Perplexed By Windows Central Windows 10 Poll Results


New member
Dec 29, 2011
I must admit as a long time Microsoft supporter I am thoroughly disappointed in Windows 10.
I own a Surface 3 and am currently going back to 8.1.
It has been buggy as hell and loss of features with:

1. Edge freeze ups.
2. Loss of icon detail and just having colored squares tonight...awesome!
3. Loss of stylus input to annotate a company slide deck today in PowerPoint that I had no issues with on 8.1
4. Mail program is a joke in design (cloud wallpaper (?) and switxching accounts archaic) and asking me to "fix" my account numerous times
5. Battery life gone to hell and battery time estimate all over the place
6. Tablet mode is a joke
7. Loss of Onedrive placeholders...really....on 64-128GB Surface products??? WTF?

I could go on.

So when I see the poll with overwhelming support I admit to being gob smacked.

Can someone give insight as to why?

I should have know that with numerous builds so close to the release date that it wasn't ready for prime time.
Some is acceptable but this is like a Beta.
Believe it or not, you're in the minority with the bugs. For the vast majority of people, Windows 10 has been working flawlessly.
It's been running the same for me since Build 10166. It's far from perfect but it's still better by leaps and bounds than Windows 8.1.
The only two things that I can agree upon is that OneDrive integration isn't as good, and Tablet Mode isn't as good.
Believe it or not, you're in the minority with the bugs. For the vast majority of people, Windows 10 has been working flawlessly.
It's been running the same for me since Build 10166. It's far from perfect but it's still better by leaps and bounds than Windows 8.1.
The only two things that I can agree upon is that OneDrive integration isn't as good, and Tablet Mode isn't as good.

I agree somewhat. The only issue I have is the battery life, or lack of it. OneDrive integration isn't an issue with me and I don't use tablet mode. But to say W10 is better by leaps and bounds over 8.1....
I've not had an issue with battery life. It's not really better but neither is it worse.
Navigation around Windows 8.1 is far better in my opinion, as is performance. Cortana is amazing, and so is the Task View. Yeah, applications like Groove and Photos don't give me nearly enough control to keep me satisfied and applications like Mail and Edge are still missing features but no one ever said Windows 10 is perfect.
Maybe the majority of users who voted have desktop PCs, so stylus, battery, tablet mode, and size of OneDrive without placeholders doesn't matter.
Just wait for Threshold 2 guys. It's coming this fall and it's going to bring lots of new features and improvements.

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