For our viewing pleasure, here is the important snip of a communication I had with Nicole L. from AT&T (posted on their AT&T FaceBook page):
"Now, several thousand Lumia owners who are AT&T customers are left to ask two questions. The first requires only an affirmative or negative response, the second an actual calendar date.
1) Are Nokia Lumia owners who are AT&T customers going to receive via OTA the Amber (Pr2) and GDR2 updates?
2) If #1 is answered in the affirmative, then what exactly is the AT&T deadline for OTA availability? If answered in the negative, exactly why are your customers not going to receive a manufacturer certified equipment update?
Thank you for your prompt and concise reply."
To which I received this reply:
AT&T "Affirmative, Michael. Our best answer is a few weeks. It's been a long road, but I hope you'll be happy with the update when it gets to your device. Thanks for your patience! - Nicole L. "
As close to an official communication as I have been able to receive.