Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Its crap that Verizon doesn't give the Windows Phone the attention it deserves but I understand why they don't. Sitting in class today, EVERONE else had their iPhones out, I was the ONLY person in there who didn't own an iPhone. Its very hard for WP to compete with that sort of brand strength/loyalty. Verizon executives have to make their shareholders happy with a good return on investment. The best way for them to do this is to support the most popular OS's which WP is unfortunately not one of.

Edit: I also want to share this article I saw earlier about WP.
Windows Phone 8.1 -- It's Not Just for Insulting Anymore?|?Robert J. Elisberg

Thanks for the link. I missed the .99 cent Icon sale and was going to get the $99 Icon from Microsoft Store and enter a new two year now, since I just picked up two wireless chargers from e bay and know that even vzw will have to release the next batch of phones that will ship with windows 10 I'm thinking for less than $20 I'll just buy the back plate for my 822 and wait till spring or next summer for the next gen win phone and stop this icon chasing madness I personally am going through waiting for the update. All while enjoying the DP on my 822
Thanks for the link. I missed the .99 cent Icon sale and was going to get the $99 Icon from Microsoft Store and enter a new two year now, since I just picked up two wireless chargers from e bay and know that even vzw will have to release the next batch of phones that will ship with windows 10 I'm thinking for less than $20 I'll just buy the back plate for my 822 and wait till spring or next summer for the next gen win phone and stop this icon chasing madness I personally am going through waiting for the update. All while enjoying the DP on my 822

Been there and done that. The problem is that the timer on a new two year contract doesn't start until you use the one you currently have offered.

So you're losing money by not using the upgrade as soon as it's up.
Why promote the Icon, a retired handset?

This is the 1.2 billion dollar question here. Showing the facts, Microsoft is still promoting it in some ways and Nokia, yea, plenty of pushes for it, if you follow them on Twitter or Facebook.

Now we have a fact that we only really told from Verizon CSRs or store reps and we know how that can go. The phone is removed from Verizon's website and most stores no longer have them on display.

There is still NO official word from Verizon, Microsoft or Nokia, this is an important fact here.

Now Verizon retiring this model is a interesting choice. It's known by most people(and should be known by all companies involved) it's in the top 2/3 best Windows Phone devices available.

We also do not know what "Retired" means on Verizon, not an official meaning, we all can assume but, I have not seen anyone from Verizon actually confirm what it really means in the Verizon world. Does it mean discontinued (gone for good) or just that model/series is "retired" and will come back ?

I could see them "retiring" a current model phone to clear out of all stock before releasing it with the big update (Cyan/Denim), no question, they COULD be doing this. In a business standpoint, this makes perfect sense, and why they are not saying anything also makes sense (If it was coming out as newer model in a month, would you buy the old one ?).

Still, weeks after we have heard this, no Cyan and no idea on what is happening. Till we get the official word from Verizon, Nokia or even Microsoft, we are all just guessing here.

Seems we do a lot of that when it comes to ANYTHING Verizon, huh ?
Yeah, I am not too happy with VZW. I left ATT in July for the ICON and now the 920 already has Cyan 8.1. Now I am stuck for 2 years or a whopping ETF.
New here.....but long-time follower and fellow Icon owner.

Not sure if it's been shared before, but check this out: *w*.microsoft.c*m/en/mobile/support/software-update/wp8-software-update/availability-in-north-america/ (Sorry, but apparently I can't share links yet, hahah. You know what to do with the asterisks.)

It updated to reflect that Cyan is 'Available' for T-Mobile's 925, so the page is maintained ( Microsoft).

Note that it also says that Cyan for the Icon is 'Under Testing.' Perhaps still a long shot, but I see it as a little more solid than anything a Verizon CSR says.
Yeah that page is definitely kept up to date. Problem is that it's been listed as Under Testing since Cyan was announced.
Someone just buy some Verizon stock and visit the shareholders' meeting so we can find out wtf i.s going on because they obviously won't tell their customers.
Yeah, I am not too happy with VZW. I left ATT in July for the ICON and now the 920 already has Cyan 8.1. Now I am stuck for 2 years or a whopping ETF.

I hear you, my choice is paying a terrible ETF or stick with Verizon's abysmal treatment of WP customers and continue to stuff cash into Big Red's coffers

great choices all around :unhappy:

even if Verizon by some miracle of the universe updates the Icon and shows WP any love this whole Icon mess has soured me on Verizon for good and I will probably switch when that ETF is manageable

my breaking point may be if by mid November when we still have no update, no news, not any word at all from Verizon about the Icon (we are talking like 5 months at that point since cyan/8.1 was released) I will probably just eat that ETF and switch to At&t
Someone just buy some Verizon stock and visit the shareholders' meeting so we can find out wtf i.s going on because they obviously won't tell their customers.

