I'd say it's painfully obvious already.
No, not yet. Not entirely.
However, IF we do get Denim, it most likely will be the finial Firmware update for the Icon.
However, Win10 via Tech Preview should not be any issue for the Icon. Regardless if VZW releases it or not.
and Regardless of Firmware.
Just like with WP8.1 DP.
I still love the Icon, works great and pictures are fantastic.
But I want Miracast, 4K recording, Better Low Light Pictures among the many other things the Firmware's will include.
I said it before, I'll say it again. It was announced, and is continued to be announced that we will get the Firmware and Official WP8.1 release
for them to back track now would be a disaster for both MS and VZW.
The Icon group may be small,, but we do have a voice, and it is heard in many other groups.
I don't care what anyone says,, I have seen the pictures other newer devices take, and I am not impressed at all compared to the Icon.
Yes, the shutter is a bit slow for quick shots, but we carry a point and click for that. Picture taking is not it's primary purpose
and pretty much the same for any Smart Device. but, when you want to get that shot and have your device in hand, there is no worry that shot will come out great.
As far as everything else about the device, it's smooth and fast operation getting into apps and other stuff, will make it a device that will last a long time.
If it's as solid as it feels and will last several years, there will be no need to upgrade every 2 years, much less 3 or 4.
Unless you are one of those, "i have to have the newest all the time", which I think, at this stage is a complete waste of money.
At one time, like PC's and Laptops needing to upgrade every 2 to 4 years was a must. It is no longer that way.
Buy a good close to top of the line system and you can get a good 7 years minimum out of them.
Smart Devices are (or well, the Icon anyway) seems to be just such a device.
The hold back on that however and unfortunately, is the non-replaceable (every joe) Battery.
but with a little knowledge and know how, that shouldn't be a problem for some (or Me).
We have 2 Icon's, and neither of them have any issues with WiFi or battery. the ONLY issue I have is with the delay from hitting the start button, but that is not a show stopper for this incredible Smart Device.