Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Probably a cache on your browser/computer. It was dead for me on Chrome/IE on two different PC's and my phone.

I'm surprised at the lack of response to Microsoft pulling the Icon sales page from the Microsoft Store website.

Here's my conversation with a Microsoft sales rep. Of course, online sales reps rarely have the full story. But this is notable. Either the update is coming very soon, or not soon at all.

Also, I don't remember the last time the Lumia Icon was listed on the Verizon's website as "Free on Contract" as it is right now. Even if the page it links to isn't available.
Search Results for Lumia Icon

"Either the update is coming very soon, or not soon at all." hahaha that is awesome.
I got my Icon free on 2 year contract. in June.
Flawed hardware. Weak WiFi, laggy screen with no glance, poor battery life, poor low light photos/videos. Microsoft/Verizon realized there was not much they could do, and also retired the phone. Good riddance. Hopefully we will see a worthy flagship on Verizon sometime soon, and not this nonsense. Nokia didnt deliver on this phone. Released a phone with flawed hardware, which does not work properly, or does not work together. Reminds me of the N97 in 2008: updating firmware didnt help much.

Ugh, another cancer post. I think it's terminal now.
Well at the very least it means someone was looking at/messing with this page in some fashion. At this point waiting for denim is like waiting for a new Tool album or like the previous poster said a new Half Life game.

We will never know if we are going to get it. and when we do it will drop quickly and with force, and probably not live up to the hype.

It's best to not think about it :P

I don't care about hype. I care about getting my Fitbit and SensorCore to work. :(
Some of these issues are hit or miss. My battery life is outstanding on DP but the wi fi sucks big time and the shutter lag in the camera is horrible. It gets worse with each update because they keep depending more and more on the firmware.
Interesting, I have been trying to get Softcard on my ICON for weeks now, searching in the store under "Softcard" and "Soft Card" would give no results, today, it showed up. Maybe this is a hint that Denim is coming soon ?

And the ICON was shipped with a Secure SIM according to what I read, so if you want to try "tap to pay" do a search to see if you can find it...

Crossing my fingers that it's a hit that Denim is coming but, take that with a grain of salt...
Don't assume that.

I fired off an email to the executive offices yesterday complaining about all this. I got a call from a guy I'd already talked to about 8 weeks ago who couldn't tell me anything beyond 1st quarter and wouldn't assure me that the date wouldn't slip further.

This was not some CSR, it was someone in the executive offices. Now, I hold firm to my feeling that the goal of anyone at VZW is to get rid of you as quickly as possible and keep you away so it's possible that he figures now I won't bother until the end of March.

Feel free to contact them yourselves and see what they say. Leadership | Verizon Wireless

Just pick one. All of the emails go to the same place and they will call you.
Sent a LONG email about the support of the ICON and the Denim update, let's see if I actually get a return call....
Flawed hardware. Weak WiFi, laggy screen with no glance, poor battery life, poor low light photos/videos. Microsoft/Verizon realized there was not much they could do, and also retired the phone. Good riddance. Hopefully we will see a worthy flagship on Verizon sometime soon, and not this nonsense. Nokia didnt deliver on this phone. Released a phone with flawed hardware, which does not work properly, or does not work together. Reminds me of the N97 in 2008: updating firmware didnt help much.

I agree. I love my ICON but I will always believe it's hardware flawed. WiFI is horrible for me on 8.0 or 8.1. Battery life sucks as well. I don't have any problems with the camera though. It takes stunning pics and I always get compliments on them. There's a reason why 928 and 822 already got 8.1/Denim and we haven't. And it's not cause of Verizons apps or additional features Denim brings to the ICON. It's hardware flawed and I won't listen to anything otherwise. *Plugs both ears and continuously hums*
Has anyone ever seen a number of ICONs sold? I am not sure if all of us ICON users emailed them would make a difference.
Actually, I got a call within 25 min.... I got some excuse about why the phone was discontinued because of some software problem. She gave me an example of the Samsung S4, they had a software problem on it, they pulled the phone off the shelf, then re-released a different S4 that can handle the update. She would not give me 100% reasoning behind it.

