Nokia Lumia 928 Bugs and Defects

Random reboots are random, and they are occurring daily. No one thing is triggering this. Could this just be WP8? Should this be acceptable behavior from such a new phone?
Random reboots are random, and they are occurring daily. No one thing is triggering this. Could this just be WP8? Should this be acceptable behavior from such a new phone?

Had mine since release day and not one random reboot. Have you tried doing a soft reset yet?
Yeah it looks like something's on the windows button. Its hard when you have your phone in your pocket most of the time to not get dust/lint in the ear, mouth or phone jack. When intake out of my pocket I blow on the ear piece and phone jack.
There is only one thing about the 928 that bothers me. Sometimes when I launch Music+Videos from the homescreen it tries to launch but flips back to the home screen. One the second attempt, it will launch. I just wish I knew how to duplicate the bug because it wound not happen when I tried showing the folks at my Microsoft store.
I thought I was the only one that got a Nokia Lumia 928 with the Windows Logo having crap underneath which I believe is a manufacturer's cosmetic issue. I contacted Verizon and had them ship me out a new phone which that crap underneath was showing at the same place underneath the Windows Logo which you can only see when the back light comes on! I hope they fix this cosmetic issue since it ruins the company's reputation when they manufacturer phones without testing every detail even cosmetic! If you got a brand new car and there was a cosmetic defect in the paint wouldn't you complain too?
Had mine since release day and not one random reboot. Have you tried doing a soft reset yet?
I'm on phone number 2. The first one randomly rebooted twice on me (in 12 days), and that's only what I witnessed first hand (it may have been more). The second phone, which I just got yesterday, has already rebooted on me 4 times (again, that I've seen, maybe more), including once when I was in the middle of a phone call. I really don't want to return it for another one because I had an awful experience at the store (they were jerks about it), but this rebooting thing is worrying me. The second one I did a hard reset and all of the reboots have happened since then.
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For issues with the "find my phone" feature, try going to The Smartphone Reinvented Around You | Windows Phone (United States) and make sure your phone information is correct in your account. If you are coming from another WP8, the account may be still attached to your old phone.
Hope this helps.
Jana at Nokia

Find My Phone is not working. The settings for Find My Phone seem backwards as well. When I turn the feature on, the settings show it as off, when I turn the feature off, the settings show "ring, lock, erase, or find your phone. Anyone else having this issue? Definitely looks like a bug to me.

Oh, and I also have the Start Button problem, looks like a manufacturing issue.
For issues with the "find my phone" feature, try going to The Smartphone Reinvented Around You | Windows Phone (United States) and make sure your phone information is correct in your account. If you are coming from another WP8, the account may be still attached to your old phone.
Hope this helps.
Jana at Nokia

Thanks for the reminder. I had 2 other WP on my account. Removed them. I was able to Find My Phone prior to this, but is a good reminder to keep things clean.
Anyone have an issue where the phone cannot unlock? I'll push the button and the screen turns on but I am unable to slide up the phone to unlock it. I can activate the camera and take pictures but when I go to unlock the phone from the home screen I will not work.

The only way I can use the phone again is to do a rest by holding the power button. It works for a few minutes and then it locks up again.
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I'm considering giving up on this phone. Too many defects.

I dont blame you. This is why I didn't buy a launch device from Nokia. Not saying Nokia sucks not by a long shot, but they seem to have a decent amount of quality control issues at launch. I will however pick one up on fathers day.
Got some "gunk" or whatever under my Windows button as well, but it's barely a problem. Aside from that, this phone is AWESOME. I did notice that the screen isn't as responsive as my 8X, but I'm digging the brighter colors, better camera, exclusive apps and general layout of the device. Hopefully I don't experience any random reboots!
Hard reset issue. I tried going through Settings, About and resetting my phone. It sat for about 3 hours with the two gears. I've been Google'ing this issue and have tried the hard reset with the buttons, but it seems like there is only one bar on the battery when I had it plugged in that entire 3 hours that it sat. Leaving it on the charger now to see if that changes and then will try the button hard reset, but...looking for any assistance without having to take the phone in to Verizon tomorrow. Suggestions?
So guys and gals, I have exchanged my phone 6 times and I am currently using phone #7. I have been plagued with various issues, I have a separate thread if you want to find out more:

Anyhow, I was fed up and hopmedic (thanks hopmedic!) suggested that I email Stephen Elop and voice my concerns. Well I did and he already responded and escalated my case! Here is the email tree and Elop's response:

RE: Nokia Lumia 928‏ (

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8:21 PM



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Hello there,

I am sorry that you have encountered these problems. I will ask my team to assist.



