One heck of a week for W10 Mobile. What's everyone feeling?


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Jun 19, 2012
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How do I feel? Sad. I've spent years of my life waiting for this platform to take off and yet here we sit.
How do I feel? Frustrated with MS for allowing us loyal followers to go this long with nary a word said about what their plan is for supporting our favorite platform.
How do I feel? Discouraged that even if there is a plan, that MS will not market it well, that no developers will write any apps for it, and that the whole bridge-from-android, bridge-from-iOS, & bridge-from-win32 went nowhere.
How do I feel? A bit foolish to have held on this long - despite my bank not offering an app, my Directv not offering me an app, and with my Band 2 non-replaceable (they gave me a refund) that there're no decent smart watches that support WM10.
How do I feel? Super skeptical that BUILD will offer us anything resembling realistic hope in this platform.
How do I feel? A bit excited to try the Sony phone coming out in June that resembles the L900 in shape, has a dedicated camera button, and houses the 835 snapdragon that I've heard so much about that will "someday" power the (vaporware) Surface Phone. I hear bad stuff about the Android OS from others here on this forum, but if it works for like 82% of the world using smartphones it can't be too bad, right?
Now, how do you feel about how I feel?

Ed Du

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Mar 9, 2017
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Seems like a lot of news got dumped this week on the W10 Mobile front. Most of it ambiguous, some of it a let down.

How is everyone feeling about this? We've got the Galaxy S8 Microsoft Edition, an announcment that most Windows Phones have been axed from future updates (normally this is routine news but with it's 2-year update cycle that is a lot of now axed models), and even Windows Central seems to be a bit on edge with the UWP article (which was extremely well written IMO).

Do you think this is a sign of things to come? Is MS just wiping the slate clean before they take their next mobile step? What the heck has this week made you feel in regards to W10 Mobile and how MS is handling it?

It sucks, cause I really loved the live tiles and how it worked in general. There are so few apps for Windows mobile now. I was shocked that more apps are leaving versus being made. I believe that micro soft needs to do something drastic. I believe if they really can put win 10 on arm processors and make a surface phone, that will shake things up for the phone world and be a huge plus for windows.


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Oct 30, 2012
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I've already moved to Android and a OnePlus 3 as my daily driver. I still have my Lumia 650 set to fast ring to see the updates, but honestly, it's pretty much just gathering dust right now as even the updates bring few compelling features.

I still hold firm that Windows Phone has the best UI. I miss my live tiles and, while widgets don't totally suck, they just aren't the same. The move to Android has actually made me even more pissed off at MS and they're handling of their phone business.

So many baked-in features work so well on WP that either don't work well or require additional apps or setup on Android. Example: Cortana would automatically ask to read text messages when connected to Bluetooth. No setup required. It just worked. On Android? No such built-in functionality. Many apps perform that task, but they are substandard compared to Cortana. Also true with GPS voice directions. They would automatically come through my car speakers via Bluetooth. On Android? Nope.

WP also had excellent social media integration. Sure, the decimation of the People Hub was a bummer, but out-of-the-box social media integration is still better on WP.

The fact that MS never truly committed to advertising these awesome features or to advertising WP in general is frustrating.

With the future of the platform so cloudy, I just can't commit any more $ to it, at least not until MS shows they are sticking with it. I feel terrible for folks at Cerulean who are trying to promote quality hardware at this time. But a platform that is hemorrhaging developers and apps can't be saved by hardware. MS needs to clearly state its commitment to the platform before I'll consider coming back.


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Dec 13, 2012
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I don't really plan on going anywhere. I would love the new stuff and I REALLY miss my Band 2 (which basically can't last longer than a year without the armband cracking). If my 950xl breaks I'll get something else but I don't know what. I hate both other operating systems for so many reason but if MS won't replace my 950xl with a 950xl I'll probably get one of the others. Whichever has the best watch I guess...


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Jul 7, 2012
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Here's what I am feeling. Buying a Windows 10 Mobile device today would be like buying the Lumia 900 in April of 2012, only to find out later the next OS won't be compatible with your hardware. Windows on ARM could very well be a leap comparable to Windows Phone 7.5 to Windows Phone 8, which would reset things a bit.

I'd be very tempted to by the Alcatel Idol S4 Pro, if I had assurances it could run the new Windows 10 on ARM. Just not sure that is in the cards.

