One of the most bias comparisons I ever came across (Surface 2 vs iPad Air)!

Christian Kallevig

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Jul 20, 2013
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But then they follow that up by saying " But before we go rushing to judgments or conclusions, let's compare the two tablets and see how they really fare against each other."

Alex Rodriguez Jr.

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Feb 16, 2011
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While I respect & appreciate the opinions of others, this is the biggest bull**** review from an obvious Apple *******. Sorry, but that is a big enough site that this shouldn't happen


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Sep 30, 2012
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Dont read any article about WP or RT generally just avoid techradar!

I read there thoughts about the 1520 they call it a hand warming with unnecessary specs however techradar on other reviews and article complained about WP and Nokia for not having 1080p display, quad cores, the latest SoC, 2GB of RAM now they have it, it becomes useless and pointless!


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Sep 30, 2012
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Dont read any article about WP or RT generally just avoid techradar!

I read there thoughts about the 1520 they call it a hand warming with unnecessary specs however techradar on other reviews and article complained about WP and Nokia for not having 1080p display, quad cores, the latest SoC, 2GB of RAM now they have it, it becomes useless and pointless!

And they also say the 1520 has an amoled display yeah....

Great work techradar :/


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Feb 21, 2013
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I gave up on caring anymore about things like that...It use to fire me up real good. Right now I have my Surface 2 with a CYAN type 2 keyboard and this thing is beautiful and FAST..... Did I mention 1080P?
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Stephen Pate

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May 12, 2013
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I journalist from Silicon Valley wrote two weeks ago that having a Lumia phone in public is a source of derision. Most of the IT press is so biased they do no realize. Silicon Valley is Apple/Android period. That's MS problem the anti-trust revelations and a decade of closed arrogant communications policy afterward.

However, the products are more or less equivalent and time will tell the story.

You mean Tech Radar is biased? :p

The Verge also said the iPad Air would have a place in their backpack (you know, without actually having used one for an extended period of time), but said the Surface 2 would not in their review. So yeah....


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Oct 30, 2012
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It is a wonderful machine, and it's a shame that it's so misunderstood by the press

Maybe that's the thing. What if the press understand it perfectly but constantly make it sound confusing and poor so its a flop and Apple continues to dominate.

If I had laid out thousands over the years on new ipads every year and apps and accessories I would be pretty bummed that something had come along and bettered it in its first and second generations. That investment now seems pretty shallow but you've put so much into it you have no choice but to keep throwing money at it to justify your previous expense.

Reminds me of a gambling addict you see in the casinos pumping more and more into a one arm bandit hoping that the next spin is a win but he cant ever leave the machine in case the next person comes along and gets the win he's been holding out for.


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Aug 7, 2013
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It's reported here Microsoft sighs with relief: Ballmer's off, Surface tabs selling, profit up ?€? The Register that the original Surface RT is starting to sell well (search page for 32GB to find it). No numbers, unfortunately, at least in that report, but maybe things are looking up for WinRT.

Thats surely a GOOD change.. You are now getting the Points right.. last time in CNET thread it was more Arguing than information sharing..

by the way thanks for the information ...

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