Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

soooooo stoked, at long last. Waiting till I get home tonight to do the recovery tool install for both mine and the missus. I know I don't have to, but I want the cleanest, most pure install I can do.

What would REALLY make me love this update would be if that goddamned facebook logo was now missing from the people tile, but I know that's too much to ask for. People tile, thou wilst remain tiny until that day, if ever.
Also if you have the gestures beta app installed, make sure to go into it, it will ask for a reboot and now give you more options and the actual gestures will now work :)
There was no difference at all in WiFi connectivity for my Lumia Icon between 8.0 and 8.1. The Icon has terrible WiFi reception and, as I've said several times, I think the only reason some people don't have a problem is because they happen to be using it in areas where their signal is fairly strong. If you have it in a weaker reception area and compare to other devices, its flaws are apparent. See Here's a picture of my Lumia 521 and the Icon sitting literally side by side at the exact same time, and the WiFi signals they pick up (521 on the right):
I don't know if this has anything to do with what is holding up the Verizon updates, probably not. But I think the networking hardware on this phone might be what caused its demise.

So that was the WiFi reception in 8.0 and 8.1 PfD (Lumia Icon on the left, Lumia 521 on the right)...

I went to the exact same spot today, after getting Denim. I take back what I said about hardware flaws:


All of a sudden it found the networks and connected to McDonald's WiFi with no issues. As I said, the exact same spot.

Thanks, Microsoft!
I know some have said at first the battery was still being wonky, but has anyone whose had it for a bit now noticed any improvement in battery life?
I know some have said at first the battery was still being wonky, but has anyone whose had it for a bit now noticed any improvement in battery life?

Based on the 521, 635 and Icon updates I've done before, battery is usually off for the first day or so. Seems to be a lot of background processing. Tomorrow is probably a better day to see any reliable data.
Settings > Cellular +Sim > SIM settings.

Thanks, I am resetting now and will see. I only had an option for Manual Internet APN but will see what's available now with the reset. Would it be possible for you to take a screenshot of what your cellular+SIM > SIM Settings looks like.
We're also a revision or two behind the software on the 930 (Icon v8.10.14219.341, 930 is on 14226); any chance double tap to wake is in there?
Before we complain, our last bastion of hope is the fact that the "touch" app needs to be updated to support the Icon, this is wishful thinking ofcourse but I don't know who to contact to confirm or deny this :(
As much as I was patiently waiting for the update (had it since October and didn't bother with PFD), I got a huge smile on my face when I came to this thread and saw 300+ new posts lol. It's currently installing now.

Is the camera update supposed to bring better low light photos?

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