Nokia Lumia 928 Bugs and Defects

This morning a calendar notification popped up on my phone, which had been sitting on its wireless charger all night. I clicked dismiss and went to shower. I came back and my phone was turned off (even though it was still on the charger, which means the 'Peek' feature should've been on). I tried pressing the power button several times but the phone would not start up at all. I plugged it into the wall charger and left it for 2 hours, but nothing happened. Then I did the soft reset trick delineated in this thread (power button + volume down button for about 12 seconds), the screen flashed and the phone vibrated and it booted up. It now seems like everything is okay but I'm freaked out about it: like my phone is going to die permanently and I'll lose all my saved game data.

Just an update: about a day after this happened to me, it happened to my wife's 928 as well. We both installed the Amber/GDR2 update on the same day. Not sure if that's the cause, but the soft reset was the fix (for now...).
Is anyone having WiFi issues lately? Let me explain.

For some reason, I'll be connected to my home WiFi, but cannot get my phone to do internet, no facebook or notification updates, etc. I have to turn WiFi off and use 4g for my phone to work again. What's even home network seems to be the only one my phone has a problem with (and this is the last week or so). Other devices (laptops, other phones) work just fine on my home network. Not sure what's going on.
Is anyone having WiFi issues lately? Let me explain.

For some reason, I'll be connected to my home WiFi, but cannot get my phone to do internet, no facebook or notification updates, etc. I have to turn WiFi off and use 4g for my phone to work again. What's even home network seems to be the only one my phone has a problem with (and this is the last week or so). Other devices (laptops, other phones) work just fine on my home network. Not sure what's going on.

I have not experienced any issues myself, however, if you jump over to the Windows Phone 8 forum area you'll see several separate threads from other users reporting potentially similar issues as you.
Is anyone having WiFi issues lately? Let me explain.

For some reason, I'll be connected to my home WiFi, but cannot get my phone to do internet, no facebook or notification updates, etc. I have to turn WiFi off and use 4g for my phone to work again. What's even home network seems to be the only one my phone has a problem with (and this is the last week or so). Other devices (laptops, other phones) work just fine on my home network. Not sure what's going on.

None here. I bounce back and forth amongst WiFi networks all day long. No intervention required.
Is anyone having WiFi issues lately? Let me explain.

For some reason, I'll be connected to my home WiFi, but cannot get my phone to do internet, no facebook or notification updates, etc. I have to turn WiFi off and use 4g for my phone to work again. What's even home network seems to be the only one my phone has a problem with (and this is the last week or so). Other devices (laptops, other phones) work just fine on my home network. Not sure what's going on.

This happens to me all the time :(
This morning a calendar notification popped up on my phone, which had been sitting on its wireless charger all night. I clicked dismiss and went to shower. I came back and my phone was turned off (even though it was still on the charger, which means the 'Peek' feature should've been on). I tried pressing the power button several times but the phone would not start up at all. I plugged it into the wall charger and left it for 2 hours, but nothing happened. Then I did the soft reset trick delineated in this thread (power button + volume down button for about 12 seconds), the screen flashed and the phone vibrated and it booted up. It now seems like everything is okay but I'm freaked out about it: like my phone is going to die permanently and I'll lose all my saved game data.

I just had the same problem, minus the calendar. Phone showed the Verizon teal with the red box screen (which was odd), then it just shut off. Couldn't turn it on, plugged it in and still nothing. Plugged it into computer, still nothing. Tried soft reset a couple times and this last time it finally booted back up.
I just had the same problem, minus the calendar. Phone showed the Verizon teal with the red box screen (which was odd), then it just shut off. Couldn't turn it on, plugged it in and still nothing. Plugged it into computer, still nothing. Tried soft reset a couple times and this last time it finally booted back up.

I wonder if this is a bug in the Amber update as I never had any problems before. I saw it happen on my wife's phone: quick flash of a white line, then completely shut down. Power button wouldn't turn it back on. Left it plugged in all night long but the phone remained off. Dud the soft reset and it powers back on. Soft resetting it makes me nervous, though. Is there any downside to doing it?
Does anyone else have issues with scrolling? I'll swipe with my thumb to scroll up, and sometimes the screen stops dead at the point where I lift my thumb.

yes this happens to me fairly often. Thought it was just me with my 928. Having owned 810, 920 and 1020...i don't recall this scrolling issue. It seems to happen during the transitioning on the home screen and app list the most for me
I had an issue trying to connect to WiFi at home. I decided to turn the phone off, and now it won't come back on. I've had it since mid-May with little to no problems until now.
Just an update: about a day after this happened to me, it happened to my wife's 928 as well. We both installed the Amber/GDR2 update on the same day. Not sure if that's the cause, but the soft reset was the fix (for now...).

My wife's phone locked up again, except instead of going black, the touch screen froze. Had to soft reset it again. This has got to be a bug from Amber as neither of us ever had to soft reset our phones before until this update happened.
Lmao its nothing wrong with the phones themselves, I will say GDR2 and Amber have been quite buggy (at least for myself) and I'm expecting an update soon to stabilize.
It's the case I had on my phone that caused the earphone to knock out. It is an approved 928 case with all the holes in the right places but the noise cancellation is causing the ear to stop working. Just got off the phone with Verizon and a patch should be enroute from Nokia soon. Give it a try and let me know if that fixed it for you:)

I have the incipio case my phone was loud and clear thru the earpiece until I started using the case. That's interesting. Besides that my phone is fine I get the phone freezing from time to time but its just a soft reset to fix it.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 928 using Tapatalk
I've had exactly this same problem since update, as well. If on the home screen, it will open apps, tap controls if they're in the right place, and the like. Like you, I haven't done a hard reset, and was hoping it wouldn't come to that. Looks like it may. :straight:
Ever since updating to Amber I've had this weird issue of my 928 randomly acting like i'm selecting stuff on the screen. I.e I'm typing a text and without any fingers on the screen it starts typing mmmmmmmm mnnnnnn 9 and i'm staring at it wondering wtf. The solution so far is turn off the screen then unlock it again and it stops. Haven't reset the phone yet but it's a very odd problem...hope it's not hardware.

This is really starting to get on my nerves. But since the red phone has leaked, I'm going to put up with it until the red phone comes out, and then mosey on up to the Microsoft Store where I made my purchase, and get it exchanged, and try to talk them into a red one in the exchange.

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