Official 8.1/Denim for the Icon?

At least the 822 and 928 have 8.1 official. Crap, I'll settle for that right about now.
Have you considered U.S. Cellular? They don't offer Windows phones AFAIK, but their coverage is nearly identical to Verizon and their customer service is top notch. The only reason I'm not still with them is because the service here is only 3G (using Verizon's towers) and they said I'd probably be unhappy with my data speeds. As soon as they put up a tower nearby though, Verizon can suck it.

Would not encourage this unless you are local, and stay local, to one of their 4G areas. As recently as last summer they still had a 200MB data cap when not in your home area and then they would drop you to a 1x rate. You could call and get it temporarily removed, but it would get added back the next month.

Not sure of they still sell the Ativ S, but that was their only WP.
Qualcomm, or Nokia - someone screwed up with the hardware here. Microsoft just needs to release a new flagship. Can't blame both Verizon and Microsoft for retiring a phone that has problems. I'm sure they are doing rigorous testing of the new phone they have in the pipeline so this crap doesn't happen again. Poor QC is one of the things that lead to Nokia's demise.
But the same chip is in the 1520 and only the 930 on O2 got a "bad" update. And we did not get any reports that "Hey cortana" does not work on the denim devices.

Bye the way in this link there is an explanation how hey Cortana works.

Thank you!

Qualcomm, or Nokia - someone screwed up with the hardware here. Microsoft just needs to release a new flagship. Can't blame both Verizon and Microsoft for retiring a phone that has problems. I'm sure they are doing rigorous testing of the new phone they have in the pipeline so this crap doesn't happen again. Poor QC is one of the things that lead to Nokia's demise.

Of the speculation on this thread, this is some of the most unfounded. The Lumia Icon is Verizon's phone. Microsoft sells it for Verizon. If Verizon retires it, Microsoft is lead to do the same. Did they retire the 930? No. They just can't sell it in the US due to the exclusivity deal with Verizon on the Icon.

The Icon wasn't retired because of hardware problems. It was retired because Verizon retired it.
Microsoft just needs to release a new flagship. Can't blame both Verizon and Microsoft for retiring a phone that has problems. I'm sure they are doing rigorous testing of the new phone they have in the pipeline so this crap doesn't happen again. Poor QC is one of the things that lead to Nokia's demise.
Don't hold your breathe. At the speed Microsoft is moving with their new hardware division, their next "flagship" will be 2 years outdated by Samsung/ Apple specs. Besides, im over jumping on the latest and greatest. Seems like early adopters get screwed by manufacturing defects and beta-like software.
I will probably be getting an ICON once 8.1 is released for it as an upgrade to my 928. The hardware itself has proven much more reliable then the 928 which I got at launch. Besides Microsoft saying that a " Windows 10 flagship is coming", no guarantee VZW will carry it.
I think there may be some truth to there being a hardware error.
There was a post on how the O2 rollout had "hello Cortana" feature disabled on the Nokia 930 Denim rollout.

I don't have enough posts to link so google "snapdragon 800 voice recognition pocketnow" and you'll find a news article on how this also is affecting Android users.

I can pretty much put these 2 posts together and come to the conclusion that there is an issue with the Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset that provides the "hey cortana" active listening feature.

The 2nd news brief in the comments someone mentioned something about passive listening needing more mircrophones for noise cancellation.

Can someone confirm that the Icon has 1 microphone and the rest of the phones that support "hey cortana" have multiple microphones to provide noise cancellation?

It has four. Two on the back, two in the front. The second on the front is hidden by the front speaker.
If I don't get update by this week, I am selling my icon and get iPhone 6 plus. :(
Why the frowny face? This is ultimately what I ended up doing. The 6+ is pretty sweet. No law says I can't come back here later or you either. Icon is a year old now. Still officially running 8. I have my doubts, just by its own track record it will ever see anything else. I know ya'll want denim, but at some point there comes time to see the reality of the situation and make a decision.
I do like iPhone 6 plus but icon with denim update is as good as iPhone 6 plus!
Yeah, I get that. My point was no one knows when it's coming, or if. I got tired of waiting for cyan. Glad I'm not still waiting and have moved on. Might be back for 10 when those inevitable bugs are smoothed out.
I see it this way. At some point they are going to have to fess up to any issues that are preventing the release of the updates,
IF they never release them.

Or, I would say by Beginning of March, if it is later than that, then there is some seriously messed up issues.

If you really wanted to, you could bring a complaint against Verizon and Microsoft for this issue with the FCC and BBB.
Remember, it was stated a year ago that the Icon would be getting Cyan updates at minimum, also at some point stated that the Icon would get WP8.1 and later Denim.

