Onedrive for Business sharing

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Dec 20, 2013
Hi, thanks in advance for reading my question.

I have a MS office 365 account for my business. I have an admin account with the user name **myname**@**mybusinessname**, and there is a second account staff@**mybusinessname**

I am the only user of **myname**, and my other staff (4) use staff@ on their laptops.

There is a Onedrive library for **myname**@ and a Onedrive library for staff@

I am trying to understand how to have folders which are shared with two-way read & write access in these OneDrive libraries. I can share folders back and forth, but they appear in the "Shared" tab on the web version of OneDrive, and if I sync to the local machine, it puts the shared folder into a different place "Shared Resources" instead of in the OneDrive folder structure. I ideally would like folders which sit within the OneDrive folder structure but are shared and update both ways.

Alternatively, is there a better way to do this (Sharepoint??) I can't find any good guides on how to use Sharepoint at all, I'm not even certain I have it as part of my Office 365 subscription (although I believe I should have it).

Thanks in advance for any tips,

Frustrated small business owner and amateur IT department

I would recomend attempting to sync the online files to your local hard drive from one drive and make them available offline via the active sync menu. Then just rely upon the sync process to eventually post them back to the cloud automatically. That is supposed to work seamlessly, which would be a wonderful thing. It actually worked well for my small, 4 user office for about two years, then stopped working, but if your data set is as small and simple as you suggest (unlike mine), you may have better luck. Mine was great while it lasted, however, but neither Microsoft nor my ISP for Office 365 Enterprise (Godaddy), could offer any workarounds (other than for us to switch to Google docs and forget about syncing to local machine hard drives for offline use).
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