But overall, I don't think Microsoft's mobile OS story is dead; not by a long shot. I'm just not sure what the consumer footprint will look like.
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Jun 10, 2014
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Here is my take:

- I have been on WP8.1 with L930, I just loved the interface;
- month ago I decided I need Dual SIM, so I grabbed very last L650 available in my country;
- it's not laggy, it's just slow, GPS fixation is awful, "Resuming" screen even after unlocking phone, but other than this, it's fine (no app gap for me apart from some specific scenarios), and maybe battery could be bigger, but hell - I missed 950 train long ago, and even if Amazon still has them, I didn't want to blow so much money;

This year it will be 3 years since I am sticking with Windows in smartphones, and mostly ignoring comments of friends/colleagues about how I am stupid and should move to Android/iOS. That says something about my own commitment to Microsoft universum. Hell, I even created Outlook account so I can have a fresh start with L650.

And few days ago, I found myself lurking around Android Central, snooping around Nokia phones, because they are nice.

I am giving Microsoft time till MWC 2018. If they (or OEMs) don't come up with something that will once again juice my attention, then I am switching platforms - even if it will be against my inner will... :unhappy:

Maaz Mansori

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Apr 25, 2013
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I started out with Nokia feature phones, went to Symbian, and then HTC Windows Mobile 5 and 6 devices. I felt Windows Phone 7 was a bit of downgraded being so limited but Windows Phone 7.5 started to resolve that and I've generally been happy with Windows Phone 8, 8.1, and Windows 10 Mobile as an operating system. I still prefer Windows 10 Mobile over Android or iOS and still prefer Microsoft over Apple or Google. However, unfortunately, the loss of major apps, especially last year, the lack of app updates, and Microsoft's unclear strategy on mobile made me finally decide to get an Android phone this past December. I still have my Lumia 950 too and I play around with the latest fast ring builds, but it's unfortunate that developers have not, thus far, embraced Windows 10 Mobile.

I'm a long-time computer guy and I really hope an ultramobile PC comes to fruition as I will gladly purchase it. I'd love to have a full PC that I could put in my pocket, especially if it has a foldable screen. I've already accepted the fact that Windows as a smartphone OS is dead and that the app situation will not improve anytime in the near future, if ever. However, if an ultramobile PC is adequate for my needs, I would no longer need the Android phone.


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Mar 2, 2016
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The WP app attrition has been getting to me, so I actually tried to set up a Nexus 5 that I have at home and switch over to it. The 4x4 (or 4x5) app matrix was nowhere near enough to be serviceable, so I loaded Arrow launcher with their 5x6 matrix & thought it would be good. Next was getting the damn blinky light turned off, easy enough...but even after a week of web searching and optimizing, I still found myself spending way too much time opening and closing apps to find out what the current status of things was - the WP live tiles are just so much better for giving me everything I need to know at a glance. With Android, it's having to scroll to different home screens and/or open apps to find out which email account actually had a new message and which didn't. Speaking of email - I also couldn't find a good way to manage multiple email accounts (1 work, 1 personal, and 2 gmail) and have homescreen icons with new message badges for each without loading several apps - on WP I just add another mail icon for each account, and my two primary personal accounts get combined under one. Short of gmailifying my outlook (which it turns out doesn't work like IMAP backwards to, and is thus pointless), I couldn't find a way to make this work well. And my junk email that I like to ignore and only check a few times a day gave me notifications the same as my primary gmail until I moved it to yet another app with a different UI. Gmail tags didn't help either - no way to combine two accounts under one tag, and use a separate tag for my junk gmail account.

Overall, not impressed with Android (6.0.1). It's way too much work for someone who needs to minimize distractions and just be able to get stuff done. I may try again at some point, but for now I'll be sticking with WP.

Sean D.

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Aug 18, 2008
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As usual; Microsoft releases something cool, everyone spreads FUD about Microsoft.
As usual; A "competitor" releases a new device, everyone spreads FUD about Microsoft.
As usual; Either of the above happens, everyone runs to [insert website here] to speak recklessly about a bunch of **** they have no clues about.

Nothing new to see here, move along.

Sean D.

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Aug 18, 2008
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As usual; Microsoft releases something cool, everyone spreads FUD about Microsoft.
As usual; A "competitor" releases a new device, everyone spreads FUD about Microsoft.
As usual; Either of the ablve happens, everyone runs to [insert website here] to speak recklessly about a bunch of **** they have no clues about.

Nothing new to see here, move along


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Sep 29, 2011
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Seems like a lot of news got dumped this week on the W10 Mobile front. Most of it ambiguous, some of it a let down.