From: ext John (last name) [mailto:XXXXXXXXXX]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 23:18
To: Elop Stephen (Nokia/Espoo)
Subject: Nokia Lumia 928

Dear Mr. Elop,

First off, I'm sure you get bombarded with emails, so I understand if you can't respond. But I hope you do as there are many others with my issues and concerns about the newly released Nokia Lumia 928 for Verizon Wireless.

I was a diehard Android fan and owned many of their devices over the past 4 years. But I finally got fed up with their fragmentation and slow OS. I was recently introduced to Windows Phone 8 by fellow members of the website and forums. I then tried out a WP8 device in a store and I immediately fell in love.

Being on Verizon, I wasn't in love with the phone choices however. Fast forward to when I heard the 928 was coming out and I was ecstatic! It was going to be my first Nokia cell phone and I have heard rave reviews about the build quality of the devices.

Here is where my (and many others) problem comes in. I am currently using phone #7 of the 928 and even this one still has the issues of the other 6 that I returned. Between all of them, the most common problem is some substance behind the backlit Start, Search and Back buttons that show up when the backlight comes on. The buttons looks horrible when lit. Another common issue that I've had on a few of the phones was when the phone vibrates when you get a message, the phone rattles and sounds like it's going to fall apart. Another issue is the casing of the phone having a creaking, clicking and popping sound when you hold it certain ways. All of these are major annoyances to me and don't live up to the Nokia build quality reputation that I heard so much about.

Here is my bottom line....I really LOVE this phone and the OS!! But I can't and don't feel I should keep a phone that simply isn't up to high quality standards. I feel I am running out of options and don't really want to give up on this phone. I just know that if I exchange the phone again, I will get yet another one with some of these problems.

On the other hand, I really don't want to ship it to Nokia and be without a phone for a couple weeks. I would rather get a new phone shipped so I can inspect it first and then ship the defective unit back if the new one checks out OK. I would be willing to put a deposit or hold on my credit card, etc.

Would you please be so kind to consider this and put me in contact with someone where I can make this happen?

Thank you so much for your time and have a great day!

John (last name)

And here is the email of my escalated case:

Complaint Escalation <SR 1-XXXXXX> <Esc # 1-XXXXXX> <Your email to Nokia executives – 1-XXXXX>‏ (

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8:53 PM


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Escalation #: 1-XXXXX

Hi Mr. (last name),

Thank you for contacting us with your concern.

We have logged your concern and are currently looking into it. Your service request number is 1-XXXXXXX. Please allow us to handle the details of your case, and our local Nokia customer care team will get back to you shortly.

Also, to properly assist you, please provide us with your most convenient callback number. This way, we can forward your concern to the local Nokia Care team.


Welson R.

Answers to many of your questions may be located online. Please visit Support - Nokia - USA for your Nokia product support needs.
I got the same replies. We'll see what happens from here. The reply from Elop was way too slow for it to have been automated, but whether it was him or not, who knows... What matters is that we have their attention.
Honestly haven't had even one problem with this phone. What is this gunk people talk about? Mine light up in a creamy yellowish way that almost glows, but no gunk. Nor does my phone creak.
Mines was like yours and I couldn't stand it. The first one I had was pure white.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Well, I must say that maybe waiting till the other day to get mine saved me from much that is mentioned above and more. My notification noise level is rather low, but since it turns on the screen too that will help to know if I have a message in a noisy place. My buttons look fine, all 3 of 'em!
I cant seem to receive text messages. My wife apparently has been sending me messages but i'm not getting any of them. I can send messages to her fine.
Are you on a different carrier than your wife? At work, we're migrating from T-mobile to Verizon. I'm on the Verizon Nokia 928. Tmo people say they've sent me txts, even show me later, I never received. Don't know if it goes the other way or if its a Windows Phone issue. But its there for sure.

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