Nokia Lumia 928 Bugs and Defects

I ended up restarting the phone after making the change to the settings again. This time after the reset it was working just like you said. Glad its working now and not a defect.
So far I have not seen any issues with my 928 but that doesn't mean there aren't any or won't be any issues. Most if not all devices have one issue or another but fortunately I haven't experienced any so far!
On occasion, my phone will unlock with just the slide up, despite the fact that I have a password enabled. Haven't seen a pattern emerge, though.
On occasion, my phone will unlock with just the slide up, despite the fact that I have a password enabled. Haven't seen a pattern emerge, though.

Is it following a period of recent use? For example, I've got mine set to time the screen out at 3 minutes, but not lock until 5 minutes. Just a thought....
The frequency for asking for a password is separate from the screen time out. I learned that the hard way. ;-)
Not really a 928 defect but an FYI - I was unable to connect to the Microsoft Account used in my previous phone (Trophy) because I had enabled 2-step verification on the MS account. Turning that off from the MS web page allowed me to connect my 928 to the account.
Just got back from my local Verizon store, had to exchange my 1st one for a new on. besides the glass issue( the left side & top had a gap as wide as a business card that collected dust & dirt daily) the lock screen button became loose & required me to push the button below flush for it to work. I don't know why they changed the buttons from the 920 & 822 but they feel really cheap. Also the ceramic bezel for the camera was not evenly flush with the back of the phone. The top where the lens is was perfectly flush & the bottom was protruding or sticking out about the same thickness of 2 business cards. Also had the weird discoloration of the 3 buttons.

The demo unit & the 822 camera were all flush, no gaps at the glass & buttons were nice and solid(thought the 928 demo unit still felt cheap compared to the 822's ceramic buttons. I just hope the camera is as good as the 1st unit I had.
Just got back from my local Verizon store, had to exchange my 1st one for a new on. besides the glass issue( the left side & top had a gap as wide as a business card that collected dust & dirt daily) the lock screen button became loose & required me to push the button below flush for it to work. I don't know why they changed the buttons from the 920 & 822 but they feel really cheap. Also the ceramic bezel for the camera was not evenly flush with the back of the phone. The top where the lens is was perfectly flush & the bottom was protruding or sticking out about the same thickness of 2 business cards. Also had the weird discoloration of the 3 buttons.

The demo unit & the 822 camera were all flush, no gaps at the glass & buttons were nice and solid(thought the 928 demo unit still felt cheap compared to the 822's ceramic buttons. I just hope the camera is as good as the 1st unit I had.

How do exchanges work? When is the latest that you can exchange a phone due to a defect? Do you know if it has to be the same store you bought it from? I have the same problem with the ceramic bezel for the camera but am not sure if I want to exchange it just for that.
I think you have 30 days to return to the store & get a new one. Otherwise they send you a refurbished one & you send the old one back in same box. You can go to any corporate store if you bought it from one. Same for Best Buy.
This may actually be more of a WP8 problem. When I was using the browser on the 928, I noticed that the address bar always stays on the screen, resulting in less usable screen space. I currently have a Droid X which has a 4.3" screen and I wanted a larger screen. But I actually get more usable space on the Droid because the address bar disappears when you scroll up or down. On know on my Home computers, Windows 7 and Windows8 you can make the address bars disappear. But on WP8 I don't think you can. I asked at the Microsoft Store. They were surprised that they hadn't noticed this and told me that they would forward this information to MS. Does anyone know of a way to correct this?
Ordered via and got it Saturday delivered.
In addition to what others have mentioned about the murky button backlights (also had the yellow tint), my 928's back/start/search keys would randomly just stop working and other times start pressing themselves erratically. Mitigated by soft resets briefly before no longer being affected. Noticed if I pressed just hard enough I could reactivate them if they stopped working.

Returned it Monday evening to a local Verizon corp. store and received a brand new replacement.

Brand new replacement works great! After about 3 hours I'm at the store and want to turn the volume down for just a minute but then when I tried turning it back up... nothing. I could only turn my volume down but not up. Tried pressing hard but no effect. So I of course turned it all the way down testing both buttons that it's no longer useful as something that is supposed to produce sound.

*sigh* I should probably mention that I actually bought 2 at the same time and the other one is working perfectly. Apparently I chose unwisely or something.

Anyway, getting Nokia Lumia 928 #3 tomorrow morning and definitely checking all the buttons and camera and everything before walking out of the store. Wish me luck because... I love this phone... and I can't believe this is happening to me lol
I have the same issue. Need to test if it is working or not. I have turned it on yet the it says "off" from the root settings menu.
Yeah, mine has that too. It's an amoled screen thing.

Mine has a small area of darkness (bluish) that I notice when viewing apps/pages with white backgrounds. Not very noticeable if not you are not looking for it. Considering swapping the device. Looks like manufacture defect.
Mine has a small area of darkness (bluish) that I notice when viewing apps/pages with white backgrounds. Not very noticeable if not you are not looking for it. Considering swapping the device. Looks like manufacture defect.

Yeah that doesn't sound right man. I would definitely exchange it.
After a few days use, my power button makes a clicking noise. Am I alone with this one?
No, you are not. This morning, I noticed it as well. But it's really faint and not a big deal for me. I'll monitor it and if it gets worse, then I'll return it.
Today I recieved a text message which brought up my volume bar and after reading my message i found the back button turned up my volume but did not allow me to leave the message locking the screen and unlocking it cleared the volume bar and fixed the issue.
The only problem I have is with the wonky lighting issue with the home button. Trying to determine wether or not its worth it to take it to the Verizon store and have them look at it. Other than that, this has been the best phone I've ever used.
Well I was just playing music and taking some pictures when the music wouldn't sound anymore. The volume was up, and the song was actually playing but I couldn't hear anything. System sounds like locking and unlocking were okay but I couldn't hear the music with or without headphones. Maybe this is a bug with the camera from when the music pauses for a second while taking a picture. Powering the phone down and powering it back up solved the problem.

Edit: Came across another bug that occurred while playing music and using the camera again, this time with proshot. Took a picture and proshot froze. It also didn't save the picture, but I could exit out. Then the regular camera app wasn't working. Just a black screen with the mode bar greyed out. Had to restart the phone. I'm starting to have problems with this phone and it's worrying me.
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