Nokia Lumia 928 coming soon to Verizon?

So would a nexus or galaxy s3/s4 still be a good phone?

My experience with android is friends having low end ones that lag, look terrible, take bad pictures, etc... But I notice these flagship devices and can't help but think about what might have been if I had switched from IOS to android instead of WP8.

android is still slow, laggy, buggy and insecure on high end devices. You can give it 8gb of memory and 8 core processor and it will still run like crap. They need to fix the os.

The flaws are just alot more prominent on low end devices.
Beside any performance issues with Android, I just dislike the lack of consistent UI/UX philosophy and implementation. You can tell it was designed by a company lacking in OS development, when compared to iOS and WP8, which were developed by companies with about 30 years apiece. I don't want to struggle to make something intuitive and easy to use; that should have been thought about by a UX guy who did usability studies to determine the best way for the target consumer to operate the functions of the device. That's what bugs me more than performance, which is fixed by faster processors.
So would a nexus or galaxy s3/s4 still be a good phone?

My experience with android is friends having low end ones that lag, look terrible, take bad pictures, etc... But I notice these flagship devices and can't help but think about what might have been if I had switched from IOS to android instead of WP8.

Android itself is a nice idea...A powerful OS, that has endless customization and tweaks as well as being easily to develop for. The problem is, with a flagship phone (S3, S4, One X, etc.), at first, it will feel perfectly fluid and fast. Start adding apps and widgets, it becomes an exercise in frustration. Want to make a phone call, fine wait 2 seconds for the phone portal to load. Want to check your email, swipe your notification blind down, click on "new gmail", and wait another three seconds for the mail to load. Those don't seem like long waits, but they are when put into use.

Just as how Windows XP always seemed fastest after a fresh install, same thing with Android. Android is awesome if the phone is new. Otherwise, it's certainly earned the nickname "lagdroid".
I was messing with an S3 at work today. I didn't notice any lag in the areas you're talking about. Mail loaded, notification center (biggest thing I miss from jailbroken IOS) was beautiful and practical.

I love WP8 tiles, the idea is great. But I started feeling the sting of this purchase when portico came out, and being on Verizon.. Well, you know.

I'm a fan of WP8 OS, don't get me wrong. This might be a bad place to get an objective view on Android though 😉
Internet's a bad place to get an objective view on most anything ^_^ Dividing content into multiple 'screens' is needless too (iOS also suffers this, although its cleaner). Even without the 'live' part of live tiles, just having one contiguous list of the apps you use without needing to go into a menu is much more user friendly. The fact that some can effectively be widgets as well as an app link is just a bonus.
So what are we all thinking about the FCC document that leaked the height and width of the phone. Some say if the original document with labeling is to scale it'll be thicker than the 920.
So what are we all thinking about the FCC document that leaked the height and width of the phone. Some say if the original document with labeling is to scale it'll be thicker than the 920.

It also goes with with Tom Warren said about Nokia's next flagship being thicker than Lumia 920.

Also all of the Lumia 820 variants have so far been thicker than the original.
If it's slightly narrower than the 920 and slightly thicket I am fine with that. I like a phone with a little substance to it. Its the guts that matter. Im just hoping that it looks like the 720 as rumored.
I was messing with an S3 at work today. I didn't notice any lag in the areas you're talking about. Mail loaded, notification center (biggest thing I miss from jailbroken IOS) was beautiful and practical.

I love WP8 tiles, the idea is great. But I started feeling the sting of this purchase when portico came out, and being on Verizon.. Well, you know.

I'm a fan of WP8 OS, don't get me wrong. This might be a bad place to get an objective view on Android though 

You mean you don't like Portico or you don't like waiting for Portico?

If you don't like waiting for an update, Android is a bad place. It is extremely fragmented and updating is done primarily by the carrier. My brother just got Jelly Bean from Verizon on his Razr Maxx. The first Jelly Bean release to a device came on July 13, so it took about 8 months. Portico began rolling in December, so it took just under four months and Verizon expects to do updates much closer to MS' release of them as we progress. This was just the first one. The next update is likely to take under two months from MS' release and they hope that the third will take under a month. From what I understand, the plan is to have all carriers and phones rolling out the Windows Phone Blue update at the same time.

But Verizon has no plans on speeding up Android updates. In fact, they may slow them down because of the cost of deploying them.

Here's another thing to remember about Android - it's future is in great jeopardy. People may look at it now and think there's not stopping it, but the case in Germany that Google brought against MS through Motorola Mobility could seriously hurt Google and begin the end for Android. MS counter sued and the German Court has indicated that they will issue an injunction essentially banning Google from Germany in many ways. This all stem from MS patents and Google's unwillingness to license them.

