Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Quote Originally Posted by mtalinm View Post
how did you get an offer from Verizon to switch to the DRoid Turbo? I'd take that.
Complained enough, would it be frustration to make you switch or a better phone?

Pleas tell me how to complain enough...
Bought this phone a month before Verizon retired it. Feeling ripped off and questioning if I should stick with Windows phone now.

I have thought of just ending my contract and just using my 1020 on straight talk. I love the Icon but the way it's being handled by Microsoft and Verizon is beyond horrible.
If you want to leave, leave....No one is stopping you. If you feel Windows Phone does not give you enough features, download the DP and that will give you pretty much everything.

Stop crying about's getting old...

I have a VZW LG G2 sitting here....I have played with it for hours, trying to find out what people really like about Android vs Windows Phone, maybe the apps ? And why ? As first playing with it, I am not crazy about it but, maybe I don't know the ins and outs of the device.
If you want to leave, leave....No one is stopping you. If you feel Windows Phone does not give you enough features, download the DP and that will give you pretty much everything.

Stop crying about's getting old...

I have a VZW LG G2 sitting here....I have played with it for hours, trying to find out what people really like about Android vs Windows Phone, maybe the apps ? And why ? As first playing with it, I am not crazy about it but, maybe I don't know the ins and outs of the device.

There's lots to like about android. Yes, many of them being the apps. The built in email client on the G2, which has had its problems in the past, is in terms of functionality is leaps and bounds ahead of what the icon offers in its built in app.

WP has it merits though. That's why I hover in these forums and hanging on to my icon instead of selling it as I originally planned.

Now for those feeling they have been ripped off by vzw or Microsoft are just complaining about not getting extras. Heck yeah it sucks and is annoying but the phone still functions as it did when it was purchased and that's all that's officially promised.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
When I bought the phone in May I was promised the updates by the sales people.

And you listened to them... why? They are there to SELL you something. They do not make decisions in respect to when or if an update will be provided. Just because a sales rep promises you will get an update doesn't mean you will get one. The ONLY promise you have from Verizon is in the contract you signed when you purchased the phone.
No, but the point is that Verizon is not training anyone properly or they are training them to lie. Either way, I'm laying this on VZW. I wasn't expecting to be first, but dead last with no sign in sight? I didn't sign up for that either.
Had DP since the first day with the phone. But there are things that need Cyan to function properly. Right now the camera slow as hell.

Agreed. There are some items that can't be addressed by software updates and the firmware updates are what's needed. I'm lurking in the forums and waiting for those as well. Unfortunately to help ease the pain I'm just not using my icon as my daily driver.

I have some high hopes for Windows 10 and Microsoft owning the devices completely. I hope that's a formula for faster nexus like updates.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
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It's kind of funny if you stand back from a 3rd party and read this thread and the Cyan one that got closed, everyone has their own theory on what is going on here. Everyone is grasping at straws and most of all, everyone is like WTF ?

Yea, Verizon is crappy when it comes to updates, BUT, something public was said, it's not being released because that Verizon's crappy apps don't work (would think that would be a blessing), so it is coming, the big question is when and only Verizon and Microsoft know (according to the tweet, MS is working with VZW on this)

Maybe after this issue is fixed so their crappy apps work now, in a 1 week period all WP8 devices will get Cyan/8.1.....

Who freaking knows at this point, tomorrow is December 1st, yea, it's beyond old now.
Or maybe we will all get a free upgrade to the new leaked phone if the problem cant be fixed!
**crossed fingers**
I switched to VZW and got the ICON in July. I already asked about a free upgrade to a new phone. I was told that there are no offers posted at this time and that came from the SOB's mouth who told me Cyan/8.0 would be released in September.
If you want to leave, leave....No one is stopping you. If you feel Windows Phone does not give you enough features, download the DP and that will give you pretty much everything.

Stop crying about's getting old...

I have a VZW LG G2 sitting here....I have played with it for hours, trying to find out what people really like about Android vs Windows Phone, maybe the apps ? And why ? As first playing with it, I am not crazy about it but, maybe I don't know the ins and outs of the device.

Most people buy Android because it was the cheap alternative to an iPhone that they had seen in ads and that was sitting there in the stores for them to buy when they went there. There are no Windows Phones to buy in most places (in the US at least), and Blackberry is no longer around so Android it is. End of story.
Most people buy Android because it was the cheap alternative to an iPhone that they had seen in ads and that was sitting there in the stores for them to buy when they went there. There are no Windows Phones to buy in most places (in the US at least), and Blackberry is no longer around so Android it is. End of story.

Yep and after a few days of playing with this LG G2....I put it back up on ebay...I just don't like it but, I will admit, they have some freaking cool games that we can only dream of on Windows Phone...

I guess they all have their plusses...

I will admit the LG G2 is a very nice phone(hardware wise) and the G3, is a epic phone, wish they made the G3 for Windows Phone, I would dump Nokia in a heartbeat...
Most people buy Android because it was the cheap alternative to an iPhone .

Also it was the only option available with the iPhone only being on AT&T. But that was 2009 or so when android first started to gain traction. Bring us to 2014 and it's very different story. It would be a mistake to still think if android as a cheap alternative to iPhones.
I switched to VZW and got the ICON in July. I already asked about a free upgrade to a new phone. I was told that there are no offers posted at this time and that came from the SOB's mouth who told me Cyan/8.0 would be released in September.

Yeah, I got mine a week before Windows Phone 8 was revealed (After it was publicly stated the ICON would be upgraded). I knew, being a Verizon customer, that it would be a couple of weeks at least but every salesman told me 100% we would have it before end of summer. . . . Now I'm just thankful I have the edge plan and can upgrade this spring. If I didn't have developers Preview i would have jumped ship long ago (back to my BB Q10 at that)
it is pretty awesome to have cheap smartphones. got my kid a Lumia 520 last year for $40. he dropped it so I got him an android for $70. if I didn't care so much about the camera I'd get one of these cheapies as well - no insurance crap to deal with, etc.

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