Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Another clue to the delay? Microsoft is looking for a cellular modem software specialist for their Lumia Engineering location here in San Diego and has been for 60+ days.

I didn't think that sounded plausible until I read the job description. Yikes. Did they dump the wrong Nokia employee?
Also it was the only option available with the iPhone only being on AT&T. But that was 2009 or so when android first started to gain traction. Bring us to 2014 and it's very different story. It would be a mistake to still think if android as a cheap alternative to iPhones.
I agree. Now many people buy them because they are established and, once again, are actually sitting on shelves in the stores. I bet most people don't even know they run "Android". It's just a phone.
Also it was the only option available with the iPhone only being on AT&T. But that was 2009 or so when android first started to gain traction. Bring us to 2014 and it's very different story. It would be a mistake to still think if android as a cheap alternative to iPhones.

Yea, when Microsoft had Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 on shelf...sitting in a little corner with 2-3 models(depending on carrier) while there was 1 iPhone and 10 Android devices...

If times could change, if Windows Phone 7 was released in 2009 going head to head with the iPhone and Android 1.0, I would think all of out complaints with Windows Phone would of been resolved by now and it would have at least a 25% share in the fact, do you think Android would of been as big if that happened ?

A Day late and dime short Microsoft.....

Still after playing with Android, setting up all email accounts, doing texts and an playing games....besides the games/app selection, I like Windows Phone so much better....
Yea, when Microsoft had Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 on shelf...sitting in a little corner with 2-3 models(depending on carrier) while there was 1 iPhone and 10 Android devices...

If times could change, if Windows Phone 7 was released in 2009 going head to head with the iPhone and Android 1.0, I would think all of out complaints with Windows Phone would of been resolved by now and it would have at least a 25% share in the fact, do you think Android would of been as big if that happened ?

A Day late and dime short Microsoft.....

Still after playing with Android, setting up all email accounts, doing texts and an playing games....besides the games/app selection, I like Windows Phone so much better....

I had a few of the windows mobile devices back then. The HTC wing, and HTC Snap. Both were great after some brewing from the guys at xda. I miss you ookba!!

If WP had been released back in 2007 and released on multiple carriers at multiple price points it wouldve done extremely well. I'm a member on the XDA boards because of windows mobile not android. Many of the users there are or atleast were. Android would not have grown because Windows would have been the alternative to the iPhone and google would have continued its support of the platform. remember this page?

Windows phone is great and if the app selection was equal and as well as the email client I'd be using it right now instead of my G2. but it doesnt function as i need it to in its current form so i'm hanging on to my Icon and using my G2 as my daily driver in the hopes that windows 10 fixes these issues.

Thats if verizon decides to allow us to even have 8.1 which is my real gripe.we are this far behind on Cyan while denim is in the works for release. Then when can we expect W10?

de ja vu?

I hope not.
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Yea, when Microsoft had Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 on shelf...sitting in a little corner with 2-3 models(depending on carrier) while there was 1 iPhone and 10 Android devices...

If times could change, if Windows Phone 7 was released in 2009 going head to head with the iPhone and Android 1.0, I would think all of out complaints with Windows Phone would of been resolved by now and it would have at least a 25% share in the fact, do you think Android would of been as big if that happened ?

A Day late and dime short Microsoft.....

I could not have said this better myself.
Actually Denim is beyond "in the works", it is sold on new phones. The Icon is the only WP released this year that doesn't have Cyan or later or equivalent as far as I know.
I had a few of the windows mobile devices back then. The HTC wing, and HTC Snap. Both were great after some brewing from the guys at xda. I miss you ookba!!

If WP had been released back in 2007 and released on multiple carriers at multiple price points it wouldve done extremely well. I'm a member on the XDA boards because of windows mobile not android. Many of the users there are or atleast were. Android would not have grown because Windows would have been the alternative to the iPhone and google would have continued its support of the platform. remember this page?

Windows phone is great and if the app selection was equal and as well as the email client I'd be using it right now instead of my G2. but it doesnt function as i need it to in its current form so i'm hanging on to my Icon and using my G2 as my daily driver in the hopes that windows 10 fixes these issues.

Thats if verizon decides to allow us to even have 8.1 which is my real gripe.we are this far behind on Cyan while denim is in the works for release. Then when can we expect W10?

de ja vu?

I hope not.

Yea, no question....XDA, yep on there too as the same name....PPCgeeks used to be a hotspot for new WM builds (pretty much dead now days). Used to love PPCkitchen....Drop a few OS files into a few folders, open the program, select the build, add your apps, Click go, 2 min later a custom rom, flash and your running the newest build...oh those were the days..

I also was there for Windows Mobile... (they do have WP but, very limited models can be Interop unlocked and no custom roms)

Last WM device I had was a HTC Touch Pro 2....loved that phone and with a custom rom running WM 6.5, it was a great phone for the day (still have one here)..I miss those keyboards...

I started back in the PocketPC days, with a HPC 1.0...first Cell with PDA had WM 5.0 on it.. So yea, I've been there done that :)
Actually Denim is beyond "in the works", it is sold on new phones. The Icon is the only WP released this year that doesn't have Cyan or later or equivalent as far as I know.

Very true. Its just us verizon subscribers that are looking forward to firmware that's already been surpassed by another release.

If I didn't rely so much on their coverage or so the story goes.
For me, if VLC comes out of beta to the windows phone store for 8.1 before the Icon gets 8.1, I'll get a different phone. This is ridiculous.
For me, if VLC comes out of beta to the windows phone store for 8.1 before the Icon gets 8.1, I'll get a different phone. This is ridiculous.

