Now that they showed the early designs on Windows Phone, I really wish it could have stayed that way.
I think Windows tried too hard with this whole Metro, and it made the whole experience dull and monochromatic. I really wish they could have just stayed back with WinMo and just enhanced it more instead of these tiles that we have now.
My eyes would die from this "minimalistic" view, when in fact it's hideous, and I don't say hideous that often. I just wish people would see that WP is just as limited as iOS in terms of customization. I didn't pay $600 for tiles. I want to have a real phone. No, I'm not switching to Android, I am staying with Windows because I am a Windows person.
For all the people that hate changes, you got what you want. For all the people who hates the slightest thought of giving more features and customizations, I hope you're happy with this minimalistic red eye gouging screen. It's so painful to look at.
People hated that there will be backgrounds in Windows 8.1, but as soon as they saw the beauty and harmony of true colours and blending of the backgrounds with the tiles, it just made the start screen so much beautiful, and people agreed to that.
Sighs... if only WP8 have these basic features:
Notification, Background, MORE customizations...
Yes, even with Wiztiles and Skinery, I am admitting I am getting very tired and bored with Windows Phone. Same colours same tiles, same blocks of tiles and shapes every day. ..
I mean is it really that big of a deal for me and other people to ask colour?