Only 2 problems I see [HP Elite x3]

I don't get the camera button issue. How many CURRENT devices being sold today have a physical camera button? If we want to discuss the past, let's remember that HP (and BlackBerry as well) has a solid track record of releasing non-camera phones aimed at the enterprise segment. This is not meant to be a consumer phone, it's a targeted device.
from a business side that would be looking at this device, the non removable battery will kill it from some enterprises.
but then again, look at all the enterprises that have been so willing to accept the iCrap without a removable battery.
the no dedicated camera button is not a business need so I can see why they left this out.
Some of the places I have to go to for work are highly secure places and cell phones are not allowed in now due to the cameras and video capabilities.
On my old Samsung note 2 I needed a removable battery because it wouldn't last a day... with the 1520 I don't need a removable battery because it easily lasts 2 full days. It's ridiculous how long the battery lasts! I love it and it's one of the main things keeping me from replacing the phone. Not having to worry about battery life is great. You don't realize how great it is until you see people having to plug in because their battery is dead at 3PM... LOL

think of it this way, from an enterprise stand point, with continuum on the device, I could easily see companies deploying this for say roaming sales staff that would travel client to client and may not be able to easily get to a charging point before said device gets low on battery.
If I was the head of an enterprise, this type of deal would be my major concern and need for having that second battery.
Now I can easily also see that you deploy a battery pack/bank (however you want to term that device) so said sales staff could plug into that bank and power up phone or other devices.
With that scenario, I could almost make the case why a sealed battery is better AND carrying the power pack/bank.
Consumers will be able to purchase the HP Elite x3

"The HP Elite x3 will be sold a variety of ways. On, via distributor/VARs (indirect/direct channels), the HP sales force and Microsoft will sell this in the carrier channels on our behalf. In some countries, HP Elite x3 may also be sold by partner operators? sales network. For more details, visit"

Nice, Maybe Verizon will step up....LOL
As long as I have the legal right to put a toll on it, I'll take it :) LOL

There is an island in the Detroit River named Grosse Isle. It's very upscale. I've seen mansions there with dockage for 3 yachts and others with 2 yacht wet/dry dock "garages" with rollup doors...

There are two bridges to the island. One is built/owned/operated/maintained by the county. It is a free crossing. The other bridge is at the more exclusive northern end of the island. It is a privately owned and charges a toll or you can purchase a monthly/yearly pass.

At one point the county bridge was closed for 3+ months to be inspected, maintained and resurfaced. Zero traffic allowed. The county demanded that the private bridge cease taking tolls for that time period. The owner refused. The county took him to court. They lost. The bridge owner collected tolls from everyone that crossed.

Go ahead, buy fatclue_98's bridge. Rest assured your toll booth will be honored.

"Go ahead, buy fatclue_98's bridge. Rest assured your toll booth will be honored"

+1 for submission of supportive evidentiary
I find it rather humorous we are told that this is a phone for "enterprise" as if that is a monolithic entity with known requirements. Different enterprises have different needs and requirements. I imagine quite a few would want a good camera, for example. Think sales and marketing staff on the road wanting to send Tweets and share activities online, or maybe just taking photos for the company newsletter. Others have security worries and don't allow any cameras in the building and you have to leave your personal phones in the car or at home or you get fired. I know someone who works at a place like that and he got dinged on his personnel record because he forgot and had an old flip phone with a crummy camera in his pocket when he arrived at security in the morning. Other enterprise customers may mainly just want phones for executives and they just want something high-end and flashy. Others have lots of people on work sites where they need waterproof and rugged phones. I really don't think there is an accepted definition of an "enterprise" phone. In fact, the trend seems to be towards BYOD in most enterprises.
Lack of a dedicated camera button, which is a deal breaker for me and I'm not sure if it has a replaceable battery.

Otherwise bravo this is probably the most powerful cell phone in the world.

The missing camera button was easily fixed on the Nexus 6 with a "double-click-the-power-button" feature. Even a third a third-party develper could add that in.

Sent from mTalk
Camera button doesn't really spoil it for me, I used a lot of Nokias in the past with camera buttons and I still think it's nice to have one but I can adapt well. No camera button, no problem
Camera button doesn't really spoil it for me, I used a lot of Nokias in the past with camera buttons and I still think it's nice to have one but I can adapt well. No camera button, no problem

I agree. Not everyone uses the camera in landscape mode to take full advantage of the physical button.
I am sure Verizon will "step up" and treat any new windows phone on their network with just as much support and respect that they showed for the Icon :wink:

I guess it would be a combo. HP has to support Verizon first, as there is another Unlocked phone that works on Verizon as other GSM carriers.

If HP was to do fairly well in the US with this phone, they NEED to support the largest carrier...

I honestly think if this phone is marketed right to businesses and business minded people more than consumers, this could be the 1 phone that saves Windows Phone.

HP has provided the options here, Does Microsoft stand up to help promote it ?
I love the design, the dock and continuum finally make sense. Key question for me is this "extender" - am I the only one wondering why it has no touch screen / pen support? I carry a Surface 3 and L950, would love to carry only one device by I have gone paperless and use my S3 for note taking. Hopefully they'll have different levels of extender - if I have to carry my surface a key feature of this phone is lost for me.

I want to take this a step further and say that the Mobile Extender should be a "detachable". The extender as shown here already looks like the HP Pavilion X2, a gorgeous budget detachable. So yeah, there would be times when a clamshell form factor would be to clunky, like in a meeting, so just take the tablet part with you :)
I'm not to worried about glance (though I do like it) if there is a notification LED.

Is there? Coming from BlackBerry I much prefer it over Glance. (Especially because I cannot get rid of the hour/minutes. If I could just have the notification icons it could be ok. I have a Garmin Fenix 3 on my wrist, I do not need to look at my phone to check the time.)
On my old Samsung note 2 I needed a removable battery because it wouldn't last a day... with the 1520 I don't need a removable battery because it easily lasts 2 full days. It's ridiculous how long the battery lasts! I love it and it's one of the main things keeping me from replacing the phone. Not having to worry about battery life is great. You don't realize how great it is until you see people having to plug in because their battery is dead at 3PM... LOL
Hence my problem with the 950.

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