But there's a reason why Google doesn't wish to - because all other Android makers are. If Google must pay royalties, the claim will come up that Google knew all along that Android was not a "free and clear" OS, but they sold it as such to OEMs like Samsung, LG, etc. The claim will be made that Google did this to gain marketshare on the backs of others without a real investment of their own. They basically sold everyone a bill of goods because many of the technologies used in Android are owned by other parties, so it is not a free OS.

So Google may be sued for "dumping". The rumbling in Verizon are that all Android makers are contemplating a massive suit against Google based on the apparent outcome to sue them for all patent fees paid, past and future, and damages. This is one reason why Nokia went to MS and another why Samsung is developing its own OS. It's also why Blackberry made sure they had patent coverage on BB10.

I've had this discussion with the VZW guy I know and, while it is not the official stance of VZW, the execs are preparing for the possibility of a future without Android. Google would likely try to only have to pay past patent licenses, not future, in an attempt to end Android deployment and they will stop Android development.

This may not be where this will go, but I've talked to more than one person in the industry who does believe that this will happen over the next few years. Watch for the repercussions of the German ruling that will come in about two months. This will likely then resonate through the EU. Google will be forced to pay MS patent fees for Motorola and the floodgates will open. Watch how it progresses. But if Samsung files suit, watch for them to also stop Android in the near future and move their Galaxy series to a new OS, likely their own.
I have noticed that a lot of people are losing loyalty in Android. I read a report that like 50% of Z10s sold were to Android upgrades.
Sounds like Google might be learning the valuable lesson that if you don't play by the rules, it can come back to bite you.
Honestabebread... Any idea when we might actually get to see the 928? When will Verizon release some official info?
Verizon! Just shut up and take my money!!! Ive been sitting on an upgrade for about a year now!
You mean you don't like Portico or you don't like waiting for Portico?

If you don't like waiting for an update, Android is a bad place. It is extremely fragmented and updating is done primarily by the carrier. My brother just got Jelly Bean from Verizon on his Razr Maxx. The first Jelly Bean release to a device came on July 13, so it took about 8 months. Portico began rolling in December, so it took just under four months and Verizon expects to do updates much closer to MS' release of them as we progress. This was just the first one. The next update is likely to take under two months from MS' release and they hope that the third will take under a month. From what I understand, the plan is to have all carriers and phones rolling out the Windows Phone Blue update at the same time.

But Verizon has no plans on speeding up Android updates. In fact, they may slow them down because of the cost of deploying them.

Here's another thing to remember about Android - it's future is in great jeopardy. People may look at it now and think there's not stopping it, but the case in Germany that Google brought against MS through Motorola Mobility could seriously hurt Google and begin the end for Android. MS counter sued and the German Court has indicated that they will issue an injunction essentially banning Google from Germany in many ways. This all stem from MS patents and Google's unwillingness to license them.

But there's a reason why Google doesn't wish to - because all other Android makers are. If Google must pay royalties, the claim will come up that Google knew all along that Android was not a "free and clear" OS, but they sold it as such to OEMs like Samsung, LG, etc. The claim will be made that Google did this to gain marketshare on the backs of others without a real investment of their own. They basically sold everyone a bill of goods because many of the technologies used in Android are owned by other parties, so it is not a free OS.

So Google may be sued for "dumping". The rumbling in Verizon are that all Android makers are contemplating a massive suit against Google based on the apparent outcome to sue them for all patent fees paid, past and future, and damages. This is one reason why Nokia went to MS and another why Samsung is developing its own OS. It's also why Blackberry made sure they had patent coverage on BB10.

I've had this discussion with the VZW guy I know and, while it is not the official stance of VZW, the execs are preparing for the possibility of a future without Android. Google would likely try to only have to pay past patent licenses, not future, in an attempt to end Android deployment and they will stop Android development.

This may not be where this will go, but I've talked to more than one person in the industry who does believe that this will happen over the next few years. Watch for the repercussions of the German ruling that will come in about two months. This will likely then resonate through the EU. Google will be forced to pay MS patent fees for Motorola and the floodgates will open. Watch how it progresses. But if Samsung files suit, watch for them to also stop Android in the near future and move their Galaxy series to a new OS, likely their own.
Samsung is just waiting for HTC and Motorola to get a bit more burried. My money is on the galaxy s5 running Tizen instead of Android. If that happens Android will crumble at a steady pace. I don't think most realize how unstable the foundation of Android is.
I think at this point if Samsung switched to Tizen, Android would drop to #3. I believe Samsung is around 50% Android share.

Another fun fact,65% of Verizon customers who buy Android call in within the first 7 days they own the phone. Each call costs the company about $18. iOS and WP are well below 50% call in rate.

Also, the 928 is available for some departments as a concession phone. So it should just be another month or so before it gets announced /released.

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