OFFICIAL Xbox One vs PS4 Thread!

Good to know

Well, you basically posted a meaningless list that didn't address my comment in any real way. The present state of 2015 exclusives on the One is pretty poor, and if you back it up to last fall, you really only add in Horizon, Sunset, and the complete catastrophe known as TMCC, so my point stands anyway.
As I wont give him full thing if or why PS4 is better than Xbox one, this is up to each person, they all have their perks in some ways, but, if your a die hard gamer line myself (faded over the last few months due to LIFE but, the passion is still there), it's not about the system, it's about the games. The Playstation has some exclusives that are VERY WORTH playing.

I am a bigger Xbox fan than PS, no question but, When you talk about tiles like ANY of the Uncharted series, or The Last of Us, then the upcoming Uncharted 4 (see the video he showed, if you don't think that looks good, stick with phone games).

Naughty Dog is a REASON to have a Playstation and with the Xbox, There is No game on the Xbox that actually go side by side for the story, and movie feel like Naughty Dog game and they are EXCLUSIVE on the Playstation. Still to this date, there is nothing that can compete with it on the Xbox.

I picked up a PS3 for the Uncharted series and it was worth every dime and I grabbed a PS4 just for the upcoming Uncharted 4... and by the video above (that is just one or 2 levels of the game), I wont be disappointed (to be honest with you I have NEVER been disappointed by a Naughty Dog game). The Last of Us was a perk on the PS3, as it was another mind-blowing title.

For Xbox Fanboys, it's cool, no question but, you sure are missing out on some Unbelievable titles that the PS does offer. It's worth picking up a used one just a play a few titles...

Naughty Dog is divorcing for Sony soon

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