Orange and Green backs

Yeah I took the pictures at night with my Lenovo thinkpad 8 I can try a couple other camera's to see if I can get a better picture.
FYI. Just ordered all the parts directly from the sellers website (see the link on post #60 under LED). The reason I went this route is because Ebay was charging individual shipping charges for each item, while the website charged me one flat fee. Ended up paying $60 instead of $85.
Yeah I was thinking that would be the best way too. But i had already picked up most things from eBay before realizing the site had everything
Looks amazing! i cant wait to try it out, thanks! does the back have a nice tight fit? taking it on and off did make it loose or anything? what did you use to get he back off?
Well I bent the corner of mine so that's how I got mine off but it fits perfectly besides that
I'm sure you could I just didn't want to mess with it. Because in a few months I'm going to trade it in for whatever new flagship phone comes to Verizon. I'm on the edge program and i didn't want to mess up the phone and wanted an easy switch when the time comes to trade it in. The NFC antenna and wireless charging coil feel just like stickers and I'm sure with some heat you could pry them up but I just didn't want to risk messing them up. I'll probably sell the green back once I'm done with it. And yeah I'll give the people here first shot at it rather than going eBay.
I have changed the housing on my 920 several times and the wireless card is just stuck down. Likewise the other components you need to swap over to the new housing - the headphone port and the usb assembly. Applying heat with a hairdryer softens the adhesive and the parts peel off the old housing very easily. I'm sure it would be the same with the 930 back.
Yeah I think i will stick to my white back (sounds racist?) and if i get brave enough just buy the green back. Nokia says to throw them away in the tear down as they are no longer usable, but who knows if that is not just their way of not wanting to be held accountable if they don't work. Anyway, 16k views that article did you wonders! hahaha
Nice work, man! Looks fantastic. After thinking about it, I think I am going to try out a custom skin. I ordered a "CYAN" skin to cover the back, we shall see what it looks like.
Wow, I never expected a post I started to be on the WPC front page. Most of the thanks should go to malachijd as he was the one that took the plunge on this. I hope to do this soon, but current pricing is holding me back. I will be keeping my eyes open for the parts though.
Yeah I was quite surprised to see the article too. I was the one that tipped them and they even have a picture of my kitchen table in the article too. Oh and I'm planing on selling the green back when I change phones.
Have just ordered the Orange back with all the bits needed. Cheers for all the info and links, worked out $63 AUD so now I wait.
Will be putting onto the back of my black 930. Have read through most of this thread, have I missed what tools used? or was it easily done with basic around the house things?
Have just ordered the Orange back with all the bits needed. Cheers for all the info and links, worked out $63 AUD so now I wait.
Will be putting onto the back of my black 930. Have read through most of this thread, have I missed what tools used? or was it easily done with basic around the house things?

Be sure to post pictures here!!!

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