People hub/contacts Question?


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Are all of your contacts stored in the people hub? So there is no seperate live tile that lists phone contacts?

My big worry is with all of my social networks, I dont want thousands of contacts in my phone. I barely talk to 3/4 of the people that are my facebook friend so why have them in my phone?

Should i just re make a new facebook?
You can filter your contacts buckeyeballer09 to show facebook contacts or not.

Go to your people hub / ... at the bottom / settings / filter my contact list.

You also have the option in there to only show posts from people visible in your contact list.

Would that help ?
nope don't have to do all of that. u can filter what contacts I want to be displayed in the people hub contacts list. goto settings pan to applications and select people, then hit filter my contact list and uncheck Facebook. also u can even set the people hub to only show updates from people in the contact list.
ahhh ok good goood... I do not have a wp7..debating on trophy vs new iphone .....this was just a concern of mine...would rather have a wp7 but idk if the trophy will do it for me...thanks though guys
ahhh ok good goood... I do not have a wp7..debating on trophy vs new iphone .....this was just a concern of mine...would rather have a wp7 but idk if the trophy will do it for me...thanks though guys
Glad to help buckeyeballer09. :)

Not that i'm biased or anything, but get a lovely new Windows Phone, you don't wan't that stale old rows and rows of icons look. That's so yesterday.

This is 2011, Spinning Live Tiles are in! LOL ;)
ahhh ok good goood... I do not have a wp7..debating on trophy vs new iphone .....this was just a concern of mine...would rather have a wp7 but idk if the trophy will do it for me...thanks though guys

I agree with theweebear iOS5 really isn't bringing much new features to the table than what can already be found in wp7 mango, iOS5 maybe only has a couple of things that mango does not but the feature set in mango FAR EXCEEDS that of iOS5
I think this is going to push WP7 over the top. I've had a several IP3s, and a iPhone 4. The WP7 fresh interface is what's the true winner. Sooner or later, people are going to get tired of the same interface.
Glad to help buckeyeballer09. :)

Not that i'm biased or anything, but get a lovely new Windows Phone, you don't wan't that stale old rows and rows of icons look. That's so yesterday.

This is 2011, Spinning Live Tiles are in! LOL ;)
I think this is going to push WP7 over the top. I've had a several IP3s, and a iPhone 4. The WP7 fresh interface is what's the true winner. Sooner or later, people are going to get tired of the same interface.

I thought u said the wp7 homescreen was just icons too. what made u change ur mind?
For the most part tiles are just icons, but the interface is more than just tiles. MS came up with overarching design principles for everything and made it super easy for devs to follow those principles. That's what's so great about the design. Well designed third party apps are pretty much indistinguishable from the built in apps.
nope don't have to do all of that. u can filter what contacts I want to be displayed in the people hub contacts list. goto settings pan to applications and select people, then hit filter my contact list and uncheck Facebook. also u can even set the people hub to only show updates from people in the contact list.

Okay I dont have in settings >applications>people filter my contacts list afacebook box to uncheck. Not that I want at this time to do facebook contacts (friends) at some point I might and if that were to occur how would I get facebook contacts onto by device?
Okay I dont have in settings >applications>people filter my contacts list afacebook box to uncheck. Not that I want at this time to do facebook contacts (friends) at some point I might and if that were to occur how would I get facebook contacts onto by device?

its probably not there because u haven't added Facebook as an account. do u have mango? I forgot how it was in NoDo.

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