Nokia Lumia 928 coming soon to Verizon?

I'm so excited for this phone!! My contract isn't up until November but I think I'm just gonna go ahead and buy off contract.
Does anybody know if this 920 variant will have an SD card slot? Any specs released at all?

via an Eclipsed Galaxy Nexus
I hope that it does also esp if it has a 32 GB version. I already bought the 822 off contract so most likely wouldn't be able to buy a new one anytime soon.
I think it would be good if this was announced in the next two weeks. All the high profile app updates bringing good press would help the launch receive good press from tech sites.
I know I can't be the only one checking this site more than usual hoping for a glimpse of my future phone. lol I was going to get this or a Z10. Well, the girlfriend just got the Z10 and it's just not for me so the 928 it is.
Would be interested to hear your thoughts on the Z10.
There is a lot to love about the phone. The main thing that's keeping me away is the app situation. Almost every app we downloaded to it seemed to be an Android port. My fear is that this trend is going to continue and the native apps will be few and far between. Also, the active frames only work with native apps from what I can tell so at this point that whole part of the OS is pretty useless. I can see where the peek and flow could get addicting and I do wish wp had that. It really is a nice phone, just not for me. The keyboard is pretty sweet if you type one handed. I usually use two and found myself thumb wrestling trying to hit those pop up words.

One more thing. The actual phone part of the device is slooooooooow. Moving from recent calls to contacts and what not is painful. If wp didn't exist I guess I would grab one.
How unlikely is it that the 928 will be announced at PAX this weekend? Will this phone even have a press event or will Verizon / Nokia just post it on their websites?
I know I can't be the only one checking this site more than usual hoping for a glimpse of my future phone. lol I was going to get this or a Z10. Well, the girlfriend just got the Z10 and it's just not for me so the 928 it is.

Personally I have been checking this site at a disturbing rate just hoping for new info or a glimpse! A photo has to leak soon if the phone is coming out next month!
For me personally, I'm getting awfully antsy to get me some Lumia goodness and I'm having a real hard time not taking MS up on a free 920 right now at the MS store even though it is on ATT. As much as I love Verizon, I can't stand to wait forever and it's already been almost 6 months since WP8's were released.
For me personally, I'm getting awfully antsy to get me some Lumia goodness and I'm having a real hard time not taking MS up on a free 920 right now at the MS store even though it is on ATT. As much as I love Verizon, I can't stand to wait forever and it's already been almost 6 months since WP8's were released.

Almont six months is the key here.

Let the Z10 get some limelight. Then we'll start hearing something.

Verizon hasn't released a flagship phone since WP8 came out. They like to give products some room before releasing new stuff. Just like how the Verizon branded One is going to be late to the game because of the DNA
Almont six months is the key here.Let the Z10 get some limelight. Then we'll start hearing something. Verizon hasn't released a flagship phone since WP8 came out. They like to give products some room before releasing new stuff. Just like how the Verizon branded One is going to be late to the game because of the DNA
Having seen your posts on this thread and others, i take your comments, almost 6 months, if we assume september as to when the 920 was announced, then that means end of march for an anouncement.If we assume that end of october was when the phones were actually released, then that pushes the announcement/release to end of april. thanks for all your comments btw :)
you shouldn't be using the announcement date as the starting date. the availability date should be the starting date.
I know I can't be the only one checking this site more than usual hoping for a glimpse of my future phone. lol I was going to get this or a Z10. Well, the girlfriend just got the Z10 and it's just not for me so the 928 it is.

Personally I have been checking this site at a disturbing rate just hoping for new info or a glimpse! A photo has to leak soon if the phone is coming out next month!

No need to check in at a feverish pace... Get the paid version of the WPCentral app, and you get a live tile telling you if you have unread articles. Without a doubt, as soon as further information on this phone is leaked, those guys will cover it! :wink:
It honestly hadn't occurred to me to buy the app until you mentioned this feature. Boom! +10 wpcentrals to you, sir.
I was checking out a store today and watched a rep sell an Apple ****** on a Lumia 822. He was like "Why buy an iPhone 5 when you can get a fresher system and wireless charging for $100 less?"

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