Nokia Lumia 928 coming soon to Verizon?

Honestabebread, is anyone using 928 as their phone.. you told that 928 is available for Verizon employees to test and stuff.
Honestabebread, is anyone using 928 as their phone.. you told that 928 is available for Verizon employees to test and stuff.

No one I know. I'm a corporate trainer, so I'm not really like, top tier or anything. Basically there are these guys called data engineers who design solutions for our large business customers. They normally get the phones very early on.
No one I know. I'm a corporate trainer, so I'm not really like, top tier or anything. Basically there are these guys called data engineers who design solutions for our large business customers. They normally get the phones very early on.

Any news? Does training begin before or after phone is announced? Do you suspect that you will get any training at all or not since it's WP8 phone anyway?
Any news? Does training begin before or after phone is announced? Do you suspect that you will get any training at all or not since it's WP8 phone anyway?

We already had our WP8 training so there probably won't be anything hands on for the 928. Just an online training.

I'm pretty swamped doing Z10 trainings right now. Next up will probably be our in store machine to machine launch like the fleet tracking and the Delphi vehicle monitor thing.

I, like a lot of people following this thread, am desperately waiting for the 928 to be released/announced by Verizon/Nokia. Can you provide some insight into how it usually works ? Is there usually a lag from announcment to availability ? Does a phone usually become available for pre-order as soon as it is announced or is there a lag there too ? Appreciate all of your posts. Thanks...
Per what I learned from the Verizon posters on this forum last time around (8x launch,) Verizon is not going to announce a phone that is not available for months. Verizon usually waits for the last second (week to 10 days) to make sure the OEM can deliver the goods to Verizon's stores. Too many things change on the back end, to announce super early.

If Verizon announced the 928 now, and rather Nokia or Microsoft needed to delay the launch for whatever reason, it's just going to annoy Verizon customers and create headaches for customer service.

Once Verizon announces the 928, expect it to be for sale within 10 days or so.
Verizon announced the Trophy (not counting the 11/2010 Microsoft employee announcement) on 5/19/2011 and launched it on 5/26. They announced the Lumia 822 on 10/29/2012 and launched it on 11/15. The 8x had the same dates.

Just to give you an idea. A one week lead time, and just over 2 week lead time. They're not going to announce it months out. Or even one month out. The big exception was a month lead time on the iPhone, which was announced on 1/11/2011, and launched on 2/10.
Verizon may not of announced the 822 early but we saw it well before the announcement. I remember the hysteria on these boards over how ugly and insufficient it was... I was part of it! I just wish we could get some leaked pictures of the phone!
We saw the Trophy in October 2010, too. And we knew on November 15 that it would be coming to Verizon... :wink:
Good gravy, this thing needs to come out. The more I play with my girlfriends Z10, the more I start to waffle. The only problem with the Z10 is the lack of app support and carrier push. Heck, it's even worse than WP and I thought that was bad. You name an App and chances are the Z10 doesn't have it. But the gestures are amazing...
The Z10 is super fluid. The camera, battery, and performance issues have all been resolved with the OS version Verizon has on theirs.
Abe, are we still good for an April release on the 928? Like a lot of others the silence is making me nervous.
does the z10 lag at all?
there is nothing that frustrates me more than the lagginess of my droid
Zero. Like I said though, BlackBerry world makes Microsoft store look like iTunes. Also, out of the few apps it has, most are crap. Very few native apps and with the ability to port Android apps I fear that's all that phone will see for a while. If I knew the Native apps would start flowing I would probably bite on the Z10.

Gotta make an edit: The phone and settings apps lag a small bit but supposedly getting fixed in update. Not a deal breaker as far as I'm concerned.
Zero. Like I said though, BlackBerry world makes Microsoft store look like iTunes. Also, out of the few apps it has, most are crap. Very few native apps and with the ability to port Android apps I fear that's all that phone will see for a while. If I knew the Native apps would start flowing I would probably bite on the Z10.

Gotta make an edit: The phone and settings apps lag a small bit but supposedly getting fixed in update. Not a deal breaker as far as I'm concerned.
I really want a Z10 for work. Bb for work, WP8 for play. I really hate this S3

Any rumblings around the Lumia 928 ? Anything at all ? April release date ?

Stop badgering him. He won't know the release date for sure. Not even higher up employees will know until a week or two before it comes out. IT has to deal with Nokia still working on the phone!
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Stop badgering him. He won't know the release date for sure. Not even higher up employees will know until a week or two before it comes out. IT has to deal with Nokia still working on the phone!

With no word from Verizon or Nokia and no new rumors to discuss we can't help but badger poor and! He and MacPhisto have been our lifeline! Sure we can be annoying but we appreciate everything they tell us. This is the closest that us on Verizon have come to an exciting Windows Phone and we are just waiting to be disappointed once again!
With no word from Verizon or Nokia and no new rumors to discuss we can't help but badger poor and! He and MacPhisto have been our lifeline! Sure we can be annoying but we appreciate everything they tell us. This is the closest that us on Verizon have come to an exciting Windows Phone and we are just waiting to be disappointed once again!

I understand but two posts from this guy within 24 hours is badgering. You just gotta be patient and wait for wait for when he gets more information.

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