Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

well what's everybody think?... was it worth the wait? , and how much is your Icon worth now?
I am Happy!
When I plugged my phone into my car adapter I got a message stating I plugged in a low power adapter and to use a recommended adapter or something like that. Never saw that before. And my car charger is a high one though.
I just realized that the blacks aren't black anymore, it's a bit reddish mostly near the bottom. It was pure black before.

EDIT: The whole screen has a very red/brown tint when on high brightness. Hmm...
Kinda sucks when my sister's 928 got double tap to wake, and my more powerful phone doesn't. I wonder why it wasn't included :/
I am happy enough! Can finally try out things like Softcard, and use Fitbit app as intended. The camera is now fast enough to get pics of kids while their still.smiling😃 the double tap issue sucks but is not a live or die issue for me anymore. I've gotten use to not having it since I moved to Verizon and away from my 920. Plus battery life with double tap and hey Cortana on might have been pretty bad, but who knows.
Kinda sucks when my sister's 928 got double tap to wake, and my more powerful phone doesn't. I wonder why it wasn't included :/

It has to do with the screen hardware. There is an issue with the display memory that makes glance a no-go with the Icon. Apparently the 930, which is supposed to be essentially an Icon clone for GSM networks does have double tap to wake. Not sure if this was something nokia did to the hardware before releasing the 930 (it came out a bit later than the Icon) or what.
So I take it Lumia Camera Classic is now redundant/obsolete - since it doesn't access the higher video rates?
do you notice that when viewing a picture it's showing the focus movement and then to the still photo, it like starting a video . strange, it works fine with the Microsoft camera,
Nokia Motion Monitor is no longer available in the store for the Icon either. :(

I figured out that Health + Fitness can track motion the same way that Motion Monitor did, although the live tile does not offer transparency or a step count. Now that I finally have Bluetooth 4.0LE I might get a Microsoft Band, so it does other stuff too.
do you notice that when viewing a picture it's showing the focus movement and then to the still photo, it like starting a video . strange, it works fine with the Microsoft camera,

That's the living images setting. You can switch that off if it bothers you.
So I take it Lumia Camera Classic is now redundant/obsolete - since it doesn't access the higher video rates?

Over at AAWP, the comparison between LC5 and the older version shows some definite changes. You may want to keep it around depending on circumstances. (It would seem the app itself does most of the camera changes -- other camera apps shoot exactly the same as they have).
So I set up "Hey Cortana", but it doesn't seem to consistently work. :straight: Also, sometimes it doesn't seem to load properly, even if I use the app to open it, when I click on the microphone and say what I want it thinks for a while and says "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that". ???
It has to do with the screen hardware. There is an issue with the display memory that makes glance a no-go with the Icon. Apparently the 930, which is supposed to be essentially an Icon clone for GSM networks does have double tap to wake. Not sure if this was something nokia did to the hardware before releasing the 930 (it came out a bit later than the Icon) or what.

Glance and double tap to wake are not related.

(see: Lumia 520 as an example)

(glares belligerently in the direction of Verizon)
OTA was simply awesome ... kept my start screen tile layout = awesome!

However ... my "cobalt" BLUE theme is more like a "medium PLUM blue" color ... I tried everything to adjust, I think a "bug"?
I figured out that Health + Fitness can track motion the same way that Motion Monitor did, although the live tile does not offer transparency or a step count. Now that I finally have Bluetooth 4.0LE I might get a Microsoft Band, so it does other stuff too.

The Band actually worked before Denim as well, with regular BT. Fitbit didn't though.
If you set Health + Fitness as your lock screen it will keep a count there. I believe the Tetra Lockscreen does this as well.
OTA was simply awesome ... kept my start screen tile layout = awesome!

However ... my "cobalt" BLUE theme is more like a "medium PLUM blue" color ... I tried everything to adjust, I think a "bug"?

I use the same color but I don't notice any difference in the color before or after the update

I did a backup then a clean install with the LSRT instead of an OTA and maybe that's the reason for the difference

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