Hi, folks! I'm new to Windows Central. Impressive database for everything Microsoft you've got here!
My phone is a Nokia Lumia 630 Dual SIM that I bought a year ago as a brand new device in Romania. Back then it ran on WP 8.1 Cyan and it was ROCK SOLID. Both physically and software-wise. The Microsoft OS ran flawlessly on hardware that Android would just fumble with. I was ecstatic! Crisp interface, beautiful keyboard, awesome response. Cheap and reliable. With a stellar camera, powerful speaker and some killer native apps too.
However, sometime early in 2015, the phone updated to Denim. I've been a disgruntled user ever since. Numerous problems started to occur. I will try to list some of the most experience-breaking problems I have to deal with. Do note that all these problems often feel connected - if one of them happens, the other symptoms soon follow suite.
1. Immediately after the update from Cyan to Denim, the phone started to have call dropping issues. Either the other person couldn't hear me or my phone was unreachable, as if turned off. Had to restart to fix it. I'd get one or two good calls and that was it. This problem went away after about a month. Probably some silent update from Microsoft.
2. The phone keeps restarting for no reason a number of times a day. Sometimes when I try to open Photos, type an SMS or send a file through WhatsApp / Facebook Messenger.
3. After every restart, the "new SIM found" notification appears, along with "set it up in Smart Dual SIM", as if I replaced the SIM. All the settings are still there though, so it seems that it's not just a question of the phone forgetting about the SIM after it restarts.
4. A few hours (sometimes not that long) after every restart, the accelerometer stops working. As a result, whenever physically rotating the phone, the screen no longer turns in applications in which it normally should, such as Lumia Camera, Internet Explorer or WhatsApp. Have to restart.
Maybe it's worth noting, I don't know, but when this happens, Lumia Camera takes a long time (about ten seconds) to take a photo after I tap the shutter button. Have to stand there looking silly. Obviously, it no longer rotates to landscape mode.
5. After a small number of attempts (regardless of their success) to connect to Wi-Fi networks, the phone starts prompting a "Your phone can't connect to [...]" error whenever I try to manually connect it to some Wi-Fi. Have to restart.
6. Unexpected app exits or unsuccessful app starts have become mind-numbingly frequent. No real pattern, happens with just about any app. Particularly with Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Video Optimiser For WhatsApp, Lumia Camera, Lumia Creative Suite, Internet Explorer etc. Have to restart.
7. I did first hard reset about a month ago because the phone wouldn't want to sync its Microsoft account to the server anymore, leaving new photos unsynced with SkyDrive and apps outdated. I gave it two weeks of redeeming time before I actually reset it, but no dice. Unfortunately, I forgot the error code (of the 8fxxxxxxx variety) it gave me whenever I tried to open the Microsoft account under settings / emails & accounts. The reset solved that. But just that.
8. HUGE problem (or bucketload of interconnected problems it seems), started today and I will probably have to hard reset after I post this, hoping that a backup will solve it temporarily: the People app either doesn't open or it opens but displays no contacts. As a result (or in relation to this), all the contacts in WhatsApp now display their phone numbers instead of (nick)names. All my media (photo and video) has disappeared from the Photos app. Can still find media sent via WhatsApp if I go through contact / media in said app. Cannot play any sort of video in Internet Explorer anymore. Accounts are shown to be syncing forever in settings / emails & accounts. Restarting and soft resetting do not solve anything.
I have spoken to other Nokia Lumia owners and they've experienced similar issues since the update. One of them had the 520 model. Another hadn't updated out of principle and didn't experience any trouble.
It has all become so PAINFUL that I've looked up methods of reflashing back to Cyan. The Nokia Care Suite (or whatever it was called, tried with both the new tool and the outdated one) only displayed Denim as an option back when I tried it in February. Did go with it, but it obviously didn't fix anything.
Apparently, there is a Polish forum dedicated to Windows Phone and they have a Cyan ROM there with instructions on how to flash it. If it's not too much to ask, please advise in the following order:
A. Does anyone else have these problems?
B. Is there a fix?
C. Will a reflash solve the issue?
Thank you so much!