Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

You don't need to worry about it. There are a lot of people upset because Verizon is retiring the phone. It's a great phone and I enjoy mine. I'm more upset because there isn't another high end Lumia to replace it. Microsoft has committed to supporting the phones. Much of the concern right now is because Verizon has not released the Cyan update. Theories on why they are waiting varies greatly, but Verizon is known to be very slow and withhold updates to help promote other phones. For now we just get to be patient waiting for updates...easier said than done.
I wonder if I'm the only person that hasn't had issues with the Icon. WIFI is perfect and just as good as the 928. However I should point out, I'm using the 5GHZ band not the 2.4 band. I've had it get really hot only once. I felt like my pants were on fire, but then it started to cool down. Never happened again since and that was like 4 months ago.
I wonder if I'm the only person that hasn't had issues with the Icon. WIFI is perfect and just as good as the 928. However I should point out, I'm using the 5GHZ band not the 2.4 band. I've had it get really hot only once. I felt like my pants were on fire, but then it started to cool down. Never happened again since and that was like 4 months ago.

I'm hoping the firmware update will fix the WiFi, as it's terrible in comparison to my other devices (and honestly I think you have the issue too, you are just not aware of it as much because of your circumstances, or you might be right that it's a frequency issue). I documented the issues in other threads, so I won't reiterate them here, suffice it to say that in the exact same locations and with the exact same settings, my Lumia 521 and 635 both get stronger signals and pick up more available networks than my Icon does. I'm HOPING it's a firmware issue and that Cyan (or Denim ;)) can fix it, but it could just simply be poor hardware design. I've gotten used to it, and honestly it's not a big deal, but it's probably the most disappointing aspect of the phone.

The heat issue is noticeable when using connection-intensive websites or apps such as Messenger, or for more than a few minutes, but it's obviously related to power drain which could be taken care of by fixing those apps. I doubt it's firmware or hardware related, but it might be. Maybe the networking hardware needs new firmware to deal with it.
I wonder if I'm the only person that hasn't had issues with the Icon. WIFI is perfect and just as good as the 928. However I should point out, I'm using the 5GHZ band not the 2.4 band. I've had it get really hot only once. I felt like my pants were on fire, but then it started to cool down. Never happened again since and that was like 4 months ago.

Play Wheel of Wealth and tell me if it doesn't turn into The Burning Wrath of IKON, GOD OF FIRE ...
My Icon also works well, I'm in Colombia buy mine on ebay for $ 550 three months ago. The phone works perfectly LTE and has no problems with messages, the call quality is very good, the battery life with moderate usage exceeds the full day, the photos are very good, the only thing is that it warms up a bit with facebbook application and I think that the ringer volume is a bit low, everything else I'm happy with my phone, I would like to have the Cyan and dennim upgrade, which provides for additional operating system nokia ...
I wonder if I'm the only person that hasn't had issues with the Icon. WIFI is perfect and just as good as the 928. However I should point out, I'm using the 5GHZ band not the 2.4 band. I've had it get really hot only once. I felt like my pants were on fire, but then it started to cool down. Never happened again since and that was like 4 months ago.

Ouch! I guess that's where we ladies are lucky- I never carry my phone in a pants pocket.

I contacted Verizon today about cyan/denim for the Icon and all they did was refer me to a link they have for their "news and updates" page which of course had nothing to say about the Icon getting an update.
Ouch! I guess that's where we ladies are lucky- I never carry my phone in a pants pocket.

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@nancyannl- my Icon gets hot quite a bit when it's in my pocket. A few times I had inadvertently had the camera on so I thought maybe that was it but it happened again tonight and the camera was not on. I never had a Lumia phone do this before.
I contacted Verizon today about cyan/denim for the Icon and all they did was refer me to a link they have for their "news and updates" page which of course had nothing to say about the Icon getting an update.

Nothing new, that is all they will do is provide you a link to their news page that if you go back quite a ways, you wont find anything for Windows Phone....

Same old crap..
To everyone listing the problems you are, or are not having: Please tell your OS version. WP8, 8.1 DP, or whatever.

I ran 8.1 DP for a while and the only problem I had was when the phone was connected to my computer. It would disconnect and reconnect multiples times a second. This was a deal breaker because I'm always putting new music on my phone. I rolled back to WP8 and everything is great. No problems with WiFi on either version and I connect to multiple networks (G, N 2.4GHz, AC 5GHz) a day between work, home, and on the road. WiFi is always fast as can be no matter which router or MiFi I connect to. Battery life is great. I usually finish the day above 20% and I use the crap out of my phone. I've only noticed the phone getting warm on the wireless charger but my 928 did the same thing.

I want Denim/8.1 but it's not crucial to me.
Ah, they closed the Cyan thread, so here we go again ! :)

The key thing to note. Cyan and Denim was announced before the ICON was "retired". As the phone was current when it was announced, I expect we should be getting these updates. If you saw my other thread, If we don't get Denim by mid (based on above) December, I think we should create a class action lawsuit against Verizon Wireless.

Will we get it? unsure at this point but, based off the 930 and 1520 will get it, I would bet Verizon still would send it down after their so called "testing".

If Verizon didn't have me by the balls on better coverage in my area and unlimited data, I would change to AT&T in heartbeat. It would be nice to get some actual support for Windows Phone, something that Verizon seems to care less about.

You may be on to something here. I have considered that very thing myself. Would the Oregon Attorney General be interested? I don't know. The numbers may not warrant their attention. They may also argue there was no binding promise by either Verizon or Microsoft/Nokia to update the Icon. On the other hand, I'd argue there was an implicit understanding that as Microsoft pushed the Cortana feature and indirectly, 8.1, it would not be unreasonable to expect that a phone that was touted as the Windows Mobile flagship should get the latest upgrade. And, if an older AT&T 1020 can get 8.1 and Cyan, why not the Icon? Wouldn't a new computer buyer reasonably expect that a top-of-the-line PC should get the latest Windows 8 service pack?
The Microsoft website says that the Icon will have extra features ie., hey Cortana with the denim update. If they still say this, then it is just a matter of time. I have a feeling they will just skip right over cyan and go straight to denim.
My experience on WP8 is similar. Great. Wi-fi (and I travel a lot) great, battery life really good. Heat problems, only a couple of times while using HereDrive+ or other intensive apps in excessively hot weather.
My experience on WP8 is similar. Great. Wi-fi (and I travel a lot) great, battery life really good. Heat problems, only a couple of times while using HereDrive+ or other intensive apps in excessively hot weather.

HereDrive+ causes my M8 to overheat as well. I originally thought it was an issue with the Icon on DP.
Not a chance at all! The 930 is the EXACT same phone but couldn't be released in the United States because of the exclusivity contract with a company that didn't give a squat about the phone and actively squashed sales of the device. I suspect Apple knew this phone was better than their brand new iPhone 6 and paid VZW to squash sales of it. This is why Microsoft should NEVER do another "exclusive" phone deal. And if they do, do it with a Phone company that cares about Windows Phones = AT&T! I think Microsoft should do an "exclusive deal" with AT&T for a brand new Windows 10 phone that is an iPhone killer and Verizon can watch all their beloved Android and iPhone users leave their network for AT&T like they did for the initial iPhone!
Na, there's a lot of processing information that goes on with GPS apps, probably why actual GPS units are so large. ;)

Yeah GPS is horribly energy intensive. A while back Microsoft was working on a way to offload the computing to the cloud in real time. Hope we get that in Windows 10

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