OFFICIAL Xbox One vs PS4 Thread!

Yes, but why did you ask.
By the Bloodbrone is this year PS4 exclusive game.
Have you checked that game?

This is call LOL!

Keep waiting while PS4 are playing games at higher resolution than Xbox one users.
and by the way can you tell me - are you are not playing game and waiting to release DX 12 or will you play those game again after DX12.
second thing, there is no guarantee that it will increase Resolution for game.
Anyway keep waiting

Only one game?

I'm not going to list the 2015 exclusives,IP and backwards compatibility because I will exceed the max number of characters.

Only one game?

I'm not going to list the 2015 exclusives,IP and backwards compatibility because I will exceed the max number of characters.

As far as I know all those games are available on PS too.
Which exclusive game you are talking about can you give me the list.
As far as I remember Halo is best exclusive game. for Xbox.
Anyway why you are so obsessed with exclusive game, do you play only exclusive or it just make you happy.
I don't bother with these thing, I buy what I want to play despite being exclusive or not.

You said only one
Actually Xbox have only one exclusive game (don't know much about xbox exclusive but since you know then tell me)
So are you talking about PS4 or Xbox One??????

Since you are keep repeating exclusive, exclusive, i did some little research and find out that actually PS4 have exclusive games and much more games, here some list
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
Persona 5
The Order: 1886
and much more.
There are many other good games too like Rocket League which are not available on Xbox but on Windows, PS4, Linux etc...
I don't know if this count or not.

Now I am giving you chance. Give me the list of of Xbox one exclusive and prove that Xbox one have more exclusive games.
Obviously other than Halo 5
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As far as I know all those games are available on PS too.
Which exclusive game you are talking about can you give me the list.
As far as I remember Halo is best exclusive game. for Xbox.
Anyway why you are so obsessed with exclusive game, do you play only exclusive or it just make you happy.
I don't bother with these thing, I buy what I want to play despite being exclusive or not.

You said only one
Actually Xbox have only one exclusive game (don't know much about xbox exclusive but since you know then tell me)
So are you talking about PS4 or Xbox One??????

Since you are keep repeating exclusive, exclusive, i did some little research and find out that actually PS4 have exclusive games and much more games, here some list
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
Persona 5
The Order: 1886
and much more.
There are many other good games too like Rocket League which are not available on Xbox but on Windows, PS4, Linux etc...
I don't know if this count or not.

Now I am giving you chance. Give me the list of of Xbox one exclusive and prove that Xbox one have more exclusive games.
Obviously other than Halo 5

FF to 3:08
Xbox is better. More features,more Games. Where's sonys games?? Everything is all remakes , releasing in the next year or 2 and multiplatform. Ps4 is pointless at this point
lets start from dx12 forward about 1080 things

DX12 wont make the GPU magically faster. It lowers the CPU overhead but that was already not a problem to begin with. As far as features go the Xbox already had a specially crafted version of DX11 that exposed Features that will be part of DX12 and supported by the hardware.
DX12 wont make the GPU magically faster. It lowers the CPU overhead but that was already not a problem to begin with. As far as features go the Xbox already had a specially crafted version of DX11 that exposed Features that will be part of DX12 and supported by the hardware.

Did you see crackdown demo? Everything in the MAP can be destructed. (PS4 never will be able to manage that many collisions)
DX12 + Cloud Power

Microsoft words. "For every xbox sold we have processing power of 3 in the cloud for the developers"

Talking about this here
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Not that it matters, or means anything. Out of my gaming circle, 4 of us got xbones and 4 of us got ps4's. All of the people with PS4's have expressed interest in an xbone. None of the people with Xbones have expressed interest in a PS4.

Personally, there is nothing that the PS4 has to offer to me. I dont enjoy sandbox games, and it seems that's all the PS4 has. God of War is the only title i would like to play. I will be honest i dont follow the ps4 at all tho. I will also add all of the PS4 owners, used to be 360 owners.
Not that it matters, or means anything. Out of my gaming circle, 4 of us got xbones and 4 of us got ps4's. All of the people with PS4's have expressed interest in an xbone. None of the people with Xbones have expressed interest in a PS4.

Personally, there is nothing that the PS4 has to offer to me. I dont enjoy sandbox games, and it seems that's all the PS4 has. God of War is the only title i would like to play. I will be honest i dont follow the ps4 at all tho. I will also add all of the PS4 owners, used to be 360 owners.
When I first got the PS4 it was because of peer pressure lol but I tried to like it but I just like MLB the show. Uncharted was okay Killzone was pretty cool. My PS4 then got a hardware failure and got a refund. Then I got a Xbox One felt like home again since I invested more in that Platform in the beginning. Also my other friends had Xbox but the ones that convinced for PS didn't even play with me anyway. At least my Xbox friends do.
that it.
Here some facts
PS games are better than Xbox.
PS4 exclusive games are which are "Game of the Year"
1.God of War
3.Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (One of the best Games)
5.The Last of Us (None of the Xbox game till now match this game level) of us review
Highly recommended if anyone have PS

Where as Xbox exclusive game of year
1.Halo - Combat Evolved
2.Gears of War
End of story.
So non of strong exclusive game were released in recent year for Xbox but story is different in PS

Now how weak Xbox one is compare to powerful PS4 console
PS4 vs. Xbox One Native Resolutions and Framerates - Xbox One Wiki Guide - IGN

Find me game which run on Higher Resolution on Xbox One than PS4.
Answer : None

So, In general PS4 is a better gaming console.

