Why is that? Is it due to Verizon or MS? Are these legitimate problems with all of the devices or just certain ones and Verizon doesn't want to stagger the release? Is this a corporate decree to push sales of the One M8 for those wanting the 8.1 experience? We don't know. We likely will NEVER know.
This is the 1.7 billion dollar question. Who's fault is it ? And who's ever fault it is, why the delay ?
On one side, We have the Nokia Lumia 930, in all aspects it is the EXACT same phone besides the CDMA radio. This is proof that 8.1 will work on ICON.
Unless there is a problem with the CDMA radio and software (Windows Phone software, not firmware), with other 8.1 devices on the market (The HTC one for example), and even this part is a little hard for me to believe. If someone said it was this, I would call it BS unless they can back it up with 110% facts, not rumor or personal guess, like is done a lot on here.
The last thing we have heard, is because 8.1 does not work with Verizon's custom applications. Why ? Who really wants their crappy Visual Voicemail app ? Their billing app (that has not been updated for ever and still looks like crap, no wonder it might not work.) they are saying are having a problem.
Their Visual Voice mail app on 8.1 Dev preview caused me to lose a job making REALLY good money because I watch for live tiles, I had a voice mail that came in and the tile never showed that I had a voice mail, so for a week an offer came in for a job and I missed it. So yea, there is BIG issue with their VVM app.... Yea, it's my fault because I have the Dev Preview installed but, If I was on 8.0 and this happened, I would file a lawsuit and I would win.
Why Verizon does not use the built in VVM app is behind me, put the work into it, work with Microsoft and just make it work and it will be a seamless app, what we as Windows Phone users WANT. They use the built in app on the iPhone, why wont they make it work for Windows Phone ?
Verizon, just more excuses and will never give a update....All in all, I think it's Verizon, if they are just short handed, or don't really care because it's a canceled phone, who freaking knows... Same old BS...