Nokia Lumia 928 Bugs and Defects

I've had two instances of a locked screen that I've had to soft reset out of. First time was playing Pandora, then started up Words with Friends. WWF was notorious about locking up my Lumia 810.
... Should I exchange the phone? If so, what happens with the games I've already purchased?

You can reinstall your apps (bought and free) to your new device via the windows phone website as long as the find my phone feature is enabled. You can also select "buy" for the specific app(s). The transaction will not complete as you will get a message stating that it was already purchased and can be installed if so desired.
I'm on phone number 2. The first one randomly rebooted twice on me (in 12 days), and that's only what I witnessed first hand (it may have been more). The second phone, which I just got yesterday, has already rebooted on me 4 times (again, that I've seen, maybe more), including once when I was in the middle of a phone call. I really don't want to return it for another one because I had an awful experience at the store (they were jerks about it), but this rebooting thing is worrying me. The second one I did a hard reset and all of the reboots have happened since then.

What applications are you installing? Seems like something application related.
My Lumia 928 is currently in the midst of getting replaced because the one I got ended up not being able to open 3rd party apps. When you click the tile, it would just sit at the app's splash screen. Factory reset was tried twice (once by me and once by an in-store Verizon rep) with no success. I had to end up sending it back to Amazon for an Exchange. Now waiting on said replacement.

Also, +1 for the crappy looking Windows logo on that phone (the best way to describe it is sort of a globby thing under the surface that looked terrible when illuminated). I'll report back when the new phone arrives.
I'm on phone number 2. The first one randomly rebooted twice on me (in 12 days), and that's only what I witnessed first hand (it may have been more). The second phone, which I just got yesterday, has already rebooted on me 4 times (again, that I've seen, maybe more), including once when I was in the middle of a phone call. I really don't want to return it for another one because I had an awful experience at the store (they were jerks about it), but this rebooting thing is worrying me. The second one I did a hard reset and all of the reboots have happened since then.

My phone has also been rebooting itself - I talked to a guy from Verizon about it when it first started happening, did a hard reset, and that seemed to fix things for a while, but it just started happening again. Talked with the same guy again today, and according to him, Nokia doesn't seem to be aware of the issue, so I'm getting a new phone sent to me - hopefully my luck is better than yours! Question for you, though - have your random reboots been preceded by a loud beep at all? Mine have mostly happened either while I'm playing music or just before an alarm was set to go off, and those have all been preceded by loud beeps. Just something I thought was peculiar, since I haven't seen anybody else here mention it.
This is the problem I just started having two days ago.

Anyone have an issue where the phone cannot unlock? I'll push the button and the screen turns on but I am unable to slide up the phone to unlock it. I can activate the camera and take pictures but when I go to unlock the phone from the home screen I will not work.

The only way I can use the phone again is to do a rest by holding the power button. It works for a few minutes and then it locks up again.
My phone has also been rebooting itself - I talked to a guy from Verizon about it when it first started happening, did a hard reset, and that seemed to fix things for a while, but it just started happening again. Talked with the same guy again today, and according to him, Nokia doesn't seem to be aware of the issue, so I'm getting a new phone sent to me - hopefully my luck is better than yours! Question for you, though - have your random reboots been preceded by a loud beep at all? Mine have mostly happened either while I'm playing music or just before an alarm was set to go off, and those have all been preceded by loud beeps. Just something I thought was peculiar, since I haven't seen anybody else here mention it.

I didn't notice any beeps with mine. It would just kind of silently shut off and reboot instantly. I got a new phone and it doesn't do that, however, it did freeze twice. Once I had to manually shut it down. The other time it shut itself down (but did not reboot). As this kind of freezing happened all the time with my old Droid phone, I don't see twice as that bad (although, obviously I would not prefer it), so I'm just rolling with it. I love the phone otherwise.
Just got my black phone last night from Amazon. I ordered two weeks ago, phone was supposed to ship for 5/28 but stock ran out.

First thing I noticed was some grubby fingerprints on the coffin case, which made me suspicious.

Second thing I noticed was that the camera button seems loose, definitely not tight like the other buttons. The nav buttons on the bottom were lit yellowish, and the home button was a little smudgy, but today the nav buttons do not light up at all!

