PC doesn't see Nokia 1020 with usb cable?


New member
Aug 8, 2014
My windows 8 laptop does not see my Nokia 1020 phone using usb. It will charge but can't see files. I don't see a setting for usb connectivity function.
I've had this same problem, and have yet to find a sure solution. If you're trying to access the microSD card, just use the adapter reader that comes with every one. That's what I did. But if you have to access the phone itself...my suggestion is making sure you're using the cable that came with the phone(it sounds ridiculous but it's better to play it safe and use the product made for your device) and reset your phone. Is it not reading your phone at all or does it read it after a few seconds than cut out again?
Thanks for the reply. What adaptor? I don't see an adaptor. Yes, using the usb that came with it. No, not cutting out, connects and starts charging but no windows "bleep", and no new drive/drive shows up. This just seems incredible and impossible to me. All of my files are trapped in my phone, no way to get them out (uploading all my huge media files to the cloud and the retrieving them is not a solution).
How is one expected to retrieve files? There are support files which say just plug usb in, but it just doesn't work. Makes it useless for me basically. It can't be this hard.
Thanks, went there and went through all the steps. Nothing works. My conclusion now is that this usb cable is not original, it can't be.
Go to device manager on your pc after connecting your phone.
Note: Your phone should be unlocked when you connect it.
If you haven't already got the window showing your Phone and SD card.
In Devuce Manager, under portable devices, uninstall your phone device from there.
Now disconnect your phone and reconnect again with the phone unlocked.
Thanks, ok, did that. There is nothing under portable devices, only 6 items under Other Devices. When I uninstall them, they just reappear again when I reconnect the phone. I'm going out to buy a new data cable right now, and I'll report back on whether a new cable works.
Haha if you bought a microSD to expand your memory they should come with adapters, but maybe not. What are you trying to access? If nothing else works maybe you can access your stuff from OneDrive. And email the rest.
The micro sd card is not removable in this phone. There is nothing to do with an adaptor. Thanks, but onedrive and emailing 300mg video files is not the answer. Every phone I've ever had can be seen as a hard drive on a computer, and if this phone can't do that, it's pathetic. But this is documented to work, so I'm not wasting any more time...off to buy a new cable. If that doesn't work, then I'll be wondering what all the other Nokia 1020 phone users are doing, I'd really love to know.
I didn't say the SIM card I said the microSD. There's no way it's not removable. Unless the 1020 doesn't even have the upgradeable memory.
I think this is an uncommon issue. It's happened to me but you wouldn't have the only thread talking about it if it was a large problem.
My windows 8 laptop does not see my Nokia 1020 phone using usb. It will charge but can't see files. I don't see a setting for usb connectivity function.
Try uninstalling the firmware. Then afterword plug the phone back in and it should reload it. This should fix the issue. Oops, sorry just saw the thread above this covering it.
I own a 1020, and I unlock the phone and plug it into my Windows 8.1 PC. First, my phone beeps and then my PC beeps. Next, the phone is shown as a drive in 'This PC'. I simply drag and drop files from the phone. You have some weird issue...
If everything fails and your PC doesn't recognise your phone at all, try sharing files through Bluetooth between your phone and PC.
I didn't say the SIM card I said the microSD. There's no way it's not removable. Unless the 1020 doesn't even have the upgradeable memory.
I think this is an uncommon issue. It's happened to me but you wouldn't have the only thread talking about it if it was a large problem.

Mate, the 1020 doesn't have a microSD slot (unfortunately). OP, have you tried the phone with a different cable and computer?
I think this is an uncommon issue. It's happened to me but you wouldn't have the only thread talking about it if it was a large problem.

There is another thread reporting this isue with some people in it. I'm one of them. There is an issue with the lumia 1020. Wether it is a hardware problem, a software problem or just plain witchery, we don't know.
Ok, I hope everyone gets this. Here's the fix. A simple thing that is not mentioned anywhere. I went to buy a new "nokia" cable and the people at the store said they sell regular mini usb cables for nokia so that's all they had. I didn't buy one. They said it should work. So my next step was to contact Nokia/Microsoft tech support, and when filling out the contact form online, I presented the problem. It got "smart" and presented me with the process of connecting including deleting drivers if necessary...blabla. However, the important missing detail...the phone has to be TURNED OFF BEFORE connecting to the computer. Then plug the cable first into the phone then into the computer. The phone automatically turns itself on and connects to the computer. As soon as I did that, my problem was solved. The phone turned itself on, and now I can see my phone in windows explorer. Brilliant!!! I can't tell you how relieved I am. I hope this can help out those with the same problem.
My other phones don't need to be turned off before connecting, but this one does.
Check out my solution above. Turn your phone off first, connect, but don't turn it on again, it does that itself.
That's interesting that your phone doesn't require power down before connecting...odd. The microsoft support doc I cited below made a point of saying power down, which worked for me. I say "whatever works"...

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