Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

My gears are currently grinding away. Did anyone else have to go through it twice? (I didn't have DP.) The first update went super fast, and the second one is taking a while, but I am being impatient, ha!
NJ, with PD installed and active. Check for updates resulted in a few 80072efd errors from the servers being slammed but I finally connected and the update is now downloaded and is in the preparing to install phase
what is the firmware and os version that is supposed to arrive with this update? I just want to double check against mine since I updated through DP

Just finished OTA update, I've got:

OS version: 8.10.14219.341
Firmware revision number: 02540.00019.15024.38022
NJ, with PD installed and active. Check for updates resulted in a few 80072efd errors from the servers being slammed but I finally connected and the update is now downloaded and is in the preparing to install phase

This gives me hope, got the same error many times but will keep trying. Thanks for posting.
Still nothing, I'll hold tight till 2:30, no update, then I will just flash it. I was getting an error downloading updates from the DP, so this might not even install OTA for me, Waiting to find out, didn't want to hard reset...YET

Its so nice to see those gears turning, isn't it?

Maybe, I picked up a used Samsung device, It had the gears of death, endless gears even after a hard reset and everything else.

For today, wish I could see them :(
For someone that installed the developer's preview to get windows 8.1 on Lumia icon....what is the general consensus about the best way to go about installing the new official denim update/windows 8.1 from Verizon?

Should I turn DP off? How should I go about this...? Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Go to the PFD program, open it and tick off where it says to enroll. That should do the trick. Then check for updates. You might want to soft reset the phone just to make sure you have unenrolled.
so my firmware is 02540.00019.15024.38022
and the os is 8.10.14219.341

I know I have denim, but hey cortana is not working / I am unsure how to activate it
In an ideal world, that'd be great. And I'm sure in the future it'll be a real possibility. Particularly as the FCC continues to weigh in on network & band types. Smartphones need to be recognized and treated as what they truly are, pocket pc's. They're not simply phones anymore. I think unlocked universal devices will be the norm soon in the US. That said, I don't think this is nearly as big a step towards that end as you think it is.

I would have to disagree in part. The network infrastructure is owned by the carriers; they've invested millions of dollars in the development, security, and improvements in those networks. The FCC has to walk a thin line when it comes to regulations. Yes there is statute law that governs communications, but there is constitutional law that supersedes that. The FCC can write and modify regulations that will seem to be in line with the statute, but inadvertently run afoul of the Constitution. In other words there is a fine line about what the US government can or cannot to. More regulation is not necessarily better.

Let's say the FCC comes down and says, "Carriers. You shall not block updates to phones, because it violates the fair use clause. You will also allow devices from other carriers to be allowed on your network, regardless of hardware or OS configuration." By doing that, the government has now added a huge financial and logistical burden on to the carriers. They would be required to support pretty much ANY device made. There is a reason the carriers support a limited amount of devices. It would be like McDonald's being forced to make Whoppers for anybody who asked for one. McDonald's would have to stock the ingredients to make Whoppers on top of the ingredients to make Big Macs.

To the average person, it seems "black and white." In reality it is much more complex and to be a bit clich?, there is a "50 Shades of Gray" when it comes to the dance that is done between the carriers, the customers/end users, the government(s), the OEMs, the OS and software developers, and how best to balance it all out.
Woohoo, all finished with the update! I don't have a lot of music and media on my phone (use the cloud for most) so migration didn't take long. The whole thing took 30 minutes from start of download to finish of installation. Smooth.

Hope the battery doesn't suffer too much. Seems it's always under severe strain the first day or so after an update when backrgound processes seem to be going on.

Now I'm going to go and check the WiFi at the exact same spot I tried it earler with the Lumia 521 and 8.0 and 8.1 on the Icon. See if it's better. :)
Actually not entirely true. The Tech Preview is just the beginning.

True. I didn't want to call it beta, because it is available to pretty much anybody who wants to try it out. What is the step called in the process that is between beta and final release? That's kinds what it is.
I would have to disagree in part. The network infrastructure is owned by the carriers; they've invested millions of dollars in the development, security, and improvements in those networks. The FCC has to walk a thin line when it comes to regulations. Yes there is statute law that governs communications, but there is constitutional law that supersedes that. The FCC can write and modify regulations that will seem to be in line with the statute, but inadvertently run afoul of the Constitution. In other words there is a fine line about what the US government can or cannot to. More regulation is not necessarily better.

Let's say the FCC comes down and says, "Carriers. You shall not block updates to phones, because it violates the fair use clause. You will also allow devices from other carriers to be allowed on your network, regardless of hardware or OS configuration." By doing that, the government has now added a huge financial and logistical burden on to the carriers. They would be required to support pretty much ANY device made. There is a reason the carriers support a limited amount of devices. It would be like McDonald's being forced to make Whoppers for anybody who asked for one. McDonald's would have to stock the ingredients to make Whoppers on top of the ingredients to make Big Macs.

To the average person, it seems "black and white." In reality it is much more complex and to be a bit clich?, there is a "50 Shades of Gray" when it comes to the dance that is done between the carriers, the customers/end users, the government(s), the OEMs, the OS and software developers, and how best to balance it all out.

Granted this is a little bit different, but they did this with landlines in the way of making it illegal for phone companies to charge you a rental fee for a phone and not allowing any other phones to work. Again, this is a little different given the technology then vs now, but this is the direction we're headed, it's just taking longer than we'd all like.
I hope this helps a few people waiting on the update. Here is my experience.

I'm on the Developer Preview. I deactivated DP for the update but after about 25 minutes of being told my phone was up to date I reactivated DP and tried again. Checking for updates with DP active resulted in a bunch of 80072efd errors. A quick search showed the servers being overwhelmed with requests was the most likely cause so I just kept trying. The last check for updates took about 7minutes and the update started downloading. After download there is a preparing to install phase. Clicking install will restart your phone and the gears will start turning on the screen. It too about 10 minutes for the status bar to fill. After another auto restart it seems that you're all done but clearing your lock screen shows a 'migrating data' screen. Mine had 17 items to complete. It took about 15 additional minutes for that to complete.

So... that's what you have to look forward to. It took about 25-30 minutes total. I hope this helps someone deciding when to install.
It appears the wifi reception is a bit better. I'm getting about double the "shown" rate at my desk that I used to get for the months leading up to the update (running DP).

Did you notice it boots faster? Woohoo!

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