She clearly said, that there was a problem (she did not seem clueless like most CSRs but, take that with a grain of salt). with the update and it's back in testing. She claimed it should be ready by Early February. I pushed and pushed but, this is all she would provide me.

I was also told that I should be contacting Microsoft and Nokia regarding updates, so I responded....Microsoft sends YOU the update, you modify it for YOUR network and you do testing before it's approved for release, I already talked to Microsoft and Nokia, it's Verizon that is causing the delay. She kind of quieted down a little and said they are working on it....

I tried to grill her as much as possible, trying to get ANYTHING I can get out of her, the best I got was early Feb... As for a Windows 10 update, she said she could not say anything right now.

As always, I don't know how accurate this info is, take it with a grain of salt and use your judgment on it if it's real or not. Right now, this is the closest finding possible accurate info but, still hold back with it could be BS...
I agree. I love my ICON but I will always believe it's hardware flawed. WiFI is horrible for me on 8.0 or 8.1. Battery life sucks as well. I don't have any problems with the camera though. It takes stunning pics and I always get compliments on them. There's a reason why 928 and 822 already got 8.1/Denim and we haven't. And it's not cause of Verizons apps or additional features Denim brings to the ICON. It's hardware flawed and I won't listen to anything otherwise. *Plugs both ears and continuously hums*

After checking what causes the battery drain the most on my Icon, it's the chat/messaging apps. I can easily kill the phone from a full charge in less than 2 hours just by using FB messenger, messaging, WhatsApp or disqus (get up to 60% battery use/hour with those).

With the Wi-Fi being crappy (and no, nobody can convince me that this is just my phone - I simply think those tho don't have issues are using it in better conditions) and the connection-intensive chat programs killing the battery, I wonder if it's something with the network hardware on the phone that is causing the problems. Could also be the screen, since the touch functionality is used most intensively when typing.
Either way, something is definitely wrong with the Icon when it comes to these areas. Everything else has been great about it, including the camera. So maybe there was something different there in the hardware compared to the 930.
Don't assume that.

I fired off an email to the executive offices yesterday complaining about all this. I got a call from a guy I'd already talked to about 8 weeks ago who couldn't tell me anything beyond 1st quarter and wouldn't assure me that the date wouldn't slip further.

This was not some CSR, it was someone in the executive offices. Now, I hold firm to my feeling that the goal of anyone at VZW is to get rid of you as quickly as possible and keep you away so it's possible that he figures now I won't bother until the end of March.

Feel free to contact them yourselves and see what they say.

Just pick one. All of the emails go to the same place and they will call you.

I just sent them an email and we will see what kind of response I receive. I can only hope that if we all email them, that we might be able to push this giant rock of a company and show them there is a loyal Windows following and just want to keep our devices current.
I just fired off an email as well, to John something in customer service; very polite and respectful, but very much letting them know how much we feel like second-class customers and that AT&T is looking mighty good when my contract is up.
I just fired off an email as well, to John something in customer service; very polite and respectful, but very much letting them know how much we feel like second-class customers and that AT&T is looking mighty good when my contract is up.

You know, maybe that isn't a bad idea. A Lumia 930 is about 400 off contract on amazon, and Cricket service can go as low as 35 dollars a month. I'm really considering biting the bullet and going over
I personally feel that given the price of the phone, and the abrupt pulling it off the market that Verizon should offer a trade in program for Icon users. Let people who feel slighted by the way that Verizon is handling the whole affair turn in their Icons for either a high end android or apple with no change to their contract. I am very unhappy with Verizon AND Microsoft in the way this flagship phone has been handled. I would gladly go back to android after this attempt to go with WP.

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