Finally, I noticed that there is a noticeable gap between the glass and the plastic case along the top of the phone.

I just called Amazon to arrange for a replacement and what do you know, they are out of stock again. I suspect that the phone I received was a returned first production run. The good news is, despite the defects, I love the phone and the OS is outstanding. Looking forward to getting my replacement phone, whenever that might be.
I've had my 928 since launch and it has been great. However, I've been in the UK for the last two days and there have been 3 wifi hotspots that I haven't been able to access, when my surface and my friend's iphone have been able to. It gives me a message about the network not responding.
My wifi at home gives me trouble occasionally. I have two Buffalo high-powered routers - one in the basement and one in the attic. Set up with ethernet between them. Occasionally I'll notice that I can't connect. Almost always, if I restart the phone, it connects. The remainder of times, I have to reboot the main router.
A serious bug noticed is when I take multiple videos from the lock screen then lok the phone again one or all of the videos will not show up in camera roll when I unlock it minute later. I've lost good videos from this
A serious bug noticed is when I take multiple videos from the lock screen then lok the phone again one or all of the videos will not show up in camera roll when I unlock it minute later. I've lost good videos from this

Can you elaborate on this? So you launch the camera from the lock screen using the camera button, then take a video. Do you then lock the phone or go back to the home screen? Is this repeatable every time? If we can replicate this behavior we should be able to get it fixed.
Anyone have an issue where the phone cannot unlock? I'll push the button and the screen turns on but I am unable to slide up the phone to unlock it. I can activate the camera and take pictures but when I go to unlock the phone from the home screen I will not work.

The only way I can use the phone again is to do a rest by holding the power button. It works for a few minutes and then it locks up again.

Sounds like thie issue I had where the screen wasn't responsive. I ended up pressing the upper right quadrant of the phone (slight pressure) and heard an affirmative click. The screen worked after this, but it had to be done repeatedly.
Sounds like thie issue I had where the screen wasn't responsive. I ended up pressing the upper right quadrant of the phone (slight pressure) and heard an affirmative click. The screen worked after this, but it had to be done repeatedly.
I don't see how pressing in that area could have any effect on touch performance. I would advise against trying to squeeze the phone to solve the problem, there is nothing loose inside causing the touch to become unresponsive it is likely software related.
When this happens try locking and unlocking the screen, I have seen this solve the issue in some cases. If that doesn't work try holding the power button to reset the phone.
I think he was getting at an assembly problem - the phone not being assembled properly.
I think he was getting at an assembly problem - the phone not being assembled properly.
That is what I figured, but knowing what is inside the phone I cannot see anything in that area that would solve a touch issue. Clearly if you look at the edge of the phone and there is a gap between the front bezel and the back cover you should snap it together, but if there is no gap then squeezing will not correct anything.
The setting for Find My Phone is reversed.

To turn it on, go to Settings -> Find My Phone. Slide the bar to the right, which will fill with your theme color and show "On" under "Use Find My Phone". This turns it on.

If you then view your option in the Settings, under Find My Phone you'll see it says "Off". This is OK! Do not change the setting.
The setting for Find My Phone is reversed.

To turn it on, go to Settings -> Find My Phone. Slide the bar to the right, which will fill with your theme color and show "On" under "Use Find My Phone". This turns it on.

If you then view your option in the Settings, under Find My Phone you'll see it says "Off". This is OK! Do not change the setting.

The Find My Phone settings does not look like that on my 928...
Are you on a different carrier than your wife? At work, we're migrating from T-mobile to Verizon. I'm on the Verizon Nokia 928. Tmo people say they've sent me txts, even show me later, I never received. Don't know if it goes the other way or if its a Windows Phone issue. But its there for sure.

I also have the issue where T-Mobile texts are not received on my 928. Not all, but from one contact only (that I know of). I went to Verizon store to get help. They said no blocks were in system. We tested having another TMO person send me txts and they work fine.

Crazy thing is, while we were debugging this, one of the txts came through. It was right after making a voice call to them. No other texts are coming now, though.

Verizon's higher level tech said that the only way to solve this was have the person contact TMO.

Since more than a few people are having this issue we should break this bug out and put in own thread. Seems like a T-Mobile to Verizon thing so far.

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