Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

IE itself, no. But when playing video within an application's IE web wrapper, an unusual strain on the processor seems to be present.

Much unlike a noticeably absent announcement regarding a FW update.

are you saying when you open up a video it will ask you if you like you tube or IE , and if you use IE it crashes? give an example. for me I have done it both ways and not one problem.
Why promote the Icon, a retired handset?

It's "retired" in the sense that Verizon no longer has it for sale. Microsoft has always kept that page up, and now seems to sell it through amazon without a contract instead. I think Microsoft still considers it very much an actively supported product.
well I dug though the site on Microsoft store I could buy it for 499 free shipping. I went all the way to check out where they wanted my credit card. I didn't continue all ready have one, but they do sell it.
well I dug though the site on Microsoft store I could buy it for 499 free shipping. I went all the way to check out where they wanted my credit card. I didn't continue all ready have one, but they do sell it.

Yep. ICONs are on display inside retail Microsoft Stores as well, here in Miami.
How is it that zero information about this update exists in the public domain after nearly four months?
It's weird, isn't it? The only info we have is from CSRs and they all say different things since they probably know nothing. I'm almost starting to wonder if ANYONE on Verizon knows anything about this!
Again, what benefit does Big Red or Microsoft have in being sooooo quiet about this? There is so much negativity that it can't be good for either. Just say something. Microsoft's silence is the most troubling to me... :cry:
It's "retired" in the sense that Verizon no longer has it for sale. Microsoft has always kept that page up, and now seems to sell it through amazon without a contract instead. I think Microsoft still considers it very much an actively supported product.

Actively sold? Yes! Supported? HA!
I swear its a lawyer agreement. Verizon tells Microsoft if you complain about us, we'll sue you over it. So rather than making issues MS just keeps quiet and is glad that AT&T actually likes WP.

Again, what benefit does Big Red or Microsoft have in being sooooo quiet about this? There is so much negativity that it can't be good for either. Just say something. Microsoft's silence is the most troubling to me... :cry:
It's "retired" in the sense that Verizon no longer has it for sale. Microsoft has always kept that page up, and now seems to sell it through amazon without a contract instead. I think Microsoft still considers it very much an actively supported product.

The manager of the Microsoft Store here in Honolulu said that as far as Microsoft is concerned, the Icon is NOT retired. She was surprised when I told her that Verizon said it was. So yes, it is actively supported and marketed by Microsoft. Unfortunately, she had no information about Cyan though since that aspect of it is still in Verizon's hands. :(

P.S. If Verizon truly retired it, then Microsoft could reasonably say, well in THAT case, we'll consider it unbranded and update it ourselves. I doubt that would happen though.
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