Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

Nah, most people don't defend their carriers, they ***** and complain and hate it... and then say "well, that's just how it is, nothing I can do" and then continues to stay with them. Learned helplessness is definitely the state of the average US cell phone user under contract.... :smile:

It's really a double edged sword here. On the one side, I HATE Verizon as a company, Most CSRs suck and are clueless, you might get a random one here and there that is good but, over all, they suck. They suck for support for devices, as we know. They also never make any statements for information that their customers want. Again, as a company, they suck.

On the other hand, I like a carrier where my phone works where ever I go. Verizon has the best coverage for LTE hands down, even AT&T is not close when it comes to the locations where Verizon has LTE coverage. I can get LTE at home, over friends, at work, and about 95% of the places that I go, or need to go. My brother has a iPhone 6 on AT&T (he is interested in WP but, not flagship device and the 1520 is too big), and many times in the same car with him, he drops calls, when I have perfect coverage.

There really is NOT a perfect carrier. Also there is the fact that people will b.i.t.c.h. at anything, even if there is not a valid reason, it's just human nature. It's one of those things, you cant do anything about it, so you have no choice but to deal with it...

For the record, I am not under any contract with Verizon and have not been for over 7 years now (I actually think it's closer to 10 years)....
I still say there's something inherently wrong with that phone. Don't know what it is, but too much has happened to think otherwise.

1. Phone retired after 7 months.
2. No Cyan (status goes to under development and then the web page is changed to hide any status at all)
3. 928 and 822 get Denim in name only and we get pushed off to "early 2015."
4. Joe B. disappears for 6 weeks then resurfaces and effectively says that March is possible.

While I continue to hope I'm wrong, I'm just waiting for an end of life declaration on this thing. It's 50/50 IMO.

Yes there must be. Otherwise Microsoft would still be selling it. They acquired a flawed device from the cash-bleeding Nokia, and decided not to ruin their reputation any further by just retiring it. There are some angry Icon owners who think Verizon is behind all of this - while I think they could be responsible for a slight delay, I do think there are hardware issues. I predict that Icon owners could get a trimmed-down-on-features Denim update, and that will certainly be the last update for this phone.

930 also has issues with Denim. What is most interesting - how does the newly released gold 930 compare with original 930? It was just recently released, and I think it may have been more than just a shell update...
I still say there's something inherently wrong with that phone. Don't know what it is, but too much has happened to think otherwise.

1. Phone retired after 7 months.
2. No Cyan (status goes to under development and then the web page is changed to hide any status at all)
3. 928 and 822 get Denim in name only and we get pushed off to "early 2015."
4. Joe B. disappears for 6 weeks then resurfaces and effectively says that March is possible.

While I continue to hope I'm wrong, I'm just waiting for an end of life declaration on this thing. It's 50/50 IMO.

What's the common denominator here? Verizon. I've got the phone. It's fine.

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