Not sure how that is a "lie" it is ready for 8.1 when it's available..
Wow, this is taking forever, here we are the 8th of December all seemed solid rumors were all BS, as normal, as we would of had this a few weeks ago if they were true.
Same old news, waiting for a phone update from Verizon....this is so old, I would change carriers if Vzw didn't have such great coverage compared to the other vendors. Also, almost everyone I know (friends and family) are on VZW, so it would cost more from another carrier.
And one of the biggest reasons, Unlimited LTE data...
Yeah, feel your pain. I got the 1520 for AT&T, ported my number from Verizon and the family plan. It cost me close to $80 bucks per month for this experiment. After two months, I ported back to Verizon and my ICON. The 1520 is listed here for sale. I'm glad I'm not a "Power User" and have to put up with this update crap. I really would be upset.
S.c.r.e.w.e.d. anyway about it...