Feb 10, 2011
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I was leaning toward either the Focus S or Titan since they are coming out sooner and I want a 7.5 WP. But now I'm wondering if I should just pick up a phone off ebay, get the update to Mango and then wait for Nokia. Appreciate all the responses

Honestly, the hardware and OS is pretty standardized for WP7 so I would not expect Nokia WP7 to be a giant leap from the other WP7 manufacturers. About the only thing that I know of that they are working on to differentiate themselves from the others is the camera/imaging solution.

Aside from that, reception/call quality, and industrial design will be the other differentiators.



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Jun 15, 2011
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UGH, why put the best one on AT&T?!! I f ing can't stand this s***, phone makers should do what apple did with the 4s and make it dual gsm and cdma, ENOUGH pick and chose.


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Jul 11, 2011
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UGH, why put the best one on AT&T?!! I f ing can't stand this s***, phone makers should do what apple did with the 4s and make it dual gsm and cdma, ENOUGH pick and chose.

They can't keep up with Apple. The iPhone 4S is the first "world phone" and once again Apple changes everything. The competition is always 2-3 years behind. Maybe by 2015 we'll finally get a Retina Display on a Windows Phone instead of the same old 800x480 crap.

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