Well I have been tempted to buy the L925 and after my Android phone would not open a XLS file, I went and bought the 925. I also have a Surface Pro2 on order. Let the fun begin!
lol! you could have picked up Documents to Go for free from Amazon apps store a few weeks ago but you just wanted that camera! Can't say I blame you!
Ha ha yes this must be only an excuse! I have Documents to Go and also Microsoft's Office app on my Nexus 4 (I have an Office 365 account), and the Office experience is better on my Android than it is on WP. The camera must be the reason! :winktongue: But hey, it's a good enough excuse isn't it?
hows the office experience better on your android device?
Something that frustrates me is that a password protected excel doc can't open on windows phone but can open on android and IOS.
Actually Polaris didnt work neither did Quick Office Pro so I got Pissed and went and bought the 925. I got it passed by the wife so life is good. Plus I just pre-ordered a new Surface Pro 2 to go with it.