There is a case here for false advertisement, especially if people bought it believing the statements made publicly about getting these future updates.
It MIGHT also (and I am not sure) fall under some form of bait and switch.

I wouldn't switch to another device (ie Apple or Google), but I would switch carriers and to a newer Smart Device.

People need to start getting away from the mentality that these are merely phones, they are not, these truly are (and I said this a long time ago)
Handheld Computers that happen to be able to make phone calls. Not the other way around.
Most people do not use their Smart Device as a primary Phone caller. They use it for a lot more than making Phone Calls.
Phone calls probably make up 20% to 45% of over all device usage. the rest is playing games, texting and using apps etc.
I see it this way. At some point they are going to have to fess up to any issues that are preventing the release of the updates,
IF they never release them.

Or, I would say by Beginning of March, if it is later than that, then there is some seriously messed up issues.

I'd say it's painfully obvious already.
Well, I guess today was not the day, huh ?

I think people are just posting dates to stir up the pot here. To anyone coming in here claiming to have a "date for release" from this point forward it's BS unless you can show your PROOF. We need to see a tweet, or facebook post (with a direct link)or some valid info. As MOST of us know, Verizon CS or CSRs DO NOT KNOW CRAP, they never have and they never will on this subject. Their quotes are worthless.

These should be new rules going forward for this thread...

More BS and another week with out a update for the ICON...
?Nokia Lumia 929 last updated 05/07/2014

tomorrow will be 9 months to the day since the last update for the Icon

keep up the good work Verizon :devil:
I'd say it's painfully obvious already.

No, not yet. Not entirely.

However, IF we do get Denim, it most likely will be the finial Firmware update for the Icon.

However, Win10 via Tech Preview should not be any issue for the Icon. Regardless if VZW releases it or not.
and Regardless of Firmware.

Just like with WP8.1 DP.
I still love the Icon, works great and pictures are fantastic.
But I want Miracast, 4K recording, Better Low Light Pictures among the many other things the Firmware's will include.

I said it before, I'll say it again. It was announced, and is continued to be announced that we will get the Firmware and Official WP8.1 release
for them to back track now would be a disaster for both MS and VZW.

The Icon group may be small,, but we do have a voice, and it is heard in many other groups.

I don't care what anyone says,, I have seen the pictures other newer devices take, and I am not impressed at all compared to the Icon.
Yes, the shutter is a bit slow for quick shots, but we carry a point and click for that. Picture taking is not it's primary purpose
and pretty much the same for any Smart Device. but, when you want to get that shot and have your device in hand, there is no worry that shot will come out great.

As far as everything else about the device, it's smooth and fast operation getting into apps and other stuff, will make it a device that will last a long time.
If it's as solid as it feels and will last several years, there will be no need to upgrade every 2 years, much less 3 or 4.
Unless you are one of those, "i have to have the newest all the time", which I think, at this stage is a complete waste of money.
At one time, like PC's and Laptops needing to upgrade every 2 to 4 years was a must. It is no longer that way.
Buy a good close to top of the line system and you can get a good 7 years minimum out of them.
Smart Devices are (or well, the Icon anyway) seems to be just such a device.
The hold back on that however and unfortunately, is the non-replaceable (every joe) Battery.
but with a little knowledge and know how, that shouldn't be a problem for some (or Me).

We have 2 Icon's, and neither of them have any issues with WiFi or battery. the ONLY issue I have is with the delay from hitting the start button, but that is not a show stopper for this incredible Smart Device.
Well, I guess today was not the day, huh ?

I think people are just posting dates to stir up the pot here. To anyone coming in here claiming to have a "date for release" from this point forward it's BS unless you can show your PROOF. We need to see a tweet, or facebook post (with a direct link)or some valid info. As MOST of us know, Verizon CS or CSRs DO NOT KNOW CRAP, they never have and they never will on this subject. Their quotes are worthless.

These should be new rules going forward for this thread...

More BS and another week with out a update for the ICON...

While I do think that we will get Demin, I agree that yet again we got out hopes up by another troll. I'm not saying the person who posted that they were told it would be released today is trolling, but more like the cat from Verizon that they spoke to was just telling them what they wanted to hear to get them off their back.

Now for my trolling bait (not that I think this is the case). I wonder if it has something to do with baking their supercookie into the 8.1 OS without it being bypassed since WP is a walled garden and VZWs crap can be uninstalled.
I would be happy if Microsoft could find a way through apps or other means to give me the camera improvements promised in Denim. The camera is why I bought the Icon. I have missed some great shots because of the delays, but the shots I have managed to get are incredible!

I really don't need "Hey, Cortana", I know how to do searches. I don't know that I would talk with Cortana even if I could. I have many friends and family with iphones who never converse with Siri.

Just give me the camera upgrades, Microsoft, and I will be very happy.

That Is All.

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