Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Yes. It does come with a secure SIM. I installed Softcard earlier this week, and it works perfectly. The one downside is the limitations of card types you can use. Otherwise it's great. Evidently, it just needs WP8.1. The firmware seems to be irrelevant.

Just looked at the Softcard list (3 banks) compared to the Apple Pay list (too many to count). Unbelievable.

And of course, my bank is on the AP list but not the Softcard one. Can I blame Verizon for this too? Pleeeeeease.
I was also told that I should be contacting Microsoft and Nokia regarding updates, so I responded....Microsoft sends YOU the update, you modify it for YOUR network and you do testing before it's approved for release, I already talked to Microsoft and Nokia, it's Verizon that is causing the delay.

Actually, Verizon doesn't modify ANY of it. It's not Verizon's OS nor is it Verizon's firmware. If Verizon finds a problem they tell Microsoft. If it is a firmware issue, then Microsoft has to kick it back to the OEM. In the case of the CDMA, WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM, and LTE radios, it goes back to Qualcomm. Qualcomm manufactured the Snapdragon 800, not Microsoft. Qualcomm fixes whatever is causing the problem in the firmware, tests it, then sends the updated firmware to Microsoft, who then updates its build, does its own internal testing then sends the new build back to Verizon for testing and approval. The same rules that prevent Microsoft from updating the firmware of the Icon without Verizon's permission are the same rules that prevent Verizon from fixing any problems with the firmware or OS it finds. Microsoft owns and controls the OS, Qualcomm owns and controls the firmware of the Snapdragon 800, and Verizon owns and controls the CDMA key and the network that the Icon connects to.
MS could do a HELL of a lot more to appease their customers. Joe B, this means you.

What EXACTLY can Microsoft do? It's not up to them when it comes with approving updated software on carrier branded devices. Verizon has final say when it comes to what devices are allowed on its network.
Just looked at the Softcard list (3 banks) compared to the Apple Pay list (too many to count). Unbelievable.

And of course, my bank is on the AP list but not the Softcard one. Can I blame Verizon for this too? Pleeeeeease.
While the bank list is short, you can use the Amex Serve card with any bank. An extra step only during setup. And many of us have regular Amex cards which work directly.

I think the cumbersome payment procedure is a bigger obstacle, myself. But at least it works on the Icon. Supposedly, I haven't tried it yet. :)

The fact that it only works on 8.1 might be a sign we're getting it soon! Yeah.... LOL
Just looked at the Softcard list (3 banks) compared to the Apple Pay list (too many to count). Unbelievable.

And of course, my bank is on the AP list but not the Softcard one. Can I blame Verizon for this too? Pleeeeeease.

Here is the thread for Softcard. Many of your questions and concerns are answered there.

Oh and you can only partially blame Verizon for the limited cards you can use. Softcard (formerly known as Isis) is a collaboration between Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T. It actually has been around longer than Apple Pay (by a couple years).
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So, out of curiosity, what does everyone think of MS investing in Cyanogen?

Off topic, but this thread has talked about things like denim underwear, so why not. When I saw MS is investing in Cyanogen, I was thinking maybe this could be used on Windows Phone to run Android apps, bringing down the app gap.
Off topic, but this thread has talked about things like denim underwear, so why not. When I saw MS is investing in Cyanogen, I was thinking maybe this could be used on Windows Phone to run Android apps, bringing down the app gap.

I feel like my initial question got lost in the above conversation, so in an attempt to bring the thread back on topic, if I am still on 8.0/Black, should I consider developer's preview or should I wait it out a week or two in the hope that Denim comes out in a timely manner?

I really want to try 8.1 but if Denim is legitimately coming soon (without the attached trademark) then I feel like I should wait...
I feel like my initial question got lost in the above conversation, so in an attempt to bring the thread back on topic, if I am still on 8.0/Black, should I consider developer's preview or should I wait it out a week or two in the hope that Denim comes out in a timely manner?

I really want to try 8.1 but if Denim is legitimately coming soon (without the attached trademark) then I feel like I should wait...

Unless there is some software you really want that only runs on 8.1, I'd say wait at this point. You should be able to go from Preview to Official without having to do a reset though, but if you're planning on doing a hard reset for the 8.1 upgrade I'd say wait. All signs point to the release being soon.
So, was I right ? Today is Friday BEFORE the Superbowl, Microsoft can be quoted that they were going to release WIndows 10 (for phone) right after the superbowl.

I checked updates today (disabling the Dev program app) and there is no updates.

Verizon does not release updates over the weekend (I've never seen this but, I could be wrong).

Screwed up as it is, looks like we will be getting Windows 10 preview BEFORE Denim.....Let me guess, there will be an issue with it, so you wont be able to install Denim if you have W10

Another great perk by being a Verizon wireless customer....F U Verizon...
Honestly, I won't be downloading Windows 10 on the Icon without a firmware update. I've had enough issues with 8.1 and Black.
So, was I right ? Today is Friday BEFORE the Superbowl, Microsoft can be quoted that they were going to release WIndows 10 (for phone) right after the superbowl.

I checked updates today (disabling the Dev program app) and there is no updates.

Verizon does not release updates over the weekend (I've never seen this but, I could be wrong).

Screwed up as it is, looks like we will be getting Windows 10 preview BEFORE Denim.....Let me guess, there will be an issue with it, so you wont be able to install Denim if you have W10

Another great perk by being a Verizon wireless customer....F U Verizon...

Not that I think it's coming today, but Denim for the 822/928 didn't get released until 1pm hold your F Us for a couple hours :)
And my firmware is still Black after the extras+info update today in case anyone got somewhat excited as I did 😒
It's deserved and no need to hold off. While the updates weren't pushed until later in the day the PDFs were updated early in the morning.
Honestly, I won't be downloading Windows 10 on the Icon without a firmware update. I've had enough issues with 8.1 and Black.

I'll be holding off until other who feel brave enough to test it on the ICON report back with results. If it was under the DP I would.
Alright, so here's what I found out from some digging today at the office. First, Icon/denim is in the "Lab" phase, and is still, at this time, on track for early February. I tried, but could not get a specific date. As for why all Nokia phones disappeared from the Verizon website not so long ago: this is because Microsoft is in the midst of re-branding everything so that it will no longer be the "Microsoft Nokia Lumia Icon" as an example, because that would be a mouth full, and they are dropping the Nokia branding all together. And while the Icon will continue to be supported, and the flagship phone, Microsoft is preparing for the launch of a new Lumia-family Verizon exclusive phone which will drop in the first quarter of this year.

So there you have it.

I'll take you at your word that you work for VZW but I'm not buying into any of this until I see it. We've been hearing "soon" for so long that it's meaningless. The rest of it sounds like complete BS. Again, not questioning YOU, but I am questioning whoever told you that. It makes zero sense. There's never been a "Microsoft Nokia Lumia Icon," nor has any Lumia been dual branded with Nokia and Microsoft.

Talk of Verizon getting the 730 in the first quarter have been floating around for a while but that phone is not even close to a flagship and can't hold a candle to the Icon.

And none of this explains the fact that this phone has received no updates, except for a very minor push in May, since its release. It is, AFAIK, the only Lumia still officially on Windows Phone 8. So, FU Verizon. Even if this update goes out while I'm typing this, the taste in my mouth is so sour that I'm not sure I'll ever get rid of it.
I'll be holding off until other who feel brave enough to test it on the ICON report back with results. If it was under the DP I would.

Agreed. You'd have to be pretty brave to jump into Windows 10 on your phone this early in the game. I, too, will be awaiting feedback with fingers crossed.

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