However, there are more factors to consider. If you are a fan of Halo series then Xbox is for you but if you like Uncharted series then PS is for you.
Exclusive games and how important that game for you is decide your personal best console.

Mine fav is Uncharted and Last of Us. PS for me then
Here the highly anticipated PS exclusive upcoming game

Anyway. This is my last comment on this topic and second last on this websites as i accidentally broke my Lumia.
and MS didn't launch any device recently so I'll go either Android or Apple.

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In this thread: Supreme butthurt, stating opinions as facts, and brutally murdering the twins Logic and Sensibility in a dark alley.

Seriously, the asininity of these posts is astounding.
In this thread: Supreme butthurt, stating opinions as facts, and brutally murdering the twins Logic and Sensibility in a dark alley.

Seriously, the asininity of these posts is astounding.
Haha this thread is fan boy talk somewhat. As a consumer the Xbox just fits my needs but that is a opinion itself. As PS4 fits someone else's needs as well.
Stopped reading.

As I wont give him full thing if or why PS4 is better than Xbox one, this is up to each person, they all have their perks in some ways, but, if your a die hard gamer line myself (faded over the last few months due to LIFE but, the passion is still there), it's not about the system, it's about the games. The Playstation has some exclusives that are VERY WORTH playing.

I am a bigger Xbox fan than PS, no question but, When you talk about tiles like ANY of the Uncharted series, or The Last of Us, then the upcoming Uncharted 4 (see the video he showed, if you don't think that looks good, stick with phone games).

Naughty Dog is a REASON to have a Playstation and with the Xbox, There is No game on the Xbox that actually go side by side for the story, and movie feel like Naughty Dog game and they are EXCLUSIVE on the Playstation. Still to this date, there is nothing that can compete with it on the Xbox.

I picked up a PS3 for the Uncharted series and it was worth every dime and I grabbed a PS4 just for the upcoming Uncharted 4... and by the video above (that is just one or 2 levels of the game), I wont be disappointed (to be honest with you I have NEVER been disappointed by a Naughty Dog game). The Last of Us was a perk on the PS3, as it was another mind-blowing title.

For Xbox Fanboys, it's cool, no question but, you sure are missing out on some Unbelievable titles that the PS does offer. It's worth picking up a used one just a play a few titles...
As I wont give him full thing if or why PS4 is better than Xbox one, this is up to each person, they all have their perks in some ways, but, if your a die hard gamer line myself (faded over the last few months due to LIFE but, the passion is still there), it's not about the system, it's about the games. The Playstation has some exclusives that are VERY WORTH playing.

I am a bigger Xbox fan than PS, no question but, When you talk about tiles like ANY of the Uncharted series, or The Last of Us, then the upcoming Uncharted 4 (see the video he showed, if you don't think that looks good, stick with phone games).

Naughty Dog is a REASON to have a Playstation and with the Xbox, There is No game on the Xbox that actually go side by side for the story, and movie feel like Naughty Dog game and they are EXCLUSIVE on the Playstation. Still to this date, there is nothing that can compete with it on the Xbox.

I picked up a PS3 for the Uncharted series and it was worth every dime and I grabbed a PS4 just for the upcoming Uncharted 4... and by the video above (that is just one or 2 levels of the game), I wont be disappointed (to be honest with you I have NEVER been disappointed by a Naughty Dog game). The Last of Us was a perk on the PS3, as it was another mind-blowing title.

For Xbox Fanboys, it's cool, no question but, you sure are missing out on some Unbelievable titles that the PS does offer. It's worth picking up a used one just a play a few titles...

I only "stopped reading" because he said "here are some facts" then gave an opinion. I had a ps3 for around 6 weeks, with all of the uncharted's, last of us, and god of war. God of war was fun, no doubt. The other 2 I got bored with quickly. Just not my types of game. To each his own though. Xbox has more to offer me, that's why I have one. I also have 2 PC's that blow them both out of the water hardware wise, anyone who starts talking that game I just roll my eyes.
PS4 guys talking about far away future.I WANT TO PLAY TODAY and ps4 had nothing to show this year
PS4 guys talking about far away future.I WANT TO PLAY TODAY and ps4 had nothing to show this year

In fairness, the RIGHT NOW exclusives aren't the best for the One. Forza 5 was disappointing because of cut content. From a networking/matchmaking standpoint, Halo: TMCC has had one of the launches I've ever seen. Really, just don't know that either's great right now, though the Xbox One's coming up on a lot more retail offerings than the PS4.

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