Or call up their "technical support" as the IT manager of a major government contractor (since almost all of them use Rig Bed), claim that your logistics department can get some Icons for executive management, but that you won't get them unless you know how much the phone will be supported. Refuse to "waste time giving out information" until you talk to someone in-the-know--get angry if you have to--and see how far you go.
Please do that Chief and tell us how it goes. :amaze:

Even if I do, I've been following long enough to know that 20% of people here will say I'm making things up to "stir the pot," and 75% will think that the person I spoke to had no idea what they were talking about. Sadly, I'll be inclined to think the latter, as well.
Agreed. Some simply need to complain. Doesn't matter the topic, doesn't matter the circumstance. It just happens.

I like your idea and just feel you would be best suited simply because you understand your intentions and the flip side of how it all works. Relaying twice will only get lost in translation.
If they really don't give a crap, then why wouldn't they just approve all updates without testing them. It would keep us happy. It would eliminate any testing on their part. Its win/win if they just give us updates universally.

Its crap that Verizon doesn't give the Windows Phone the attention it deserves but I understand why they don't. Sitting in class today, EVERONE else had their iPhones out, I was the ONLY person in there who didn't own an iPhone. Its very hard for WP to compete with that sort of brand strength/loyalty. Verizon executives have to make their shareholders happy with a good return on investment. The best way for them to do this is to support the most popular OS's which WP is unfortunately not one of.

Edit: I also want to share this article I saw earlier about WP.
Windows Phone 8.1 -- It's Not Just for Insulting Anymore?|?Robert J. Elisberg
Here is the upshot. If/when Verizon finally does grace us with Cyan, you don't have to revert to WP8.0. I asked the T-Mobile 925 guys running WP8.1DP if they needed to revert to 8.0 and they said no, that it installed Cyan with no problems.
Here is the upshot. If/when Verizon finally does grace us with Cyan, you don't have to revert to WP8.0. I asked the T-Mobile 925 guys running WP8.1DP if they needed to revert to 8.0 and they said no, that it installed Cyan with no problems.

I am sure Verizon will find a way to make us have to revert back to 8.0 as another "screw you" to DP WP users if and when they ever drop the update :devil:
New here.....but long-time follower and fellow Icon owner.

Not sure if it's been shared before, but check this out: *w*.microsoft.c*m/en/mobile/support/software-update/wp8-software-update/availability-in-north-america/ (Sorry, but apparently I can't share links yet, hahah. You know what to do with the asterisks.)

It updated to reflect that Cyan is 'Available' for T-Mobile's 925, so the page is maintained ( Microsoft).

Note that it also says that Cyan for the Icon is 'Under Testing.' Perhaps still a long shot, but I see it as a little more solid than anything a Verizon CSR says.

Just wanted to provide proof of what I posted earlier. The link below (which I still cannot fully post, so replace the asterisks) is a cached view of the same page from 10/25:


It still shows T's 925 as 'Under Testing,' and I'm pretty sure it said that yesterday, too, when I checked. So it is regularly updated, and the 'Under Testing' for the Icon gives me a small bit of hope. I'm not saying that this gives us proof that Cyan for the Icon is under testing or on its way, but when compared to and contrasted against the facts, this page is more reliable than any other resource this thread has. I'll keep checking it every day.

Also keep in mind that when Denim goes live, the page should also give an accurate Zero Day status for the Icon, as well.
Speaking of Verizon, I just read this thread about a Kyocera phone that is sold as unlocked - but Verizon has disabled the ability to add new APN settings, so it's useless for data outside their own network.

I really feel for those guys... especially since apparently the "people" from Verizon that respond must be bots, because they just keep repeating the same "We can't help you. How can we help you?" idiocy (same I've seen when people ask about Cyan).

They really shouldn't sell crippled phones that can only be configured for Verizon as unlocked, even if they are technically not lying.
Just wanted to provide proof of what I posted earlier. The link below (which I still cannot fully post, so replace the asterisks) is a cached view of the same page from 10/25:


It still shows T's 925 as 'Under Testing,' and I'm pretty sure it said that yesterday, too, when I checked. So it is regularly updated, and the 'Under Testing' for the Icon gives me a small bit of hope. I'm not saying that this gives us proof that Cyan for the Icon is under testing or on its way, but when compared to and contrasted against the facts, this page is more reliable than any other resource this thread has. I'll keep checking it every day.

Also keep in mind that when Denim goes live, the page should also give an accurate Zero Day status for the Icon, as well.

Why do you believe that page and the fact that it's still "active" is significant? I'm not following you...
Why do you believe that page and the fact that it's still "active" is significant? I'm not following you...

Replace "believe" with "hope." I'm hoping that the updates to the page coincide with and maybe even precede reality, and not just a reaction to reality. If so, then maybe we'll get lucky and see that "under testing" change to "available" before our phones let us know.....if they let us know....if they.......let.......

(It's really just grasping at air.)

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