How is everyone feeling about this? We've got the Galaxy S8 Microsoft Edition, an announcment that most Windows Phones have been axed from future updates (normally this is routine news but with it's 2-year update cycle that is a lot of now axed models), and even Windows Central seems to be a bit on edge with the UWP article (which was extremely well written IMO).

Do you think this is a sign of things to come? Is MS just wiping the slate clean before they take their next mobile step? What the heck has this week made you feel in regards to W10 Mobile and how MS is handling it?

I am about ready to give up on WP - but I really really cannot stand the look of either Android or iPhone - they just remind me of the stuff I had pre-WP, like my old blackjack screen. I wish there were a way to have the best of both worlds - WP metro interface but on an Android or iPhone. I hate both of those so so so so so much. I am in the process of looking at new phones because my current WP is a joke (if I try to run edge it crashes and reboots but if I reinstall everything I lose apps that aren't in the store anymore but are still working and that I use all the time) but the other options make me so angry when I look at them. I wish Microsoft had shown some interest in the platform because it really is the superior option, except that with no one willing to create apps (at least apps that everyone else in the world uses) and with so many pulling out it is getting to a point there is not much of an option other than going with a different platform. And that is just sad.

jason hogan1

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Oct 1, 2014
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I am about ready to give up on WP - but I really really cannot stand the look of either Android or iPhone - they just remind me of the stuff I had pre-WP, like my old blackjack screen. I wish there were a way to have the best of both worlds - WP metro interface but on an Android or iPhone. I hate both of those so so so so so much. I am in the process of looking at new phones because my current WP is a joke (if I try to run edge it crashes and reboots but if I reinstall everything I lose apps that aren't in the store anymore but are still working and that I use all the time) but the other options make me so angry when I look at them. I wish Microsoft had shown some interest in the platform because it really is the superior option, except that with no one willing to create apps (at least apps that everyone else in the world uses) and with so many pulling out it is getting to a point there is not much of an option other than going with a different platform. And that is just sad.

Same here. You're not alone.
Aug 6, 2013
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I purchased a Lumia 650 recently leaving Android and I can say that...
Windows 10 Mobile is beautiful, elegant, gorgeous... but. Performance is a pain in the ***. This is a Beta product at the best. Windows Phone 8.1 was way way way more fluid and usable. Apps gap is not an issue, we have what we need but the OS itself is unbearable now. Memory management is awful. We live with apps resuming all the time (even when it's the only app running in the background).

I am now buying a Oneplus 3T. Yes, I am going back to android eventhought it was not in my plans... Microsoft forced me to do it with their stupid decision.

Two questions...

Who the hell is the head of software development for Windows 10 Mobile?
Who the hell is the quality assurance for Windows Mobile 10?

They should be ashamed!!!


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Jan 12, 2015
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With New York Police (I think they picked it) and some Police in Germany using WinPhones, I don't think Microsoft will stop the WinPhone Platform just yet, not unless they wish to refund a few million dollars to the police.


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Sep 5, 2014
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Don't cuz it's amazing. I have an iPhone 7 I still to this day keep going to my Lumia 950 every day. I switch sim cards like a crazy person because I love windows and then I hit a caveat and jump on iPhone cuz my friends are hating on me. Then I switch again. It is comical at times but I don't really care about the dump I message. Microsoft messages already supports rich coming action. We just need GiF's integration and we are ready.


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May 25, 2015
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Don't cuz it's amazing. I have an iPhone 7 I still to this day keep going to my Lumia 950 every day. I switch sim cards like a crazy person because I love windows and then I hit a caveat and jump on iPhone cuz my friends are hating on me. Then I switch again. It is comical at times but I don't really care about the dump I message. Microsoft messages already supports rich coming action. We just need GiF's integration and we are ready.

LOL, I was doing the constant sim switch too awhile back. Finally decided to switch back to iPhone for good, got an iPhone 7 to replace my semi-broken 6. I STILL keep pulling my Lumia out and playing with it (on wifi), thinking about going back. I just miss the overall experience and integration with my Surface. BUT, the app gap still makes a big difference.

Gotta say, I switched from Mac with the big promise of UWP and with the lack of WP, UWP seems pointless.


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Dec 2, 2012
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Gotta say, I switched from Mac with the big promise of UWP and with the lack of WP, UWP seems pointless.
You get this, heck, we all get this. Somehow though, MS doesn't seem to.

The Galaxy S8 MS Edition was a really low blow. Not because the hardware is bad. Heck, I would argue that the only real shortcoming that phone has right now is Android itself, but that's a different matter. Still, MS could have at least told us something, anything, before going nuclear on user confidence again.

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