So its a war of attrition then?

Kidding aside, I know the Icon with DP isn't perfect by any means, but I had the opportunity to get a 1520 for work that came with Cyan out of the box, and there really isn't a major difference between the phones, with the exception of the screen size, Miracast support and the significantly greater flexibility AT&T provides on their phone image (mms apn, field test mode, etc).

I also wouldn't abandon the Icon if I were you, the Verizon update is coming, slated for "sometime in December" according to my contact in Microsoft's devices team (at least as of 3 weeks ago). If you can live with the DP for a few weeks to get VLC, you should be all set

I get it, its frustrating, but there really isn't a massive difference. A lot of the issues the Icon has are also apparent in the 930 with the Cyan firmware, so I dont think the heating up/bad wifi is going to be fixed (1520 wifi is no better).
Actually Denim is beyond "in the works", it is sold on new phones. The Icon is the only WP released this year that doesn't have Cyan or later or equivalent as far as I know.

Denim isn't on any phones in the way you describe. Yes, the new phones Extras+Info reports Denim, but that doesn't mean much. Denim is not one thing, its a unique update for each model enabling different hardware features. There is nothing in the currently released Denim firmware that is really any different than Cyan (which is why, in my estimation, why the Denim glitch occurs in Extra's+Info on some devices when it should read Cyan - basically they are just calling the Cyan update Denim on newer phones as all the other features are really WP8.1.1)

What we all want,the "Hey Cortana" feature and camera algorithms updates are basically unique to the Icon/930/1520. Other than that, Denim will bring WP8.1.1, but you can already get that

Summary: Denim is not out in any way, shape or form that resembles why we want. Its in testing, and hopefully will come out in December instead of Cyan
Mary Jo Foley says that Microsoft is still telling her that this is in Verizon's hands.

VZ has had Cyan for testing since April 2014 and here it is December 2014 and no release yet, I would be shocked if we got it this month and don't expect it till early 2015

so 8-9 months to get an update that is already being surpassed by Denim, we have only seen info on Cyan being released by Verizon and I haven't seen any info that VZ has even begun testing Denim on their network

I am hoping like others that since it has been so long VZ would just skip Cyan and go straight to Denim but I have my doubts they will do this

imho don't expect Denim any time soon, maybe by spring/summer 2015 at the pace VZ is moving
In case it matters (and it probably doesn't) I sent off a rather scathing email using the links on this page: Region Leadership | Verizon Wireless

I got a call back from someone in the executive offices in Arizona who, while sympathetic, gave me the same old tired "extensive testing" BS. He told me that the update was originally scheduled for November but has been pushed back to "early 2015" but assured me it was coming. He "couldn't" tell me what the problem was and kept avoiding answering why every other carrier managed to roll this out.

I remain convinced that this whole fiasco is on VZW due to either incompetence or indifference.
Yea, crossing fingers on Denim, then I guess I have to do a hard reset, as I cant even take the last update...
Denim isn't on any phones in the way you describe. Yes, the new phones Extras+Info reports Denim, but that doesn't mean much. Denim is not one thing, its a unique update for each model enabling different hardware features. There is nothing in the currently released Denim firmware that is really any different than Cyan (which is why, in my estimation, why the Denim glitch occurs in Extra's+Info on some devices when it should read Cyan - basically they are just calling the Cyan update Denim on newer phones as all the other features are really WP8.1.1)

What we all want,the "Hey Cortana" feature and camera algorithms updates are basically unique to the Icon/930/1520. Other than that, Denim will bring WP8.1.1, but you can already get that

Summary: Denim is not out in any way, shape or form that resembles why we want. Its in testing, and hopefully will come out in December instead of Cyan

I have no idea what you're talking about. Denim is being sold on new phones. The Microsoft Lumia 535 runs Denim out of the box (and no, it's not a "glitch"), and it's not that they're just "calling it Denim". The only reason it doesn't have "Hey Cortana" feature is because it uses the lower end chipset.
Not really sure what your point is.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Denim is being sold on new phones. The Microsoft Lumia 535 runs Denim out of the box (and no, it's not a "glitch"), and it's not that they're just "calling it Denim". The only reason it doesn't have "Hey Cortana" feature is because it uses the lower end chipset.
Not really sure what your point is.

I think that he's trying to say that the major features of Denim, ie: Hey Cortana, Lumia Camera 5, etc... aren't really available on the devices that are currently out with Denim (Lumia 535 & 830). And you're both right, the reason they don't take advantage of those major features is because they use lower end chipsets than the Icon, 930, & 1520. So, yes, they're running Denim - but they're not running the most notable features of Denim.

I don't think that's really a big deal, but it is true.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Denim is being sold on new phones. The Microsoft Lumia 535 runs Denim out of the box (and no, it's not a "glitch"), and it's not that they're just "calling it Denim". The only reason it doesn't have "Hey Cortana" feature is because it uses the lower end chipset.
Not really sure what your point is.

All Denim is not equal. Different chipsets, different capabilities. The "Denim" we care about has basically nothing to do with anything other than the 1520/930/Icon, other than being an updated firmware released sometime around the end of 2014
The icon works perfectly on 8.0, however few updated apps will run on 8.0 anymore. That's more an issue than the update in my opinion.

Having so much trouble with dp, I refreshed back to win 8. Guess what. Band doesn't work with 8. So you are wrong. In order to use my band I need 8.1. So once again, **** Verizon.

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