Nokia lumia 630 Facebook Uygulaması Sorunu


New member
Jun 23, 2018
Hello friends

my phone nokia lumia 630


windows 8.1 uptade

i am 3 years old facebook u ı use my phone with ease

Everything was lovely until 1 month ago

phonebook facebook application gircen suddenly '' we have the problem of getting data at the top ''

and nothing was entered in facebook tan

I also thought that I would remove the facebook application from my phone and restore it

ı have restored my facebook application ı have windows store ı got ya facebook ı wrote yazdim application does not come out mad ı can not find the application

I entered the previous downloads from the options

facebook had an entry and did not say

does not work on your facebook

If the application that runs for 3 years suddenly gives such an error and then tries to delete it again, such a text becomes outrageous

i said i did something to the phone

back up the data on the phone

I reset the phone

this time the facebook application was loaded

I am fully enthusiast

I wrote emails and passwords

login a bastım

how many times did it say that this time again, try again

what i did not do

I want to delete it again and restore it

can you find an urgent solution


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