Nokia Lumia 928 Bugs and Defects

mine has that same crap under the windows looks like crap when the backlight is on. not a show stopper for me but disappointed. thought Nokia was over the 'dust' issues.
I cant seem to receive text messages. My wife apparently has been sending me messages but i'm not getting any of them. I can send messages to her fine.
I can't receive txt messages either. anyone have a fix for this. HUGE issue for me!!!!!
My 928 seems to be making a buzzing noise upon receiving texts. It's louder than the phone feels if that makes sense. I'll try taking it in!
The phone has been a pleasure so far, but here are my 2 issues;
- Common issue with the lighting under Windows and Search button as reported by most others. - Is anyone NOT having this issue?
- When I unlock my phone, my signal meter shows 1 bar signal strength. After 8-10 seconds it shows full. This is every time.
Full signal > press the lock button twice(lock, then unlock) > watch the signal drop from full to 1 bar > count to 10 and it's back.
I'm not sure if it is just a graphical anomaly or if it is actually representative of my signal dropping.
I can't receive txt messages either. anyone have a fix for this. HUGE issue for me!!!!!

Did you guys come from iPhones? Make sure you disabled iMessaging on those devices or anyone sending you a message from an iDevice will not be able to.
Buggy phone

I got this phone THIS MORNING and at first it wouldn't receive texts but I got that fixed through tech support. At least I think it's fixed, I wouldn't really know because the battery died and it's een plugged in for a while now and won't turn on. Advice ASAP?
Re: Buggy phone

I got this phone THIS MORNING and at first it wouldn't receive texts but I got that fixed through tech support. At least I think it's fixed, I wouldn't really know because the battery died and it's een plugged in for a while now and won't turn on. Advice ASAP?

hold down power and volume down - reset the phone. And turn off your old phone for the text message issue.
Me too!

Find My Phone is not working. The settings for Find My Phone seem backwards as well. When I turn the feature on, the settings show it as off, when I turn the feature off, the settings show "ring, lock, erase, or find your phone. Anyone else having this issue? Definitely looks like a bug to me.

Oh, and I also have the Start Button problem, looks like a manufacturing issue.
The phone has been a pleasure so far, but here are my 2 issues;
- Common issue with the lighting under Windows and Search button as reported by most others. - Is anyone NOT having this issue?

Ironically the first one I picked up with the crap shoot screen responsiveness did not have that lighting issue. The replacement however does, but it is the only issue I have. As a result this is now taken the helm away from the SCH-i760 as the best phone/device I have ever owned.

From checking the Nokia web support discussion boards, it would seem this is a common issue among all of the Nokia Windows 8 phones. Many have resolved the issue by doing a hard reset. I don't really wont to do this since I just spent many hours setting up my phone. I will just wait for the next phone update and hope that fixes it.
Just wanted to update on my ridiculous luck...

Lumia 1: Defective Start/Back/Search keys would stop working or erratically start pressing themselves.
Lumia 2: Volume Up key did not work at all.
Lumia 3: Vibrate motor sounded like it was drilling through plastic.
Lumia 4: All good so far! Just hoping that the battery calibrates.

Lumia 2 had whiter backlit keys and noticeably less gunk visible while the other 3 were yellowish and well-gunked.

I chatted with Nokia support and they indicated my problems were likely because of them all being a part of the first batch of devices.

My recommendation is if you are experiencing any issues aside from the gunk to get a replacement. My experience with Verizon Wireless online reps and local store reps has been great so far. Online and phone reps seem much more concerned and helpful but that's compared to my local store that is quite busy. I considered buying through Newegg and am glad I didn't as I don't think it would have been as easy to get recommendable service and especially dealing with Simplexity's strict rules.
Does anyone else find that the screen is less responsive than 822 or is my phone defective? I swipe with my thumb the same way as always, but it doesn't slide up as fast, or stops when I lift my thumb from the screen and expect inertia to carry the scroll. Anyone?
^Wow, I guess I got lucky. There is a minor problem on mine with the camera bezel not being perfectly level with the body of the phone, but I don't think I'm going to exchange it. So far my battery life has been okay. Hopefully it improves.
I am seeing a potential issue.

It appears on my phone an area about 1/2cm by 3mm on one area of the the very top and another on the very bottom, it looks like the protective gorilla glass is ever so slightly delaminating from the phone (looks like bubble under the glass). This just appeared today (got phone at launch) as far as I can tell. Hopefully it does not increase in area or we might have a glue defect.
I have a black 928 & the camera flash keeps going off and all I want to do is see the pic I just took. Its like its trying to focus for the next shot that I don't want to take. Also my lowlight pics are blurry has hell.
the screen on 928 also doesn't respond like my HTC 8X did. I was starting to think I had forgotten how to use a touch screen.
Does anyone else find that the screen is less responsive than 822 or is my phone defective? I swipe with my thumb the same way as always, but it doesn't slide up as fast, or stops when I lift my thumb from the screen and expect inertia to carry the scroll. Anyone?
Hi Everyone! I got mines yesterday and it has the problem with the Windows button. Going tomorrow to exchange it.
Hey everyone.

Been visiting wpcentral for awhile, and lurking around the forums since the 928 rumors started popping up. Figured I'd join the community.

I'm probably going to pick up the 928. The Trophy still works fine, but I really want to upgrade. I'm considering waiting for the rumored EOS, but I have a feeling that it's not going to launch till November, and even then probably only on At&T. Meaning an even longer wait for those of us on Verizon.

So, I've been following this thread pretty intently and the one issue that seems to keep popping up is the yellow soft keys when back lit.

I was thinking that it might be an adhesive that's causing the issue. On the 928, the gorilla glass, digitizer, and amoled screen are all attached together and is one piece.

Nokia Lumia 928 LCD Assembly

Now, something has to be holding those things together, and I'm assuming that it's glue. The soft keys are pretty close to the top edge of the of the bottom bezel, and it would be pretty easy to inadvertently get glue onto backside of the soft keys when applying it.

I wonder if this an issue that can be resolved, possibly by using an adhesive that's clear when it's dry.

Now, I don't really know the first thing about electronics and what goes in to building them, so take it with a grain of salt. The thought crossed my mind, and figured I share my two pesos. Maybe someone with a better working knowledge can chime in.


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