Palm OS Treo to a Touch?


New member
Feb 1, 2005
Anyone go from a 755 or 700p to a Touch?

I'm interested in overall if the Touch is as good. Also if anyone was using the Palm Desktop and went to Outlook.

In considering the Touch, I'm tring to figure out how difficult it would be to transfer contact & calendar info from Palm Desktop to Outlook.
I don't know how difficult it would be to transfer over your contact and files.But the Touch definitely is MUCH better than the 755p!IMO.At least in my experience.I had a 755p and switched to the Touch recently.And all I can say is Wow!It is so much better at doing everything!Of course I did download some 3rd party(Opera browser,Touchpal KB and Pocketcm Contacts)stuff to make it alittle better,at least for me.But out the box it amazing!The size,the power,and overall experience has been outstanding.It's hands down my favorite device to date.I was alittle hesitant to switch to a WM device(my last one was the Audiovox 6700).But I am so happy that that I just went ahead and did it.Because I would have not been a happy camper if I would have stayed with the Treo.But of course this is all just my opinion.You would have to experience it for yourself to fully understand how awesome the Touch really is.Hope this helps alittle.
The 700 what? Touch...all the way!

Anyone go from a 755 or 700p to a Touch?

I'm interested in overall if the Touch is as good. Also if anyone was using the Palm Desktop and went to Outlook.

In considering the Touch, I'm tring to figure out how difficult it would be to transfer contact & calendar info from Palm Desktop to Outlook.

Just re-install your Palm sync software and choose to sync with Outlook instead of Palm desktop. On the 1st sync have the device overwrite Outlook. That's what I did over the summer to put my contacts into my Treo 700wx from a Treo 650.

I just upgraded (way upgraded) to a Sprint Touch last week. It rocks. You won't be sorry.

The *only* thing I am disappointed in with the Touch is that it isn't as easy to type on the on-screen keyboard as I thought it would be (and I didn't think it would be all that easy to begin with). I have very large fingers so that could be the problem. But I do a LOT of typing...dozens of fairly long e-mails each day...and I can say that while I do miss my Treo's keyboard, I'm happily sacrificing that capability for all of the other major advantages of the Touch.

If you have specific questions or need some details feel free to PM me...I started using Palm with the original US Robotics Palm Pilot and only just gave up on Palm this past I know the concerns and feelings of conflict you've probably got about coming over to the dark side. But come to the dark side...we've got cookies.

I find the Touchpal keyboard a huge improvement over the stock keyboard. My thumbs are petty fat, but I am doing okay with it.
I find the Touchpal keyboard a huge improvement over the stock keyboard. My thumbs are petty fat, but I am doing okay with it.

Funny you should post that...I was just coming online to amend my original e-mail. I just installed it tonight and not only is it currently a free program, it is truly amazing. I type about 80-90 wpm on my desktop keyboard so it's quite frustrating to type on the "stock" touch keyboard. In about 30 minutes of playtime I was able to type faster on my Touch than I ever did on my Treo.

So now I can fully, whole-heartedly say GO FOR IT. The Touch is an awesome little piece of technology. The kind of technology that makes you want to give Steve Jobs a wedgie.
Anyone go from a 755 or 700p to a Touch?

I'm interested in overall if the Touch is as good. Also if anyone was using the Palm Desktop and went to Outlook.

In considering the Touch, I'm tring to figure out how difficult it would be to transfer contact & calendar info from Palm Desktop to Outlook.

The Touch does not have IR Beaming. You'll have to transfer contacts via bluetooth one by one. It doesn't take as long as you'd think. I have around 100 contacts and it took me about 25 minutes. I don't know about the calendar. Check out I found that site most helpful when it comes to the Touch.
I went from a 755p to a Touch... I ended up selling the 755p if that tells you anything :p I enjoy it much better, out the box. I haven't really installed anything as far as hacks are concerned... I'm very comfortable with the standard Touch keyboard. I'm lovin it!

I used wireless ActiveSync to put my contacts over. It gave some error and didn't sync about 10 of them, but I figured that out as I text'd & called them. Then I'd bluetooth them over from the 755p (which included the caller id pic... ActiveSync doesn't bring those over).

A couple lil niggles....

Palm OS allows more than one mobile number, whereas WM doesn't seem to. I've had to be a lil creative in finding the fields, but thankfully I don't have many of those cases.
to transfer contacts all you need ro do is use active sync. no need to transfer one at a time.
I'm interested to know if any of you that came from a palm were using chatter with imap 'push'. If so, how did you cope with the difference in email? I don't really have access to exchange server, otherwise I'd do that.
I just moved from a Centro to Touch and am still getting use to window too. I think 'push' will only be achieved via an exchange server. You can get a free personal exchange server and have your email forwarded. comes to mind. There may be others but I am not sure.

Personally I don't use 'push' but IMAP is a must.

Hope that helps.

Well I've had my Touch for a few days now, and I have to echo Haggar's comment - "700 what?" This is great. Lack of hard keyboard is taking some getting used to, but I'm actually finding I can use the graffitti pretty fast still (longtime palm user).

I had tried out the Mogul, and just couldnt stand the form factor or the actual phone quality, but loved the WM6, but the Touch seems to have everything in one package. I'm sure there will be things that pop up that I'll have issue with.
So far I am using everything stock out of the box, no 3rd party apps yet. But we'll see.
So now I can fully, whole-heartedly say GO FOR IT. The Touch is an awesome little piece of technology. The kind of technology that makes you want to give Steve Jobs a wedgie.

Where does the line form?:p

Seriously though, just sold the treo on fleabay this weekend. Ain't no goin back now! I am really enjoying this. I have SPB Full Screen keyboard already registered from way back when I had an Axim, so I've been using that.
Installed SPB Mobile Shell, I think I am going to register that.

Finally, WM in a platform I like!

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