Nokia Lumia 928 Bugs and Defects

My problem since update is that the screen is hypersensitive. It seems to now be able to detect the touch of ghosts and other spirits. At times it acts as if I'm touching the screen repeatedly, when in fact there isn't anything, even a breeze touching it. Either I need to call Ghostbusters, or something's wrong.
Did a hard reset (again) last night because my call issues were getting worse and worse. So far, everything is solid. Haven't had any network issues and pretty sure I haven't experienced the volume issue either. Time will tell, but right now I'm in love with this baby all over again...I stress "right now".
coip - My phone has also turned off three (3) times since the Amber/GDR2 update. A soft reset worked in all instances but I have since uninstalled 2-3 apps in the hopes that this issue would clear up but to no avail. I show three updates (PC Remote, Football Pro '14, extras+info) waiting for me to download so I am hopeful that the extras+info outlook will clear this up.
The caller dropping out and returning - doesn't matter with reception for me, are you sure it does for you? It seems almost definitely a loose wire for me, and was on my last 928. If I put pressure behind where the speaker is the voice will come back. If I remove pressure, it disappears.

I spoke too soon on my last post. Definitely a loose wire...happened to me again today, and I put pressure on the back and it was fine. Just going to deal with it since that's how I hold my phone anyway. Inconvenient? Yes. But I don't feel like getting a "Used Like-New" phone that is probably just as crap.
Got my 8x replaced with a black 928 a day before they announced the red 928, Love my black one so far despite the random resets and screen freezes driving me a little crazy. Though I have to say the 928 does feel like a less worked on product in comparison to the 920.
Volume has just gone out entirely, even after soft resets. I surely did speak too soon. On the phone with Nokia right now.
Called the store I bought it at and am getting a full replacement on Saturday. Boo ya, love my store. Further, if my second is a lemon, I'm getting an iPhone. That hurts to say, but I'm fed up. It's a fresh shipment that is coming in tomorrow so maybe it's a healthy batch.
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Alright, I made a thread about this, and it seems that (based on the info in this thread), others are having the same issue. Should I ask for a replacement device, or wait until there is a software update or something? New problems keep cropping up on my phone.


-Volume fluctuations
-Volume not working at all
-Inconsistent SMS network (i.e. I can't send or receive any messages unless I soft reset)
-Lock screen/touch screen locks up, need to soft reset for it to unfreeze
-During a phone call, if the reception is choppy, caller will drop out completely (dead silence) and then return
-Gunky, dim buttons on phone

These are definitely software issues. I'm having some of the same problems after updating a 920 to GDR2/Amber. I've tried different GDR2/Amber roms and keeping all the new features off, none of which made any difference.
I firmly believe this phone has a physical defect that makes it very easy for it to crack the screen. Just now, and for the third time, I have shattered the screen. My phone fell out of my hands when standing up after sitting in chair ( about 2.5 ft off the ground) and fell face flat on linoleum tiles and shattered. This is the second time it has fallen from the same distance and shattered. I firmly believe there are two reasons why it shatters so easily. First, the housing, digitizer, and screen are( for all intents and purposes) one piece and tightly packed together. The screen goes all the way to the edges, which leaving the edges exposed. Before you ask, the answer is yes, I was using a cover. It still shattered (albeit using the incipio feather case). The other two times the screen shattered, the phone fell on it's edge. This time, it fell face flat on the ground with no angle. Shattering due to a fall on it's edge makes more logical sense than shattering face down, with no edges at 2.5 feet. The glass shouldn't shatter from such an angle and distance. It's ridiculous and I have to blame Nokia and VERIZON for such poor design flaw. Is there anyone out there who has accidentally dropped and shattered this phone from very a low height?

Since I have used up both of my $100 replacements through Verizon's warranty service, I have bleak options.1) I can spend $200 to buy the lcd assembly and attempt to install a new screen myself. However, I can find no online forum explaining or showing anyone replacing the screen or videos of such as well. If I were to attempt it, I could screw up the phone more. This also leaves me without a cell for 5-7 days. 2) I can buy another 928, 822 or htc 8x on ebay. 3) I am fed up with how much I spend on verizon monthly as well as spending $300 on this phone already (100$ first purchase with upgrade and two $100 charges for warranty replacements), that I am very seriously considering paying VERIZON $500 to go f themselves and switch to tmo or att and get a 925 or 1020 respectively. I apologize for the rant as I am pretty broken and destroyed right now...However, I still believe the unprotected edges and soldered housing and screen make it immensely vulnerable to shattering.

