Now that the October 2018 Update (1809) has been re-released, ...

Drew Neilson

New member
May 30, 2015
… have any of you 2017 Surface Pro (5th-generation Surface Pro) users been able to update by going to Start --> settings --> Update & Security and clicking on "check for updates"? If so, I'd be curious to know what your Surface Pro SKU is. I've read or heard that Microsoft isn't allowing all users who click "check for updates" to get the update; they'll only allow users who have a known good configuration to update, or a configuration that their machine learning has determined is likely to not have problems, and I figure that this involves not only what hardware you have but also what software you have installed. My Surface Pro's SKU is 1807 and currently, when I click "check for updates", I do not receive the update. I'm not going to list every single program that I have installed but I will say that I have Oracle VM VirtualBox installed and installing VirtualBox installs some system drivers, if I recall correctly, so hopefully there isn't an incompatibility between Windows 10 1809 and those drivers.
I've also read that Microsoft isn't allowing all users with known good configurations to update immediately: they're slowly allowing increasing numbers of people to update.
Don't upgrade to surface pro 2017 got 1809 on the first day then my cortana is dead since update, the following re-release didn't fix it. It can't hear, can't speak, the cortana circle didn't even pop out when I press the mic icon or search bar....that's terrible.

And then I found the battery saver actually drains my battery faster....that never happen in 1803

I really hope the following new build can't fix it all cause I really don't want to re-install my system....
I just went to Settings --> Update & Security --> Windows Update and I am seeing the update now. Tried the same yesterday, wasn't showing. It says:
Feature update to Windows 10, version 1809
I have the Surface Pro (2017) i5 8GB 128GB
Thanks for responding to let me know that you got it on your 2017 Surface Pro. I was using mine when the Windows 10 mail app showed me a notification that you had responded to my message, so I read your message, then went into Windows Update and clicked "check for updates", and 1809 is now downloading! My 2017 Surface Pro's configuration (in addition to what I already said above): i5, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, LTE.
Perhaps we have now received this update because today is patch Tuesday. I also saw on Twitter that there might be a cumulative update to 1809, so I'm going to check for updates again after 1809 gets installed.
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I updated mine a couple of days ago. I haven't run in to any problems to date.

I got the cumulative update for 1809 today.
I too have a Surface Pro 2017 and haven't been able to run a VM with VirtualBox as the system virtualization is not recognized. I have Hyper V turned off and the Task Manager shows virtualization active. Any ideas?

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