Can anyone tell me if there is a forum/video/explanation of how to replace the lcd, whether it's possible for a normal person to do so, or whether anyone has successfully done it?

Same here, I've had the screen loose touch response but I can still use the hardware buttons. This all started post amber of course.

I had that issue, time to time before Amber/GDR2.... So it was there before Amber...

This is one of the buggiest phones I have ever owned... I have to reboot it because of one of these issues at least 2-3 times a week, man I feel like I own a Android device...

Problem is, I had a HTC 8X for about 4 months and I only think I rebooted that phone 2-3 times (not needing to) over the entire time owning the phone... SO it's not a Windows Phone issue, it's a Nokia issue.
@Zomby Jeezus

That sucks, seems to me you had some really bad luck with your 928. I've had mine since mid-June and the only issue physically is the yellow soft keys (been there since day one) and some wear marks on the back from taking it in and out of the pouch I use.

Personally, I don't believe it's a physical defect but more so a nature of the design of the phone. The edge-to-edge glass is more prone to cracking because unlike other phones, like the 920, that have some body to absorb the impact when dropped on its sides, the 928 has none.

If you want to replace your screen you may want to pm EDMmmmmmm for some help, believe he's an engineer for Nokia if I recall correctly. He replied to someone else offering his assistance in this thread:

If I were you, I would consider looking at another phone. Maybe it's just not the right fit for you. Others have also cracked their screens, but not three times in row, at least not that I'm aware of. Would hate to have you spend another $200 to replace the screen only for it to happen again. Good luck with whatever you decide.

I almost had mine replaced for the slight bit of gunk under the start button. Thank god I didn't! I haven't had any of the problems that some of you are facing. I have had the screen freeze up a few times post amber but still think that will be corrected with an update. Still loving my 928.
Just throwing my name in the big bucket of people having lock-ups / screen freezes and reboots after this last update (GDR2D2 or wtf). My 928 was very solid, no reboots or issues at all, then about a week after updating, I'm getting lock-ups or reboots daily, sometimes multiple times per day. This isn't acceptable performance for my phone. I'm close to doing a complete system reset and see if that helps. As anyone tried that - a full wipe?
Unfortunately my store did not get them in stock as planned, so I need to wait until next weekend to get this lemon replaced :-(.
I spoke too soon on my last post. Definitely a loose wire...happened to me again today, and I put pressure on the back and it was fine. Just going to deal with it since that's how I hold my phone anyway. Inconvenient? Yes. But I don't feel like getting a "Used Like-New" phone that is probably just as crap.

Just as a warning, this will work for 2 or 3 weeks. Then you'll have to start plugging in headphones because the pressure technique will work every 3rd or 4th call, tops.

I had to return my first phone. I'll return this one, too. The first one fell about 2 feet onto carpet, then I noticed this issue. My second phone has never been dropped.
Now having a problem with my power/lock button not working... meaning I cannot soft reset if my screen locks up again.
I've had to replace my first 928. The phone would freeze up and reboot at least 3 times a week. Then it got to the point where when someone would call me or I would call them I could not hear them but they said the could hear me and I would have to reboot my phone to get it working again. Now this new one is having problems and its getting annoying. Not a good experience for my first windows phone.
My problem since update is that the screen is hypersensitive. It seems to now be able to detect the touch of ghosts and other spirits. At times it acts as if I'm touching the screen repeatedly, when in fact there isn't anything, even a breeze touching it. Either I need to call Ghostbusters, or something's wrong.

I'm not sure if you have the super sensitive screen on or not, but I realized with this feature enabled the screen detects oil residue on the glass as strikes.
Congrats on the purchase, hopefully it'll work out better for you.

I stopped by AT&T and took a look at the 1020. It's a nice phone with a ridiculous camera, but I just wouldn't be able to justify the camera hump considering I don't take that many pictures. Plus, I'm grandfathered into unlimited data on Verizon so I won't be switching carriers till they either get rid of it entirely or screw me somehow royally. I also just bought the 928 two and a half months ago for full retail so I'm not planning on upgrading for the next two years. Although, I will say from the leaks so far, the 1520 is looking mighty tempting.

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